function isContext(potential) { 'use strict'; switch (true) { case typeof potential === 'string': case Array.isArray(potential): case Node && potential instanceof Node: case NodeList && potential instanceof NodeList: return true; case typeof potential !== 'object': return false; case potential.include !== undefined: case potential.exclude !== undefined: case typeof potential.length === 'number': return true; default: return false; } } var noop = function() {}; /** * Normalize the optional params of * @param {object} context * @param {object} options * @param {Function} callback * @return {object} With 3 keys: context, options, callback */ function normalizeRunParams(context, options, callback) { 'use strict'; let typeErr = new TypeError(' arguments are invalid'); // Determine the context if (!isContext(context)) { if (callback !== undefined) { // Either context is invalid or there are too many params throw typeErr; } // Set default and shift one over callback = options; options = context; context = document; } // Determine the options if (typeof options !== 'object') { if (callback !== undefined) { // Either options is invalid or there are too many params throw typeErr; } // Set default and shift one over callback = options; options = {}; } // Set the callback or noop; if (typeof callback !== 'function' && callback !== undefined) { throw typeErr; } return { context: context, options: options, callback: callback || noop }; } /** * Runs a number of rules against the provided HTML page and returns the * resulting issue list * * @param {Object} context (optional) Defines the scope of the analysis * @param {Object} options (optional) Set of options passed into rules or checks * @param {Function} callback (optional) The callback when axe is done, given 2 params: * - Error If any errors occured, otherwise null * - Results The results object / array, or undefined on error * @return {Promise} Resolves with the axe results. Only available when natively supported */ = function(context, options, callback) { 'use strict'; if (!axe._audit) { throw new Error('No audit configured'); } let args = normalizeRunParams(context, options, callback); context = args.context; options = args.options; callback = args.callback; // set defaults: options.reporter = options.reporter || axe._audit.reporter || 'v1'; if (options.performanceTimer) { axe.utils.performanceTimer.start(); } let p; let reject = noop; let resolve = noop; if (typeof Promise === 'function' && callback === noop) { p = new Promise(function(_resolve, _reject) { reject = _reject; resolve = _resolve; }); } if (axe._running) { const err = 'Axe is already running. Use `await` to wait ' + 'for the previous run to finish before starting a new run.'; callback(err); reject(err); return p; } axe._running = true; axe._runRules( context, options, function(rawResults, cleanup) { let respond = function(results) { axe._running = false; cleanup(); try { callback(null, results); } catch (e) { axe.log(e); } resolve(results); }; if (options.performanceTimer) { axe.utils.performanceTimer.end(); } try { let reporter = axe.getReporter(options.reporter); let results = reporter(rawResults, options, respond); if (results !== undefined) { respond(results); } } catch (err) { axe._running = false; cleanup(); callback(err); reject(err); } }, function(err) { axe._running = false; callback(err); reject(err); } ); return p; };