module Qa::Authorities module Local extend ActiveSupport::Autoload extend AuthorityWithSubAuthority autoload :FileBasedAuthority autoload :Registry autoload :TableBasedAuthority autoload :MysqlTableBasedAuthority class << self attr_reader :config def load_config(file) @config = YAML.load_file(file) end # Path to sub-authority files is either the full path to a directory or # the path to a directory relative to the Rails application def subauthorities_path if config[:local_path].starts_with?(File::Separator) config[:local_path] else Rails.root.join(config[:local_path]).to_s # TODO: Rails.root.join returns class Pathname, which may be ok. Added to_s because of failing regression test. end end # Local sub-authorities are any YAML files in the subauthorities_path def names raise Qa::ConfigDirectoryNotFound, "There's no directory at #{subauthorities_path}. You must create it in order to use local authorities" unless Dir.exist? subauthorities_path Dir.entries(subauthorities_path).map { |f| File.basename(f, ".yml") if f =~ /yml$/ }.compact end def subauthority_for(subauthority) validate_subauthority!(subauthority) registry.instance_for(subauthority) end def registry @registry ||= do |reg| register_defaults(reg) end end ## # Lookup and add the subauthority to the registry. This should only be used for sub-authorities, not stand-alone authorities such as Tgnlang, MESH, etc. # @param subauthority [String] a string representation of the subauthority (e.g. "language") # @param class_name [String] a string representation of an authority class (e.g. "Qa::Authorities::Local::MysqlTableBasedAuthority") def register_subauthority(subauthority, class_name) registry.add(subauthority, class_name) end def subauthorities registry.keys end private def register_defaults(reg) names.each do |name| reg.add(name, 'Qa::Authorities::Local::FileBasedAuthority') end end end end end