module Grub class GemLine attr_accessor :name, :original_line, :location, :prev_line_comment, :spec, :options def initialize(name:, original_line: nil, location: nil, prev_line_comment: nil, options: {}) @name = name @original_line = original_line @location = location @prev_line_comment = prev_line_comment @options = options end def comment leading_spaces = original_line[0..leading_spaces_count - 1] if leading_spaces_count > 0 comment = "#{leading_spaces}# #{info}" end def info output = if options[:website_only] website elsif options[:description_only] description else description_and_website end output << "\n" end def should_insert? !info.empty? && !already_added_comment && !existing_comment_option end private def already_added_comment prev_line_comment && prev_line_comment.include?(comment) end # if there exists a prev_line_comment and the user has specified new_comments_only def existing_comment_option prev_line_comment && options[:new_comments_only] end def leading_spaces_count original_line.length - original_line.lstrip.length end def description "#{spec.summary}" if spec end def website "#{spec.homepage.to_s}" if spec end def description_and_website output = "#{description}" output << " (#{website})" unless website.nil? || website.empty? output end end end