# This file is generated from its .erb template. DO NOT EDIT. module Lignite # Number of output ports in the system OUTPUTS = 4 # Number of input ports in the system INPUTS = 4 # Number of buttons in the system BUTTONS = 6 # Number of LEDs in the system LEDS = 4 # LCD horizontal pixels LCD_WIDTH = 178 # LCD vertical pixels LCD_HEIGHT = 128 # Top line vertical pixels TOPLINE_HEIGHT = 10 # Store levels LCD_STORE_LEVELS = 3 DEFAULT_VOLUME = 100 DEFAULT_SLEEPMINUTES = 30 # Forground color FG_COLOR = 1 # Background color BG_COLOR = 0 # Number of bricks in the USB daisy chain (master + slaves) CHAIN_DEPT = 4 # Max path size excluding trailing forward slash including zero termination PATHSIZE = 84 # Max name size including zero termination (must be divideable by 4) NAMESIZE = 32 # Max extension size including dot and zero termination EXTSIZE = 5 # Max filename size including path, name, extension and termination (must be divideable by 4) FILENAMESIZE = 120 # Max WIFI MAC size including zero termination MACSIZE = 18 # Max WIFI IP size including zero termination IPSIZE = 16 # Max bluetooth address size including zero termination BTADRSIZE = 13 # Inclusive zero termination ERR_STRING_SIZE = 32 EVENT_NONE = 0 EVENT_BT_PIN = 1 EVENT_BT_REQ_CONF = 2 # Highest valid device type MAX_VALID_TYPE = 101 # Folder for non volatile user programs/data MEMORY_FOLDER = "/mnt/ramdisk".freeze # Folder for On Brick Programming programs PROGRAM_FOLDER = "../prjs/BrkProg_SAVE".freeze # Folder for On Brick Data log files DATALOG_FOLDER = "../prjs/BrkDL_SAVE".freeze # Folder for SD card mount SDCARD_FOLDER = "../prjs/SD_Card".freeze # Folder for USB stick mount USBSTICK_FOLDER = "../prjs/USB_Stick".freeze # Project folder PRJS_DIR = "../prjs".freeze # Apps folder APPS_DIR = "../apps".freeze # Tools folder TOOLS_DIR = "../tools".freeze # Temporary folder TMP_DIR = "../tmp".freeze # Folder for non volatile settings SETTINGS_DIR = "../sys/settings".freeze # Max directory items allocated including "." and ".." DIR_DEEPT = 127 # Last run filename LASTRUN_FILE_NAME = "lastrun".freeze # Calibration data filename CALDATA_FILE_NAME = "caldata".freeze # File used in "Sleep" app to save status SLEEP_FILE_NAME = "Sleep".freeze # File used in "Volume" app to save status VOLUME_FILE_NAME = "Volume".freeze # File used in "WiFi" app to save status WIFI_FILE_NAME = "WiFi".freeze # File used in "Bluetooth" app to save status BLUETOOTH_FILE_NAME = "Bluetooth".freeze # Robot Sound File EXT_SOUND = ".rsf".freeze # Robot Graphics File EXT_GRAPHICS = ".rgf".freeze # Robot Byte code File EXT_BYTECODE = ".rbf".freeze # Robot Text File EXT_TEXT = ".rtf".freeze # Robot Datalog File EXT_DATALOG = ".rdf".freeze # Robot Program File EXT_PROGRAM = ".rpf".freeze # Robot Configuration File EXT_CONFIG = ".rcf".freeze # Robot Archive File EXT_ARCHIVE = ".raf".freeze # Brick name maximal size (including zero termination) BRICKNAMESIZE = 120 # Bluetooth pass key size (including zero termination) BTPASSKEYSIZE = 7 # WiFi pass key size (including zero termination) WIFIPASSKEYSIZE = 33 # Character set allowed in brick name and raw filenames CHARSET_NAME = 1 # Character set allowed in file names CHARSET_FILENAME = 2 # Character set allowed in bluetooth pass key CHARSET_BTPASSKEY = 4 # Character set allowed in WiFi pass key CHARSET_WIFIPASSKEY = 8 # Character set allowed in WiFi ssid CHARSET_WIFISSID = 16 # DATA8 negative limit DATA8_MIN = -127 # DATA8 positive limit DATA8_MAX = 127 # DATA16 negative limit DATA16_MIN = -32767 # DATA16 positive limit DATA16_MAX = 32767 # DATA32 negative limit DATA32_MIN = -2147483647 # DATA32 positive limit DATA32_MAX = 2147483647 # DATAF negative limit DATAF_MIN = -2147483647 # DATAF positive limit DATAF_MAX = 2147483647 DATA8_NAN = 128 DATA16_NAN = 32768 DATA32_NAN = 2147483648 DATAF_NAN = 2143289344 PULSE_GUI_BACKGROUND = 1 PULSE_BROWSER = 2 PULSE_KEY = 4 POP3_ABS_X = 16 POP3_ABS_Y = 50 POP3_ABS_WARN_ICON_X = 64 POP3_ABS_WARN_ICON_X1 = 40 POP3_ABS_WARN_ICON_X2 = 72 POP3_ABS_WARN_ICON_X3 = 104 POP3_ABS_WARN_ICON_Y = 60 POP3_ABS_WARN_SPEC_ICON_X = 88 POP3_ABS_WARN_SPEC_ICON_Y = 60 POP3_ABS_WARN_TEXT_X = 80 POP3_ABS_WARN_TEXT_Y = 68 POP3_ABS_WARN_YES_X = 72 POP3_ABS_WARN_YES_Y = 90 POP3_ABS_WARN_LINE_X = 21 POP3_ABS_WARN_LINE_Y = 89 POP3_ABS_WARN_LINE_ENDX = 155 # . end