# # ActiveFacts GraphViz generator # # Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/metamodel' require 'activefacts/registry' require 'activefacts/compositions' require 'activefacts/generator' module ActiveFacts module Generators # Options are comma or space separated: # * delay_fks Leave all foreign keys until the end, not just those that contain forward-references # * underscore module Doc class Graphviz def self.options { } end def initialize composition, options = {} @composition = composition @options = options end def generate composites = @composition.all_composite.sort_by{|c| c.mapping.name } header + tables(composites) + "\n" + # All-equal ranks causes graphviz to shit itself # ranks(composites) + fks(composites) + footer end def header <<-END digraph G { fontname = Helvetica; outputmode = "nodesfirst"; XXratio = 1.4; // pad when done to this aspect ratio (portrait) rankdir = LR; // Requires extra { } in record labels // You might like neato's layout better than fdp's: // layout = neato; // neato, dot, sfdp, circo // mode = KK; graph[ layout = fdp; // neato, dot, sfdp, circo overlap = false; // scalexy, compress splines = ortho; // ortho, compound, curved packmode = "graph"; // node, clust, graph, array_c4. Turns on pack=true mclimit = 3.0; sep = 0.2; // Treat nodes as though they were 1.2 times what they actually are // nodesep = 0.6; // in dot, it's inches. others, who knows? ]; node[ shape=record, width=.1, height=.1 ]; END end def footer "}\n" end def tables composites composites.map.with_index(1) do |composite, i| "t#{i}[shape=record, label=\"{#{ named_stack( text(composite.mapping.name), [columns( stack(composite.mapping.all_leaf.map{''}), stack(composite.mapping.all_leaf.map.with_index(1){|l, i| tagged_text("c#{i}:e", l.column_name.capcase)}) )] ) }}\", style=rounded]" end.map{|t| " #{t};\n"}*'' end def ranks composites " { rank = same; #{(1..composites.size).map{|i| "t#{i}".inspect+'; '}*'' }}\n" end def fks composites composites.flat_map.with_index(1) do |composite, cnum| composite.all_foreign_key_as_source_composite.map do |fk| target = fk.composite target_num = composites.index(target)+1 fkc = fk.all_foreign_key_field[0].component mandatory = fkc.path_mandatory source_col_num = composite.mapping.all_leaf.index(fkc)+1 "t#{target_num}:name:e -> t#{cnum}:c#{source_col_num}:w[arrowhead=invempty#{mandatory ? 'tee' : ''}; arrowsize=2;]" # Also, arrowtail. small circle is # splineType=... end end. map{|f| f && " #{f};\n"}. compact*'' end def stack items "{#{items*'|'}}" end def columns *a stack a end def named_stack head, items "{#{head}#{!items.empty? && "|{#{stack items}}" || ''}}" end def tagged_text tag, txt "<#{tag}> "+text(txt) end def text t t.gsub(/[ |<>]/){|c| "\\#{c}"} end MM = ActiveFacts::Metamodel unless const_defined?(:MM) end end publish_generator Doc::Graphviz end end