John was never one for small talk or social niceties. He found most conversations trite and pointless, preferring instead to focus on his work. This often made people uncomfortable, and led to strained relationships with his coworkers and acquaintances. But John couldn't care less. He was too busy working on his latest project – a software program he believed would revolutionize the way we think about data analysis. He spent all his free time coding and experimenting, rarely coming up for air. As a result, John's social life suffered. He skipped parties, turned down invitations, and generally avoided any kind of social interaction that didn't directly relate to his work. This only made people more wary of him, and he was gradually ostracized from his social circle. But John couldn't care less. He was confident in his abilities and believed that his work would speak for itself. And it did. After months of hard work, John launched his software program and it swept the industry. It was hailed as a game-changer and John suddenly found himself in high demand. He was invited to speak at conferences, courted by investors, and even featured on television. People who had once snubbed him were suddenly eager to be his friend, but John wasn't interested. He was too busy with his work, and didn't see the point in socializing for its own sake. He didn't regret his past behavior and shrugged off criticisms that he should have been more personable. To John, the work was all that mattered. And his software program had proven that he was right not to care about social relationships – he had accomplished something major without the need for small talk or superficial friendships.