-- Priority: lps/components, demos/calendar, lps/*, docs/*, examples/* property pathListFile : "allSwfLegals.txt" property interProcessFile : "pathPass.txt" property jsflScriptFile : "convert2pngAuto.jsfl" -- Phill17:Users:papley:Laszlo:swfToPNGConversionScripts: property fStart : 1352 --Set this to the starting point (where it last crashed) property pathcount : 1 -- Always start at 1 property pstr : null property fref : null property str : "" property script1 : null property force : false -- doesn't do anything yet. set pathlistfileref to 0 my runShellScripts(pathListFile, interProcessFile) tell application "Finder" try set jsflScriptAlias to file jsflScriptFile in home set jsflScriptPath to jsflScriptAlias as string set jsflScriptAlias to null set ipfPath to my getIPFpath(interProcessFile) set pathlistfileref to my openPathListFile(pathListFile) set fileSize to get eof pathlistfileref --Get its length set fileMark to 0 --Keep a count so we know when we're done set pathcount to 1 try repeat while fileMark < fileSize set theline to read pathlistfileref before ASCII character (10) set l1 to length of theline set fileMark to fileMark + l1 + (length of return) if (pathcount property pathListFile : "allSwfLegals.txt" property interProcessFile : "pathPass.txt" property jsflScriptFile : "convert2pngAuto.jsfl" -- Phill17:Users:papley:Laszlo:swfToPNGConversionScripts: property fcounter : 1 --Set this to the starting point (where it last crashed) property pstr : null property fref : null property str : "" property script1 : null " do shell script "touch ~/" & interProcessFile set ipfAlias to file interProcessFile in home set ipfPath to ipfAlias as string delete file ipfPath set ipfAlias to null return ipfPath end tell end getIPFpath to runShellScripts(pathListFile, interProcessFile) set pathlistfileref to 0 do shell script "find ~/src/svn/legals -name \"*.swf\" > ~/tmp.txt" do shell script "mv ~/tmp.txt ~/" & pathListFile --set grepExpr to "grep -v \"/components/\" ~/tmp.txt > ~/" & pathListFile --do shell script grepExpr -- to do: also eliminate /work/ --do shell script "find ~/src/svn/legals -name \"*.png\" > ~/allPNGLegals.txt" end runShellScripts on awaitIPFdeletion(ipfPath) try delay 0.2 tell application "Finder" repeat while (file ipfPath exists) delay 4 end repeat end tell on error errMsg number errNum from errFrom partial result errResult to errTo display dialog "Error checking if ipfPath exists: " & errMsg return end try end awaitIPFdeletion on flashRunningP() tell application "Finder" set procList to the processes repeat with proc in procList set pn to the name of proc as string if pn is "Flash" then return true end if end repeat return false end tell end flashRunningP on awaitFlashQuit() tell application "Flash 8" to quit repeat while (my flashRunningP()) delay 2 end repeat delay 4 -- end if end awaitFlashQuit --set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delimiters to writePathInIPFfile(theline, ipfPath) try tell application "Finder" try close access file ipfPath end try --display dialog "writing: " & str buttons {"Cancel", "Skip", "Use"} default button 2 with icon 0 --if the button returned of the result is "Use" then if (length of theline is less than 40) then display dialog "bad line: " & theline end if if file ipfPath exists then display dialog "ipfPath already exists" end if set fref to open for access (ipfPath as string) with write permission set eof of fref to 0 write theline to fref close access fref end tell on error errMsg number errNum from errFrom partial result errResult to errTo display dialog "writePathInIPFFile ipfpath" & ipfPath & errMsg try close access fref end try return end try end writePathInIPFfile on callFlashOnIPF(jsflScriptPath) tell application "Finder" try --if (not (my flashRunningP())) then --tell application "Finder" to launch application "Flash 8" --delay 5 --end if tell application "Flash 8" open file jsflScriptPath --if (script1) and (script1 is not null) then display dialog (script1 as string) --set script1 to null end tell on error errMsg number errNum from errFrom partial result errResult to errTo display dialog "jsfl script path" & errMsg --close file jsflScriptPath end try end tell end callFlashOnIPF on openPathListFile(pathListFile) local myAlias local mypath local fileRef tell application "Finder" set myAlias to file pathListFile in home set mypath to myAlias as string set fileRef to open for access mypath return fileRef as string end tell end openPathListFile