require 'active_support/concern' module MixedGauge # @example # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # include MixedGauge::Model # use_cluster :user # def_distkey :email # replicates_with slave: :UserReadonly, backgroud: :UserBackground # end # # User.put!(email: '', name: 'alice') # # alice = User.get('') # alice.age = 1 #! # # User.all_shards.flat_map {|m| m.where(name: 'alice') }.compact module Model extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :cluster_routing, instance_writer: false class_attribute :shard_repository, instance_writer: false class_attribute :distkey, instance_writer: false class_attribute :replication_mapping, instance_writer: false end module ClassMethods # The cluster config must be defined before `use_cluster`. # @param [Symbol] name A cluster name which is set by MixedGauge.configure def use_cluster(name) config = MixedGauge.config.fetch_cluster_config(name) self.cluster_routing = self.shard_repository =, self) self.abstract_class = true end # Distkey is a column. mixed_gauge hashes that value and determine which # shard to store. # @param [Symbol] column def def_distkey(column) self.distkey = column.to_sym end # @param [Hash{Symbol => Symbol}] mapping A pairs of role name and # AR model class name. def replicates_with(mapping) self.replication_mapping = end # Create new record with given attributes in proper shard for given key. # When distkey value is empty, raises MixedGauge::MissingDistkeyAttribute # error. # @param [Hash] attributes # @return [ActiveRecord::Base] A shard model instance # @raise [MixedGauge::MissingDistkeyAttribute] def put!(attributes) raise '`distkey` is not defined. Use `def_distkey`.' unless distkey if @before_put_callback if key = attributes[distkey] || attributes[distkey.to_s] shard_for(key).create!(attributes) else raise MixedGauge::MissingDistkeyAttribute end end # Returns nil when not found. Except that, is same as `.get!`. # @param [String] key # @return [ActiveRecord::Base, nil] A shard model instance def get(key) raise 'key must be a String' unless key.is_a?(String) shard_for(key.to_s).find_by(distkey => key) end # `.get!` raises MixedGauge::RecordNotFound which is child class of # `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound` so you can rescue that exception as same # as AR's RecordNotFound. # @param [String] key # @return [ActiveRecord::Base] A shard model instance # @raise [MixedGauge::RecordNotFound] def get!(key) get(key) or raise MixedGauge::RecordNotFound end # Register hook to assign auto-generated distkey or something. # Sometimes you want to generates distkey value before validation. Since # mixed_gauge generates sub class of your models, AR's callback is not # usesless for this usecase, so mixed_gauge offers its own callback method. # @example # class User # include MixedGauge::Model # use_cluster :user # def_distkey :name # before_put do |attributes| # attributes[:name] = generate_name unless attributes[:name] # end # end def before_put(&block) @before_put_callback = block end # Returns a generated model class of included model class which has proper # connection config for the shard for given key. # @param [String] key A value of distkey # @return [Class] A generated model class for given distkey value def shard_for(key) connection_name = cluster_routing.route(key.to_s) shard_repository.fetch(connection_name) end # Returns all generated shard model class. Useful to query to all shards. # @return [Array] An array of shard models # @example # User.all_shards.flat_map {|m| m.find_by(name: 'alice') }.compact def all_shards shard_repository.all end # @return [Mixedgauge::AllShardsInParallel] # @example # {|m| m.where.find_by(name: 'Alice') }.compact def all_shards_in_parallel end alias_method :parallel, :all_shards_in_parallel # See example definitions in `spec/models.rb`. # @param [Symbol] A role name of target cluster. # @return [Class, Object] if block given then yielded result else # target shard model. # @example # UserReadonly.all_shards.each do |m| # target_ids = m.where(age: 1).pluck(:id) # m.switch(:master) do |master| # master.where(id: target_ids).delete_all # end # end def switch(role_name, &block) replication_mapping.switch(self, role_name, &block) end # Define utility methods which uses all shards or specific shard. # These methods can be called from included model class. # @example # class User # include MixedGauge::Model # use_cluster :user # def_distkey :name # parent_methods do # def all_count # {|m| m.count }.reduce(&:+) # end # # def find_from_all_by(condition) # parallel.flat_map {|m m.find_by(condition) }.compact.first # end # end # end # # User.put!(email: '', name: 'a') # User.put!(email: '', name: 'b') # User.all_count #=> 2 # User.find_from_all_by(name: 'b') #=> User b def parent_methods(&block) instance_eval(&block) end end end end