require 'models/ib/contract_detail' require 'models/ib/underlying' module IB if defined?(Contract) puts "Contract already a #{defined?(Contract)}" # puts Contract.ancestors # IB.send(:remove_const, 'Contract') end class Contract < IB::Model include BaseProperties # Fields are Strings unless noted otherwise prop :con_id, # int: The unique contract identifier. :currency, # Only needed if there is an ambiguity, e.g. when SMART exchange # and IBM is being requested (IBM can trade in GBP or USD). :legs_description, # received in OpenOrder for all combos :sec_type, # Security type. Valid values are: SECURITY_TYPES :sec_id => :sup, # Unique identifier of the given secIdType. :sec_id_type => :sup, # Security identifier, when querying contract details or # when placing orders. Supported identifiers are: # - ISIN (Example: Apple: US0378331005) # - CUSIP (Example: Apple: 037833100) # - SEDOL (6-AN + check digit. Example: BAE: 0263494) # - RIC (exchange-independent RIC Root and exchange- # identifying suffix. Ex: AAPL.O for Apple on NASDAQ.) :symbol => :s, # This is the symbol of the underlying asset. :local_symbol => :s, # Local exchange symbol of the underlying asset :trading_class => :s, # Future/option contract multiplier (only needed when multiple possibilities exist) :multiplier => {:set => :i}, :strike => :f, # double: The strike price. :expiry => :s, # The expiration date. Use the format YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD :last_trading_day => :s, # the tws returns the last trading day in Format YYYYMMMDD hh:mm # which may differ from the expiry :exchange => :sup, # The order destination, such as Smart. :primary_exchange => :sup, # Non-SMART exchange where the contract trades. :include_expired => :bool, # When true, contract details requests and historical # data queries can be performed pertaining to expired contracts. # Note: Historical data queries on expired contracts are # limited to the last year of the contracts life, and are # only supported for expired futures contracts. # This field can NOT be set to true for orders. # Specifies a Put or Call. Valid input values are: P, PUT, C, CALL :right => { :set => proc { |val| self[:right] = case val.to_s.upcase when 'NONE', '', '0', '?' '' when 'PUT', 'P' 'P' when 'CALL', 'C' 'C' else val end }, :validate => {:format => {:with => /\Aput$|^call$|^none\z/, :message => "should be put, call or none"}} } attr_accessor :description # NB: local to ib, not part of TWS. ### Associations has_many :misc # multi purpose association has_many :orders # Placed for this Contract has_many :portfolio_values has_many :bars # Possibly representing trading history for this Contract has_one :contract_detail # Volatile info about this Contract # For Contracts that are part of BAa ## leg is now a method of contract # has_one :leg #, :class_name => 'ComboLeg', :foreign_key => :leg_contract_id # has_one :combo, :class_name => 'Contract', :through => :leg # for Combo/BAG Contracts that contain ComboLegs has_many :combo_legs#, :foreign_key => :combo_id # has_many :leg_contracts, :class_name => 'Contract', :through => :combo_legs # alias legs combo_legs # alias legs= combo_legs= # alias combo_legs_description legs_description # alias combo_legs_description= legs_description= # for Delta-Neutral Combo Contracts has_one :underlying alias under_comp underlying alias under_comp= underlying= ### Extra validations validates_inclusion_of :sec_type, :in => CODES[:sec_type].keys, :message => "should be valid security type" validates_format_of :expiry, :with => /\A\d{6}$|^\d{8}$|\A\z/, :message => "should be YYYYMM or YYYYMMDD" validates_format_of :primary_exchange, :without => /SMART/, :message => "should not be SMART" validates_format_of :sec_id_type, :with => /ISIN|SEDOL|CUSIP|RIC|\A\z/, :message => "should be valid security identifier" validates_numericality_of :multiplier, :strike, :allow_nil => true def default_attributes # :nodoc: super.merge :con_id => 0, :strike => 0.0, :right => :none, # Not an option # :exchange => 'SMART', :include_expired => false end # This returns an Array of data from the given contract and is used to represent # contracts in outgoing messages. # # Different messages serialize contracts differently. Go figure. # # Note that it does NOT include the combo legs. # serialize :option, :con_id, :include_expired, :sec_id # # 18/1/18: serialise always includes conid def serialize *fields # :nodoc: print_default = ->(field, default="") { field.blank? ? default : field } ## Non numeric entries are passed untouched, only 0 is converted to the default value ## Thus: a Zero-Strike-Option has to be defined with «strike: "0"» print_not_zero = ->(field, default="") { field.is_a?(Numeric) && ? default : field } [(con_id.present? && !con_id.is_a?(Symbol) && con_id.to_i > 0 ? con_id : ""), print_default[symbol], print_default[self[:sec_type]], ( fields.include?(:option) ? [ print_default[expiry], print_default[strike], print_default[self[:right]], print_default[multiplier]] : nil ), print_default[exchange], ( fields.include?(:primary_exchange) ? print_default[primary_exchange] : nil ) , print_default[currency], print_default[local_symbol], ( fields.include?(:trading_class) ? print_default[trading_class] : nil ), ( fields.include?(:include_expired) ? print_default[include_expired,0] : nil ), ( fields.include?(:sec_id_type) ? [print_default[sec_id_type], print_default[sec_id]] : nil ) ].flatten.compact end # serialize contract # con_id. sec_type, expiry, strike, right, multiplier exchange, primary_exchange, currency, local_symbol, include_expired # other fields on demand def serialize_long *fields # :nodoc: serialize :option, :include_expired, :primary_exchange, :trading_class, *fields end # serialize contract # con_id. sec_type, expiry, strike, right, multiplier, exchange, primary_exchange, currency, local_symbol # other fields on demand # acutal used by place_order, request_marketdata, request_market_depth, exercise_options def serialize_short *fields # :nodoc: serialize :option, :trading_class, :primary_exchange, *fields end # same as :serialize_short, omitting primary_exchange # used by RequestMarketDepth def serialize_supershort *fields # :nodoc: serialize :option, :trading_class, *fields end # Serialize under_comp parameters:, line 471 def serialize_under_comp *args # :nodoc: under_comp ? under_comp.serialize : [false] end # Defined in Contract, not BAG subclass to keep code DRY def serialize_legs *fields # :nodoc: case when !bag? [] when combo_legs.empty? [0] else [combo_legs.size, { |the_leg| the_leg.serialize *fields }].flatten end end # This produces a string uniquely identifying this contract, in the format used # for command line arguments in the IB-Ruby examples. The format is: # # symbol:sec_type:expiry:strike:right:multiplier:exchange:primary_exchange:currency:local_symbol # # Fields not needed for a particular security should be left blank # (e.g. strike and right are only relevant for options.) # # For example, to query the British pound futures contract trading on Globex # expiring in September, 2008, the string is: # # GBP:FUT:200809:::62500:GLOBEX::USD: def serialize_ib_ruby serialize_long.join(":") end # extracts essential attributes of the contract, # and returns a new contract. # # the link to contract-details is __not__ maintained. def essential self_attributes = [ :sec_type] the_attributes = [ :symbol , :con_id, :exchange, :right, :currency, :expiry, :strike, :local_symbol, :last_trading_day, :multiplier, :primary_exchange, :trading_class ] the_hash={|x| y= self.send(x); [x,y] if y.present? }.compact.to_h the_hash[:description] = if @description.present? @description elsif contract_detail.present? contract_detail.long_name else "" end the_hash.merge({|x| y = self.send(x); [x,y] unless y == :none }.compact.to_h ) end # creates a new Contract substituting attributes by the provided key-value pairs. # # con_id is resetted def merge **new_attributes self.con_id = 0 attributes.merge new_attributes end # Contract comparison def == other # :nodoc: return false if !other.is_a?(Contract) return true if super(other) return true if ! && con_id == other.con_id return false unless other.is_a?(self.class) # Different sec_id_type return false if sec_id_type && other.sec_id_type && sec_id_type != other.sec_id_type # Different sec_id return false if sec_id && other.sec_id && sec_id != other.sec_id # Different symbols return false if symbol && other.symbol && symbol != other.symbol # Different currency return false if currency && other.currency && currency != other.currency # Same con_id for all Bags, but unknown for new Contracts... # 0 or nil con_id matches any return false if con_id != 0 && other.con_id != 0 && con_id && other.con_id && con_id != other.con_id # SMART or nil exchange matches any return false if exchange != 'SMART' && != 'SMART' && exchange && && exchange != # Comparison for Bonds and Options if bond? || option? return false if right != other.right || strike != other.strike return false if multiplier && other.multiplier && multiplier != other.multiplier return false if expiry && expiry[0..5] != other.expiry[0..5] return false unless expiry && (expiry[6..7] == other.expiry[6..7] || expiry[6..7].empty? || other.expiry[6..7].empty?) end # All else being equal... sec_type == other.sec_type end def to_s "" end def to_human "" end def to_short if expiry.blank? && last_trading_day.blank? "#{symbol}# {exchange}# {currency}" elsif expiry.present? "#{symbol}(#{strike}) #{right} #{expiry} /#{exchange}/#{currency}" else "#{symbol}(#{strike}) #{right} #{last_trading_day} /#{exchange}/#{currency}" end end # Testing for type of contract: # depreciated : use is_a?(IB::Stock, IB::Bond, IB::Bag etc) instead def bag? # :nodoc: self[:sec_type] == 'BAG' end def bond? # :nodoc: self[:sec_type] == 'BOND' end def stock? # :nodoc: self[:sec_type] == 'STK' end def option? # :nodoc: self[:sec_type] == 'OPT' end def index? # :nodoc: self[:sec_type] == 'IND' end def verify # :nodoc: error "verify must be overloaded. Please require at least `ib/verify` from the `ib-extenstions` gem " end =begin From the release notes of TWS 9.50 Within TWS and Mosaic, we use the last trading day and not the actual expiration date for futures, options and futures options contracts. To be more accurate, all fields and selectors throughout TWS that were labeled Expiry or Expiration have been changed to Last Trading Day. Note that the last trading day and the expiration date may be the same or different dates. In many places, such as the OptionTrader, Probability Lab and other options/futures tools, this is a simple case of changing the name of a field to Last Trading Day. In other cases the change is wider-reaching. For example, basket files that include derivatives were previously saved using the Expiry header. When you try to import these legacy .csv files, you will now receive a message requiring that you change this column title to LastTradingDayorContractMonth before the import will be accepted. New basket files that include derivatives will use this correct header. Additionally, this new field serves two functions. If you use the format YYYYMMDD, we understand you are identifying the last trading day for a contract. If you use the format YYYYMM, we understand you are identifying the contract month. In places where these terms are used to indicate a concept, we have left them as Expiry or Expiration. For example in the Option Chain settings where we allow you to "Load the nearest N expiries" we have left the word expiries. Additionally, the Contract Description window will show both the Last Trading Date and the Expiration Date. Also in cases where it's appropriate, we have replaced Expiry or Expiration with Contract Month. =end # IB-ruby uses expiry to query Contracts. # # The response from the TWS is stored in 'last_trading_day' (Contract) and 'real_expiration_data' (ContractDetails) # # However, after querying a contract, 'expiry' ist overwritten by 'last_trading_day'. The original 'expiry' # is still available through 'attributes[:expiry]' def expiry if self.last_trading_day.present? last_trading_day.gsub(/-/,'') else @attributes[:expiry] end end # is read by Account#PlaceOrder to set requirements for contract-types, as NonGuaranteed for stock-spreads def order_requirements end end # class Contract ### Now let's deal with Contract subclasses require_relative 'option' require 'models/ib/bag' require 'models/ib/forex' require 'models/ib/future' require 'models/ib/stock' require 'models/ib/index' class Contract # Contract subclasses representing specialized security types. Subclasses = Subclasses[:bag] = IB::Bag Subclasses[:option] = IB::Option Subclasses[:futures_option] = IB::FutureOption Subclasses[:future] = IB::Future Subclasses[:stock] = IB::Stock Subclasses[:forex] = IB::Forex Subclasses[:index] = IB::Index # This builds an appropriate Contract subclass based on its type # # the method is also used to copy Contract.values to new instances def opts = {} subclass =( VALUES[:sec_type][opts[:sec_type]] || opts['sec_type'] || opts[:sec_type]).to_sym Contract::Subclasses[subclass].new opts end # This returns a Contract initialized from the serialize_ib_ruby format string. def self.from_ib_ruby keys = [:con_id, :symbol, :sec_type, :expiry, :strike, :right, :multiplier, :exchange, :primary_exchange, :currency, :local_symbol] props = Hash[":"))] props.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? || v.empty? } props end end # class Contract end # module IB class String def to_contract keys = [:con_id, :symbol, :sec_type, :expiry, :strike, :right, :multiplier, :exchange, :primary_exchange, :currency, :local_symbol] props = Hash[":"))] props.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? || v.empty? } props end end