require 'optparse' require 'yaml' module Thin # CLI runner. # Parse options and send command to the correct Controller. class Runner COMMANDS = %w(start stop restart config) LINUX_ONLY_COMMANDS = %w(install) # Commands that wont load options from the config file CONFIGLESS_COMMANDS = %w(config install) # Parsed options attr_accessor :options # Name of the command to be runned. attr_accessor :command # Arguments to be passed to the command. attr_accessor :arguments # Return all available commands def self.commands commands = COMMANDS commands += LINUX_ONLY_COMMANDS if Thin.linux? commands end def initialize(argv) @argv = argv # Default options values @options = { :chdir => Dir.pwd, :environment => ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development', :address => '', :port => Server::DEFAULT_PORT, :timeout => Server::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, :log => 'log/thin.log', :pid => 'tmp/pids/', :max_conns => Server::DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS, :max_persistent_conns => Server::DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS, :require => [], :wait => Controllers::Cluster::DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME } parse! end def parser # NOTE: If you add an option here make sure the key in the +options+ hash is the # same as the name of the command line option. # +option+ keys are used to build the command line to launch other processes, # see lib/thin/command.rb. @parser ||= do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: thin [options] #{self.class.commands.join('|')}" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Server options:" opts.on("-a", "--address HOST", "bind to HOST address " + "(default: #{@options[:address]})") { |host| @options[:address] = host } opts.on("-p", "--port PORT", "use PORT (default: #{@options[:port]})") { |port| @options[:port] = port.to_i } opts.on("-S", "--socket FILE", "bind to unix domain socket") { |file| @options[:socket] = file } opts.on("-y", "--swiftiply [KEY]", "Run using swiftiply") { |key| @options[:swiftiply] = key } opts.on("-A", "--adapter NAME", "Rack adapter to use (default: autodetect)", "(#{{|(a,b)|a}.join(', ')})") { |name| @options[:adapter] = name } opts.on("-R", "--rackup FILE", "Load a Rack config file instead of " + "Rack adapter") { |file| @options[:rackup] = file } opts.on("-c", "--chdir DIR", "Change to dir before starting") { |dir| @options[:chdir] = File.expand_path(dir) } opts.on( "--stats PATH", "Mount the Stats adapter under PATH") { |path| @options[:stats] = path } opts.separator "" opts.separator "SSL options:" opts.on( "--ssl", "Enables SSL") { @options[:ssl] = true } opts.on( "--ssl-key-file PATH", "Path to private key") { |path| @options[:ssl_key_file] = path } opts.on( "--ssl-cert-file PATH", "Path to certificate") { |path| @options[:ssl_cert_file] = path } opts.on( "--ssl-verify", "Enables SSL certificate verification") { @options[:ssl_verify] = true } opts.separator "" opts.separator "Adapter options:" opts.on("-e", "--environment ENV", "Framework environment " + "(default: #{@options[:environment]})") { |env| @options[:environment] = env } opts.on( "--prefix PATH", "Mount the app under PATH (start with /)") { |path| @options[:prefix] = path } unless # Daemonizing not supported on Windows opts.separator "" opts.separator "Daemon options:" opts.on("-d", "--daemonize", "Run daemonized in the background") { @options[:daemonize] = true } opts.on("-l", "--log FILE", "File to redirect output " + "(default: #{@options[:log]})") { |file| @options[:log] = file } opts.on("-P", "--pid FILE", "File to store PID " + "(default: #{@options[:pid]})") { |file| @options[:pid] = file } opts.on("-u", "--user NAME", "User to run daemon as (use with -g)") { |user| @options[:user] = user } opts.on("-g", "--group NAME", "Group to run daemon as (use with -u)") { |group| @options[:group] = group } opts.on( "--tag NAME", "Additional text to display in process listing") { |tag| @options[:tag] = tag } opts.separator "" opts.separator "Cluster options:" opts.on("-s", "--servers NUM", "Number of servers to start") { |num| @options[:servers] = num.to_i } opts.on("-o", "--only NUM", "Send command to only one server of the cluster") { |only| @options[:only] = only.to_i } opts.on("-C", "--config FILE", "Load options from config file") { |file| @options[:config] = file } opts.on( "--all [DIR]", "Send command to each config files in DIR") { |dir| @options[:all] = dir } if Thin.linux? opts.on("-O", "--onebyone", "Restart the cluster one by one (only works with restart command)") { @options[:onebyone] = true } opts.on("-w", "--wait NUM", "Maximum wait time for server to be started in seconds (use with -O)") { |time| @options[:wait] = time.to_i } end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Tuning options:" opts.on("-b", "--backend CLASS", "Backend to use, full classname") { |name| @options[:backend] = name } opts.on("-t", "--timeout SEC", "Request or command timeout in sec " + "(default: #{@options[:timeout]})") { |sec| @options[:timeout] = sec.to_i } opts.on("-f", "--force", "Force the execution of the command") { @options[:force] = true } opts.on( "--max-conns NUM", "Maximum number of open file descriptors " + "(default: #{@options[:max_conns]})", "Might require sudo to set higher than 1024") { |num| @options[:max_conns] = num.to_i } unless opts.on( "--max-persistent-conns NUM", "Maximum number of persistent connections", "(default: #{@options[:max_persistent_conns]})") { |num| @options[:max_persistent_conns] = num.to_i } opts.on( "--threaded", "Call the Rack application in threads " + "[experimental]") { @options[:threaded] = true } opts.on( "--no-epoll", "Disable the use of epoll") { @options[:no_epoll] = true } if Thin.linux? opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" opts.on_tail("-r", "--require FILE", "require the library") { |file| @options[:require] << file } opts.on_tail("-q", "--quiet", "Silence all logging") { @options[:quiet] = true } opts.on_tail("-D", "--debug", "Set debugging on") { @options[:debug] = true } opts.on_tail("-V", "--trace", "Set tracing on (log raw request/response)") { @options[:trace] = true } opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") { puts opts; exit } opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', "Show version") { puts Thin::SERVER; exit } end end # Parse the options. def parse! parser.parse! @argv @command = @argv.shift @arguments = @argv end # Parse the current shell arguments and run the command. # Exits on error. def run! if self.class.commands.include?(@command) run_command elsif @command.nil? puts "Command required" puts @parser exit 1 else abort "Unknown command: #{@command}. Use one of #{self.class.commands.join(', ')}" end end # Send the command to the controller: single instance or cluster. def run_command load_options_from_config_file! unless CONFIGLESS_COMMANDS.include?(@command) # PROGRAM_NAME is relative to the current directory, so make sure # we store and expand it before changing directory. Command.script = File.expand_path($PROGRAM_NAME) # Change the current directory ASAP so that all relative paths are # relative to this one. Dir.chdir(@options[:chdir]) unless CONFIGLESS_COMMANDS.include?(@command) @options[:require].each { |r| ruby_require r } Logging.debug = @options[:debug] Logging.trace = @options[:trace] Logging.silent = @options[:quiet] controller = case when cluster? then when service? then else end if controller.respond_to?(@command) begin controller.send(@command, *@arguments) rescue RunnerError => e abort e.message end else abort "Invalid options for command: #{@command}" end end # +true+ if we're controlling a cluster. def cluster? @options[:only] || @options[:servers] || @options[:config] end # +true+ if we're acting a as system service. def service? @options.has_key?(:all) || @command == 'install' end private def load_options_from_config_file! if file = @options.delete(:config) YAML.load_file(file).each { |key, value| @options[key.to_sym] = value } end end def ruby_require(file) if File.extname(file) == '.ru' warn 'WARNING: Use the -R option to load a Rack config file' @options[:rackup] = file else require file end end end end