require "hydra" # will move to lib/hydra/workflow/submission_workflow in release 5.x module Hydra::SubmissionWorkflow # When in this module is incuded in a controller (e.g. responds to :before_filter) add the validate_worflow_step method to the before filter chain. def self.included(base) base.before_filter :validate_workflow_step if base.respond_to?(:before_filter) end # To be used in a before_filter. This will call a method with the #{af_model}_#{action_param}_validation. If that method returns false then we will redirect back. The controller method doing the validation should set an appropriate flash message. def validate_workflow_step unless model_config.nil? # we may want to use the workflow name instead of or in addition to the action in the validation naming convention. validation_method = "#{get_af_model_from_params}_#{params[:action]}_validation".to_sym if self.respond_to?(validation_method) and self.send(validation_method) === false redirect_to :back end end end # Returns the name field for the next step in the configuration for the current model given the current step. def next_step_in_workflow(current_step) unless model_config.nil? if current_step.blank? # The first edit step won't have a wf_step param so we will need to pass it off to the 2nd step. return next_step_in_workflow(first_step_in_workflow) else model_config.each_with_index do |step,i| return model_config[i+1][:name] if step[:name] == current_step.to_s and step != model_config.last end end end nil end # Convenience method to return the first step of a models workflow. def first_step_in_workflow model_config.first[:name] unless model_config.nil? end # Convenience method to return the last step of a models workflow. def last_step_in_workflow model_config.last[:name] unless model_config.nil? end def next_step(id) return_params = {:wf_step=>next_step_in_workflow(params[:wf_step])} if params[:new_asset] return_params[:new_asset] = true end if params[:wf_step] == last_step_in_workflow or params.has_key?(:finish) return_params[:viewing_context] = "browse" return_params[:action] = "show" return_params.delete(:wf_step) return catalog_path(id, return_params) end return edit_catalog_path(id,return_params) end # Convenience method to return the partial for any given step by name. def workflow_partial_for_step(step) find_workflow_step_by_name(step)[:edit_partial] end # Convenience method to return an entire workflow step by name. def find_workflow_step_by_name(name) model_config.find{|config| config[:name] == name.to_s} unless model_config.nil? end # Returns an array of display partials for steps previous to the given step. def previous_show_partials(current_step) previous_partials = [] # if there is no step then we are on the first step of the workflow and don't need to display anything. return previous_partials if current_step.blank? unless model_config.nil? model_config.each do |config| break if config[:name] == current_step.to_s previous_partials << config[:show_partial] end end previous_partials end # Returns an array of all edit partials for the current content type. def all_edit_partials edit_partials = [] unless model_config.nil? model_config.each do |config| edit_partials << config[:edit_partial] end end edit_partials end # Will return the entire workflow configuration for the current model. # We determing model first by seeing the @document object is a SolrDocument. If it is we will determing from the has_model_s field. # Otherwise we will attemtp to determine by the parameters (content_type directly passed or the id of an object). def model_config # If we can get it directly from solr get it there. if !@document.nil? and @document.is_a?(SolrDocument) _model = get_af_model_from_solr return workflow_config[_model] if !_model.nil? and workflow_config.has_key?(_model) # If we can get the model from the params get it there. elsif params.has_key?(:content_type) or params.has_key?(:id) _model = get_af_model_from_params return workflow_config[_model] if workflow_config.has_key?(_model) and !_model.nil? else return nil end nil end # Reutrns a symbolized model name determined by parameters. def get_af_model_from_params if params.has_key?(:content_type) return params[:content_type].pluralize.to_sym else begin af = ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance_from_solr(params[:id]) return "#{ActiveFedora::ContentModel.known_models_for( af ).first}".underscore.pluralize.to_sym rescue Exception => e #TODO this should be ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError nil end end end # Convenience method to return the model from the @document objects has_model_s field. def get_af_model_from_solr @document[:has_model_s].first.gsub("info:fedora/afmodel:","").underscore.pluralize.to_sym end # The configuration hash. This should probably live somewhere else and get read in so it can be properly configured at the application level. But for now it's here. def workflow_config Hydra.config[:submission_workflow] end end