groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store.

7.2. Output

Groonga supports the following output format types:

JSON is the default output format.

7.2.1. Usage

Groonga has the following query interfaces:

  • command line
  • HTTP

They provides different ways to change output format type. Command line

You can use command line query interface by groonga DB_PATH or groonga -c. Those groonga commands shows > `` prompt. In this query interface, you can specify output format type by ``output_type option.

If you don't specify output_type option, you will get a result in JSON format:

> status

You can specify json as output_type value to get a result in JSON format explicitly:

> status --output_type json

You need to specify xml as output_type value to get a result in XML format:

> status --output_type xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RESULT CODE="0" UP="1327721649.61095" ELAPSED="0.000126361846923828">

You need to specify tsv as output_type value to get a result in TSV format:

> status --output_type tsv
0     1327721664.82675        0.000113964080810547
"alloc_count" 146
"starttime"   1327721626
"uptime"      38
"version"     "1.2.9-92-gb87d9f8"
"n_queries"   0
"cache_hit_rate"      0.0
"command_version"     1
"default_command_version"     1
"max_command_version" 2

You need to specify msgpack as output_type value to get a result in MessagePack format:

> status --output_type msgpack
(... omitted because MessagePack is binary data format. ...) HTTP

You can use HTTP query interface by groonga --protocol http -s DB_PATH. Groonga HTTP server starts on port 10041 by default. In this query interface, you can specify output format type by extension.

If you don't specify extension, you will get a result in JSON format:

% curl http://localhost:10041/d/status

You can specify json as extension to get a result in JSON format explicitly:

% curl http://localhost:10041/d/status.json

You need to specify xml as extension to get a result in XML format:

% curl http://localhost:10041/d/status.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RESULT CODE="0" UP="1327809339.5782" ELAPSED="9.56058502197266e-05">

You need to specify tsv as extension to get a result in TSV format:

% curl http://localhost:10041/d/status.tsv
0     1327809366.84187        8.44001770019531e-05
"alloc_count" 159
"starttime"   1327809282
"uptime"      84
"version"     "1.2.9-92-gb87d9f8"
"n_queries"   0
"cache_hit_rate"      0.0
"command_version"     1
"default_command_version"     1
"max_command_version" 2

You need to specify msgpack as extension to get a result in MessagePack format:

% curl http://localhost:10041/d/status.msgpack
(... omitted because MessagePack is binary data format. ...)

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