# fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator) ## Overview Fluentd input plugin to track insert/update/delete event from MySQL database server. Not only that, it could multiple table replication into single or multi Elasticsearch/Solr. It's comming support replicate to another RDB/noSQL. ## Requirements | fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator | fluentd | ruby | |--------------------|------------|--------| | 0.6.1 | v0.14.x | >= 2.1 | | 0.6.1 | v0.12.x | >= 1.9 | ## Installation install with gem or fluent-gem command as: ````` # for system installed fluentd $ gem install fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator -v 0.6.1 # for td-agent2 $ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator -v 0.6.1 ````` ## Included plugins * Input Plugin: mysql_replicator * Input Plugin: mysql_replicator_multi * Output Plugin: mysql_replicator_elasticsearch * Output Plugin: mysql_replicator_solr (experimental) ## Output example It is a example when detecting insert/update/delete events. ### sample query ````` $ mysql -e "create database myweb" $ mysql myweb -e "create table search_test(id int auto_increment, text text, PRIMARY KEY (id))" $ sleep 10 $ mysql myweb -e "insert into search_test(text) values('aaa')" $ sleep 10 $ mysql myweb -e "update search_test set text='bbb' where text = 'aaa'" $ sleep 10 $ mysql myweb -e "delete from search_test where text='bbb'" ````` ### result ````` $ tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log 2013-11-25 18:22:25 +0900 replicator.myweb.search_test.insert.id: {"id":"1","text":"aaa"} 2013-11-25 18:22:35 +0900 replicator.myweb.search_test.update.id: {"id":"1","text":"bbb"} 2013-11-25 18:22:45 +0900 replicator.myweb.search_test.delete.id: {"id":"1"} ````` ## Tutorial ### mysql_replicator It is easy to try it on this plugin quickly. For more detail are described at [Tutorial-mysql_replicator.md](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator/blob/master/Tutorial-mysql_replicator.md) **Features** * Table (or view table) synchronization supported. * Replicate small record under a millons table. * It is recommend to use insert only table. * Nested documents are supported with placeholder which accessing to temporary table created at the each loop. **Examples** * [mysql_single_table_to_elasticsearch.md](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator/blob/master/example/mysql_single_table_to_elasticsearch.md) * [mysql_single_table_to_solr.md](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator/blob/master/example/mysql_single_table_to_solr.md) ### mysql_replicator_multi It replicates a millions of records and/or multiple tables with multiple threads. This architecture is storing hash table in MySQL management table instead of ruby internal memory. See tutorial at [Tutorial-mysql_replicator_multi.md](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator/blob/master/Tutorial-mysql_replicator_multi.md) **Features** * table (or view table) synchronization supported. * Multiple table synchronization supported and its DSN stored in MySQL management table. * Using MySQL database as hash table cache to support replicate over a millions table. * It is recommend to make whole copy of tables. * Nested documents are supported with placeholder which accessing to temporary table created at the each loop. **Examples** * [mysql_multi_table_to_elasticsearch.md](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator/blob/master/example/mysql_multi_table_to_elasticsearch.md) * [mysql_multi_table_to_solr.md](https://github.com/y-ken/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator/blob/master/example/mysql_multi_table_to_solr.md) ## Articles * MySQLテーブルへの更新/削除イベントを逐次取得するFluentdプラグイン「fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator」をリリースしました - Y-Ken Studio
http://y-ken.hatenablog.com/entry/fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator-has-released * MySQLユーザ視点での小さく始めるElasticsearch
http://www.slideshare.net/y-ken/introducing-elasticsearch-for-mysql-users * MySQLからelasticsearchへ、レコードをネスト構造化しつつ同期出来る fluent-plugin-mysql-replicator v0.4.0 を公開しました - Y-Ken Studio
http://y-ken.hatenablog.com/entry/fluent-plugin-mysql-repicator-v0.4.0 ## TODO Pull requests are very welcome like below!! * more documents * more tests with mock. * support string type of primary_key. * support reload setting on demand. ## Copyright Copyright © 2013- Kentaro Yoshida ([@yoshi_ken](https://twitter.com/yoshi_ken)) ## License Apache License, Version 2.0