{ "profitbricks_datacenter": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "[string] Description for the Virtual Data Center.", "required": false }, "location": { "description": "[string] The regional location where the Virtual Data Center will be created.", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the Virtual Data Center.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_datacenter.html", "properties": [ "name", "location", "description" ] }, "profitbricks_firewall": { "full_properties": { "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The Virtual Data Center ID.", "required": true }, "icmp_code": { "description": "[string] Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen.", "required": false }, "icmp_type": { "description": "[string] Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the firewall rule.", "required": false }, "nic_id": { "description": "[string] The NIC ID.", "required": true }, "port_range_end": { "description": "[string] Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if the protocol TCP or UDP is chosen.", "required": false }, "port_range_start": { "description": "[string] Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen.", "required": false }, "protocol": { "description": "[string] The protocol for the rule: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ANY.", "required": true }, "server_id": { "description": "[string] The Server ID.", "required": true }, "source_ip": { "description": "[string] Only traffic originating from the respective IPv4 address is allowed.", "required": false }, "source_mac": { "description": "[string] Only traffic originating from the respective MAC address is allowed. Valid format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.", "required": false }, "target_ip": { "description": "[string] Only traffic directed to the respective IP address of the NIC is allowed.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_firewall.html", "properties": [ "datacenter_id", "server_id", "nic_id", "protocol", "name", "source_mac", "source_ip", "target_ip", "port_range_start", "port_range_end", "icmp_type", "icmp_code" ] }, "profitbricks_group": { "full_properties": { "access_activity_log": { "description": "[Boolean] The group will be allowed to access the activity log.", "required": true }, "create_datacenter": { "description": "[Boolean] The group will be allowed to create virtual data centers.", "required": false }, "create_snapshot": { "description": "[Boolean] The group will be allowed to create snapshots.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "[string] A name for the group.", "required": false }, "reserve_ip": { "description": "[Boolean] The group will be allowed to reserve IP addresses.", "required": false }, "user_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of the specific user to add to the group.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_group.html", "properties": [ "access_activity_log", "create_datacenter", "create_snapshot", "name", "reserve_ip", "user_id" ] }, "profitbricks_ipblock": { "full_properties": { "ips": { "description": "[integer] The list of IP addresses associated with this block.", "required": false }, "location": { "description": "[string] The regional location for this IP Block: us/las, us/ewr, de/fra, de/fkb.", "required": true }, "size": { "description": "[integer] The number of IP addresses to reserve for this block.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_ipblock.html", "properties": [ "location", "size", "ips" ] }, "profitbricks_ipfailover": { "full_properties": { "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "ip": { "description": "[string] The reserved IP address to be used in the IP failover group.", "required": true }, "lan_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a LAN.", "required": true }, "nicuuid": { "description": "[string] The ID of a NIC.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_ipfailover.html", "properties": [ "datacenter_id", "ip", "lan_id", "nicuuid" ] }, "profitbricks_lan": { "full_properties": { "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the LAN.", "required": false }, "public": { "description": "[Boolean] Indicates if the LAN faces the public Internet (true) or not (false).", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_lan.html", "properties": [ "datacenter_id", "name", "public" ] }, "profitbricks_loadbalancer": { "full_properties": { "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "dhcp": { "description": "[Boolean] Indicates if the load balancer will reserve an IP using DHCP.", "required": false }, "ip": { "description": "[string] IPv4 address of the load balancer.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the load balancer.", "required": true }, "nic_ids": { "description": "[list] A list of NIC IDs that are part of the load balancer.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_loadbalancer.html", "properties": [ "name", "datacenter_id", "nic_ids", "dhcp", "ip" ] }, "profitbricks_nic": { "full_properties": { "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "dhcp": { "description": "[Boolean] Indicates if the NIC should get an IP address using DHCP (true) or not (false).", "required": false }, "firewall_active": { "description": "[Boolean] If this resource is set to true and is nested under a server resource firewall, with open SSH port, resource must be nested under the NIC.", "required": false }, "ip": { "description": "[string] IP assigned to the NIC.", "required": false }, "ips": { "description": "The IP address or addresses assigned to the NIC.", "required": false }, "lan": { "description": "[integer] The LAN ID the NIC will sit on.", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the LAN.", "required": false }, "nat": { "description": "[Boolean] Boolean value indicating if the private IP address has outbound access to the public internet.", "required": false }, "server_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a server.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_nic.html", "properties": [ "datacenter_id", "server_id", "lan", "name", "dhcp", "ip", "firewall_active", "nat", "ips" ] }, "profitbricks_server": { "full_properties": { "availability_zone": { "description": "[string] The availability zone in which the server should exist.", "required": false }, "boot_cdrom": { "description": "The associated boot drive, if any.", "required": false }, "boot_image": { "description": "[string] The image or snapshot UUID. May also be an image alias. It is required if licence_type is not provided.", "required": false }, "boot_volume": { "description": "The associated boot volume.", "required": false }, "cores": { "description": "[integer] Number of server CPU cores.", "required": true }, "cpu_family": { "description": "[string] Sets the CPU type. \"AMD_OPTERON\" or \"INTEL_XEON\". Defaults to \"AMD_OPTERON\".", "required": false }, "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "image_password": { "description": "[string] Required if sshkey_path is not provided.", "required": false }, "licence_type": { "description": "[string] Sets the OS type of the server.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the server.", "required": true }, "nic": { "description": "See the NIC section.", "required": true }, "primary_ip": { "description": "The associated IP address.", "required": false }, "primary_nic": { "description": "The associated NIC.", "required": false }, "ram": { "description": "[integer] The amount of memory for the server in MB.", "required": true }, "ssh_key_path": { "description": "[list] List of paths to files containing a public SSH key that will be injected into ProfitBricks provided Linux images. Required for ProfitBricks Linux images. Required if image_password is not provided.", "required": true }, "volume": { "description": "See the Volume section.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_server.html", "properties": [ "name", "datacenter_id", "cores", "ram", "availability_zone", "licence_type", "cpu_family", "volume", "nic", "boot_volume", "boot_cdrom", "boot_image", "primary_nic", "primary_ip", "image_password", "ssh_key_path" ] }, "profitbricks_share": { "full_properties": { "edit_privilege": { "description": "[Boolean] The group has permission to edit privileges on this resource.", "required": true }, "group_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of the specific group containing the resource to update.", "required": true }, "resource_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of the specific resource to update.", "required": true }, "share_privilege": { "description": "[Boolean] The group has permission to share this resource.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_share.html", "properties": [ "edit_privilege", "group_id", "resource_id", "share_privilege" ] }, "profitbricks_snapshot": { "full_properties": { "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of the Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the snapshot.", "required": true }, "volume_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of the specific volume to take the snapshot from.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_snapshot.html", "properties": [ "datacenter_id", "name", "volume_id" ] }, "profitbricks_user": { "full_properties": { "administrator": { "description": "[Boolean] The group has permission to edit privileges on this resource.", "required": true }, "email": { "description": "[string] An e-mail address for the user.", "required": true }, "first_name": { "description": "[string] A first name for the user.", "required": true }, "force_sec_auth": { "description": "[Boolean] Indicates if secure (two-factor) authentication should be enabled for the user (true) or not (false).", "required": true }, "last_name": { "description": "[string] A last name for the user.", "required": true }, "password": { "description": "[string] A password for the user.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_user.html", "properties": [ "administrator", "email", "first_name", "force_sec_auth", "last_name", "password" ] }, "profitbricks_volume": { "full_properties": { "availability_zone": { "description": "[string] The storage availability zone assigned to the volume: AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2, or ZONE_3.", "required": false }, "bus": { "description": "[Boolean] The bus type of the volume: VIRTIO or IDE.", "required": true }, "datacenter_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.", "required": true }, "disk_type": { "description": "[string] The volume type: HDD or SSD.", "required": true }, "image_name": { "description": "[string] The image or snapshot UUID. May also be an image alias. It is required if licence_type is not provided.", "required": false }, "image_password": { "description": "[string] Required if sshkey_path is not provided.", "required": false }, "licence_type": { "description": "[string] Required if image_name is not provided.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "[string] The name of the volume.", "required": false }, "server_id": { "description": "[string] The ID of a server.", "required": true }, "size": { "description": "[integer] The size of the volume in GB.", "required": true }, "ssh_key_path": { "description": "[list] List of paths to files containing a public SSH key that will be injected into ProfitBricks provided Linux images. Required for ProfitBricks Linux images. Required if image_password is not provided.", "required": true }, "sshkey": { "description": "The associated public SSH key.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/profitbricks/r/profitbricks_volume.html", "properties": [ "datacenter_id", "server_id", "disk_type", "bus", "size", "ssh_key_path", "sshkey", "image_password", "image_name", "licence_type", "name", "availability_zone" ] } }