module WrapIt # # Describes elements that can contain other elements # # @author Alexey Ovchinnikov # # @todo single_child realization # @todo refactor code for more clearness class Container < Base switch :deffered_render do |_| # avoid changing deffered_render after any child added if @children.is_a?(Array) @children.empty? else true end end # list of children elements attr_reader :children # children can be extracted from normal template flow and rendered in # separate section. attr_writer :extract_children section :children def extract_children? @extract_children == true end before_initialize do @children = [] end # # Defines helper for child elements creation. # # @example simple usage # class Item < WrapIt::Base # include TextContainer # end # # class List < WrapIt::Container # default_tag 'ul' # child :item, tag: 'li' # end # # list = # list.item 'list item 1' # list.item 'list item 2' # list.render # => '' # # @example with option # class Button < WrapIt::Container # include TextContainer # html_class 'btn' # child :icon, tag: 'i', option: true # end # # btn =, 'Home', icon: { class: 'i-home' }) # btn.render # => '
' # # @overload child(name, class_name = nil, [args, ...], opts = {}, &block) # @param name [Symbol, String] helper method name # @param class_name [String, Base] class for child elements. If ommited # WrapIt::Base will be used # @param args [Object] any arguments that will be passed to child # element constructor # @param opts [Hash] options # @option opts [true, Symbol] :option if specified, child can be created # via option with same name (if :option is true) or with specified # name # @option opts [Symbol] :section section to that this children will be # rendered. By default children rendered to `children`. Refer to # {Sections} module for details. # # @return [String] def self.child(name, *args, option: nil, **opts, &block) name.is_a?(String) && name.to_sym name.is_a?(Symbol) || fail(ArgumentError, 'Wrong child name') child_class = if args.first.is_a?(String) || args.first.is_a?(Class) args.shift else 'WrapIt::Base' end child_class = if child_class.is_a?(Class) define_method name do |*hargs, extracted: false, **hopts, &hblock| hargs += args hopts.merge!(opts) hopts[:helper_name] = name child = prepare_child(child_class, block, *hargs, **hopts, &hblock) add_children(name, child, extracted: extracted) end add_child_option(name, option) end after_capture do if deffered_render? html = Hash[ { |c| [c.object_id, capture { c.render }] }] unless omit_content? || extract_children? safe = html_safe?(self[:content]) self[:content] = self[:content] .split(CONTENT_SPLIT_REGEXP) .reduce(empty_html) do |a, e| match = CONTENT_REPLACE_REGEXP.match(e) safe && e = html_safe(e) str = match.nil? ? e : html.delete(match[:obj_id].to_i(16)) a << (str || empty_html) end end # finally add all elements, not captured from markup html.each do |id, str| obj = ObjectSpace._id2ref(id) obj.nil? || self[obj.render_to] << str end end end private CONTENT_SPLIT_REGEXP = /()/ CONTENT_REPLACE_REGEXP = /\A\z/ def add_children(name, item, extracted: false) deffered_render? && @children << item return if extracted == true if !deffered_render? && (omit_content? || extract_children?) self[item.render_to] << capture { item.render } end if omit_content? || extract_children? empty_html else if deffered_render? html_safe("") else item.render end end end def prepare_child(helper_class, class_block, *args, section: nil, **opts, &helper_block) section ||= :children item = Object .const_get(helper_class) .new(@template, *args, **opts, &helper_block) item.instance_variable_set(:@render_to, section) item.instance_variable_set(:@parent, self) item.define_singleton_method(:render_to) { @render_to } item.define_singleton_method(:render_to=) do |value| self.class.sections.include?(value) && @render_to = value end item.define_singleton_method(:parent) { @parent } class_block.nil? || instance_exec(item, &class_block) item end def self.add_child_option(name, option) return if option.nil? option.is_a?(Array) || option = [option] option.each do |opt_name| opt_name = name if opt_name == true option(opt_name) do |_, args| self.deffered_render = true args.is_a?(Array) || args = [args] opts = args.extract_options! send(name, *args, extracted: true, **opts) end end end end end