require_relative "../test_helper" class WorkflowActorTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase context "creating a new version of an edition" do setup do @user = @user.stubs(:record_action) @edition = stub("AnswerEdition", :published? => true, :build_clone => :new_version) end should "return false if the edition is not published" do @edition.stubs(:published?).returns(false) @edition.expects(:build_clone).never @user.expects(:record_action).never assert_equal false, @user.new_version(@edition) end should "build a clone" do @edition.expects(:build_clone).with(nil).returns(:new_verison) @user.new_version(@edition) end should "record the action" do @user.expects(:record_action).with(:new_version, Action::NEW_VERSION) @user.new_version(@edition) end should "return the new edition" do assert_equal :new_version, @user.new_version(@edition) end context "creating an edition of a different type" do should "build a clone of a new type" do @edition.expects(:build_clone).with(GuideEdition).returns(:new_verison) @user.new_version(@edition, "GuideEdition") end should "record the action" do @user.expects(:record_action).with(:new_version, Action::NEW_VERSION) @user.new_version(@edition) end end context "when building the edition fails" do setup do @edition.stubs(:build_clone).returns(nil) end should "not record the action" do @user.expects(:record_action).never @user.new_version(@edition) end should "return false" do assert_equal false, @user.new_version(@edition) end end end end