# Nestive, A Nested Inheritable Layouts Plugin for Rails **Note: This is ridiculously alpha proof-of-concept seeking feedback. Things will change.** Nestive adds powerful layout and view helpers to your Rails app. It's similar to the nested layout technique [already documented in the Rails guides](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html#using-nested-layouts) and found in many other nested layout plugins (a technique using `content_for` and rendering the parent layout at the end of the child layout). There's a bunch of problems with this technique, including: * you can only *append* content to the content buffer with `content_for` (you can't prepend to content, you can't replace it) * when combined with this nested layout technique, `content_for` actually *prepends* new content to the buffer, because each parent layout is rendered *after* it's child Nestive is *better* because it addresses these problems. ## Just five methods (so far) – `area`, `extend`, `append`, `prepend`, `replace`. ### Declaring an area of content in your parent layout with `area`: The `area` helper is a lot like Rails' own `<%= yield :foo %>`, and is used in layouts to define and render a chunk of content in your layout: <%= area :sidebar %> Unlike `yield`, `area` will allow your parent layouts to add content to the area at the same time using either a String or a block: <%= area :sidebar, "Some Content Here" %> <%= area :sidebar do %> Some Content Here <% end %> It's important to note that this isn't *default* content, it *is* the content (unless a child changes it). ### Extending a layout in a child layout (or view): Any layout (or view) can declare that it wants to inherit from and extend a parent layout, in this case we're extending `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb`: <%= extends :application do %> ... <% end %> You can nest many levels deep: # app/views/posts/index.html.erb <%= extends :blog do %> ... <% end %> # app/views/layouts/blog.html.erb <%= extends :public do %> ... <% end %> # app/views/layouts/public.html.erb <%= extends :application do %> ... <% end %> ### Appending content to an area: The implementation details are quite different, but the `append` helper works much like Rails' built-in `content_for`. It will work with either a String or block, adding the new content onto the end of any content previously provided by parent layouts: <%= extends :application do %> <%= append :sidebar, "More content." %> <%= append :sidebar do %> More content. <% end %> <% end %> ### Prepending content to an area: Exactly what you think it is. The reverse of `append` (duh), adding the new content at the start of any content previously provided by parent layouts: <%= extends :application do %> <%= prepend :sidebar, "Content." %> <%= prepend :sidebar do %> Content. <% end %> <% end %> ### Replacing content You can also replace any content provided by parent layouts: <%= extends :application do %> <%= replace :sidebar, "New content." %> <%= replace :sidebar do %> New content. <% end %> <% end %> ## The token blog example Set-up a global layout defining some content areas. Note that there is no `<% yield %>` here. # app/views/layouts/application.html.erb <%= area :title %> JustinFrench.com "> ">
<%= area :content do %>

Default content goes here.

<% end %>
Next, we set-up a `blog` layout that extends `application`, replacing, appending & prepending content to the areas we defined earlier. # app/views/layouts/blog.html.erb <%= extends :application do %> <% replace :title, "My Blog – " %> <% replace :description, "Justin French blogs here on Ruby, Rails, Design, Formtastic, etc" %> <% prepend :keywords, "blog, weblog, design links, ruby links, formtastic release notes, " %> <% end %> Now our blog index view can extend `blog` and fill in the areas with content specific to the index action. # app/views/posts/index.html.erb <%= extends :blog do %> <% replace :content do %>

My Blog

<% render @articles %> <% end %> <% append :content do %>

Blog Roll

<% render @links %> <% end %> <% end %> We also need to instruct the `PostsController` not to wrap the view in a layout of it's own (default Rails behavior), which can be done on an individual action: # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb class PostsController < ApplicationController def index render :layout => nil end end Or for an entire controller: # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb class PostsController < ApplicationController layout nil end Or for every controller: # app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base layout nil end We'll find a way to make this easier or a bit more obvious in a future version. ## Installation * add `gem 'nestive', '~> 0.1'` to your gemfile * run `bundle` * add `layout nil` to ApplicationController or the specific controllers you want to use Nestive on (see above) ## TODO * Figure out how to test it * Actually use it in an app * You know, everything! ## Compatibility Only testing it with Rails 3.1 RCs right now, but it should work with Rails 2 & 3. The dependency is set to ~> 3.0 right now, will change to 2.x when someone can test it works. *Nestive doesn't monkey patch or fiddle with any default behaviors in Rails.* Use it when you want to, don't when you don't. ## You can help with... * feedback * reporting issues * fixing issues with pull requests * performance testing ## Twitter * [@nestivegem](http://twitter.com/nestivegem) * [@justinfrench](http://twitter.com/justinfrench)