# Not quite ready yet <% def file_if_exists(path) path = File.expand_path(path) File.exist?(path) ? path : nil end %> driver: name: ec2 tags: X-Project: chef-ci-acceptance aws_ssh_key_id: <%= ENV['AWS_SSH_KEY_ID'] || ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] %> # test-specific stuff region: us-west-2 subnet_id: subnet-19ac017c security_group_ids: ["sg-e401eb83", "sg-96274af3"] instance_type: m3.large # associate_public_ip: true # Don't enable public IP, as subnet specified is behind VPN transport: ssh_key: <%= file_if_exists("~/.ssh/#{ENV['AWS_SSH_KEY_ID'] || ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME']}.pem") || file_if_exists("~/.ssh/#{ENV['AWS_SSH_KEY_ID'] || ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME']}") || file_if_exists("~/.ssh/id_rsa") %> provisioner: name: chef_zero product_name: <%= ENV["KITCHEN_CHEF_PRODUCT"] %> product_version: <%= ENV["KITCHEN_CHEF_VERSION"] %> channel: <%= ENV["KITCHEN_CHEF_CHANNEL"] %> client_rb: audit_mode: :enabled attributes: chef_acceptance: "true" use_system_chef: "true" platforms: # # AIX # # - name: aix-6.1 # - name: aix-7.1 # # Debian # - name: debian-8 driver: image_search: name: debian-jessie-* owner-id: "379101102735" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: admin - name: debian-7 driver: image_search: name: debian-wheezy-* owner-id: "379101102735" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: standard image-type: machine transport: username: admin # # Ubuntu # - name: ubuntu-15.10 driver: image_search: name: ubuntu/images/*/ubuntu-*-15.10-amd64-server-* owner-id: "099720109477" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ubuntu - name: ubuntu-14.04 driver: image_search: name: ubuntu/images/*/ubuntu-*-14.04-*-server-* owner-id: "099720109477" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ubuntu - name: ubuntu-12.04 driver: image_search: name: ubuntu/images/*/ubuntu-*-12.04-*-server-* owner-id: "099720109477" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ubuntu # # Red Hat Enterprise Linux # - name: el-7 driver: image_search: name: RHEL-7.* owner-id: "309956199498" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ec2-user - name: el-6 driver: image_search: name: RHEL-6.* owner-id: "309956199498" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ec2-user - name: el-5 driver: image_search: name: RHEL-5.* owner-id: "309956199498" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: paravirtual block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ec2-user # # FreeBSD # - name: freebsd-10 driver: image_search: name: FreeBSD/EC2 10.*-RELEASE* owner-id: "118940168514" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ec2-user - name: freebsd-9 driver: image_search: name: FreeBSD/EC2 9.*-RELEASE* owner-id: "118940168514" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: ec2-user - name: freebsd-8 driver: image_search: name: FreeBSD/EC2 8.*-RELEASE* owner-id: "118940168514" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: standard image-type: machine transport: username: ec2-user # # OS/X # # - name: mac_os_x-10.11 # - name: mac_os_x-10.10 # - name: mac_os_x-10.9 # - name: mac_os_x-10.8 # # Nexus??? # # - name: nexus-7 # # Solaris # # - name: solaris-11 # - name: solaris-10 # # Windows # - name: windows-2012r2 driver: image_search: name: Windows_Server-2012-R2*-English-*-Base-* owner-alias: amazon architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine user_data: | $logfile="C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\Ec2ConfigService\\Logs\\kitchen-ec2.log" #PS Remoting and & winrm.cmd basic config Enable-PSRemoting -Force -SkipNetworkProfileCheck & winrm.cmd set winrm/config '@{MaxTimeoutms="1800000"}' >> $logfile & winrm.cmd set winrm/config/winrs '@{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="1024"}' >> $logfile & winrm.cmd set winrm/config/winrs '@{MaxShellsPerUser="50"}' >> $logfile #Server settings - support username/password login & winrm.cmd set winrm/config/service/auth '@{Basic="true"}' >> $logfile & winrm.cmd set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}' >> $logfile & winrm.cmd set winrm/config/winrs '@{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="1024"}' >> $logfile #Firewall Config & netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="Windows Remote Management (HTTP-In)" profile=public protocol=tcp localport=5985 remoteip=localsubnet new remoteip=any >> $logfile #Set script execution to unrestricted & Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force transport: username: administrator - name: windows-2012r2 provisioner: architecture: <%= ENV["KITCHEN_CHEF_WIN_ARCHITECTURE"] %> driver: image_search: name: Windows_Server-2012-RTM*-English-*-Base-* owner-alias: amazon architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: administrator - name: windows-2012r2 provisioner: architecture: <%= ENV["KITCHEN_CHEF_WIN_ARCHITECTURE"] %> driver: image_search: name: Windows_Server-2008-R2*-English-*-Base-* owner-alias: amazon architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine transport: username: administrator # # Centos # - name: centos-7 driver: image_search: name: CentOS Linux 7 * owner-alias: aws-marketplace architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: standard image-type: machine transport: username: root - name: centos-6 driver: image_search: name: CentOS-6.5-GA-* owner-alias: aws-marketplace architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: paravirtual block-device-mapping.volume-type: standard image-type: machine transport: username: root # # Fedora # - name: fedora-21 driver: image_search: name: Fedora-Cloud-Base-21-* owner-id: "125523088429" architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm block-device-mapping.volume-type: gp2 image-type: machine