# typed: strict require ('sorbet-rails/model_plugins/base') class SorbetRails::ModelPlugins::ActiveRecordQuerying < SorbetRails::ModelPlugins::Base sig { override.params(root: Parlour::RbiGenerator::Namespace).void } def generate(root) # All is a named scope that most method from ActiveRecord::Querying delegate to # rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/querying.rb:21 add_relation_query_method( root, "all", builtin_query_method: true, ) add_relation_query_method( root, "unscoped", parameters: [ Parameter.new("&block", type: "T.nilable(T.proc.void)"), ], builtin_query_method: true, ) # It's not possible to typedef all methods in ActiveRecord::Querying module to have the # matching type. By generating model-specific sig, we can typedef these methods to return # ::Relation class. # rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/querying.rb model_query_relation_methods = [ # :select, :reselect, :order, :reorder, :group, :limit, :offset, :joins, :left_joins, :left_outer_joins, :where, :rewhere, :preload, :extract_associated, :eager_load, :includes, :from, :lock, :readonly, :or, :having, :create_with, :distinct, :references, :none, :unscope, :optimizer_hints, :merge, :except, :only, ] model_query_relation_methods.each do |method_name| add_relation_query_method( root, method_name.to_s, parameters: [ Parameter.new("*args", type: "T.untyped"), ], builtin_query_method: true, ) if exists_class_method?(method_name) end if exists_class_method?("select") # `select` can be used with a block to return an array, or with a list of column name # to return a relation object that can be chained. # I've seen usage of `select` with a block more often than with a list of column name. # here we define select as taking a block, and add a `select_column` method for the other usage add_relation_query_method( root, "select", parameters: [ Parameter.new("&block", type: "T.proc.params(e: #{self.model_class_name}).returns(T::Boolean)"), ], builtin_query_method: true, custom_return_value: "T::Array[#{self.model_class_name}]", ) add_relation_query_method( root, "select_columns", # select_column is injected by sorbet-rails parameters: [ Parameter.new("*args", type: "T.any(String, Symbol, T::Array[T.any(String, Symbol)])"), ], builtin_query_method: true, ) end # https://api.rubyonrails.org/v6.1.4/classes/ActiveRecord/QueryMethods/WhereChain.html#method-i-missing # where.missing is only available in Rails 6.1 and above if Rails.version >= "6.1" add_relation_query_method( root, "where_missing", # where_missing is injected by sorbet-rails parameters: [ Parameter.new("*args", type: "Symbol"), ], builtin_query_method: true, ) end add_relation_query_method( root, "extending", parameters: [ Parameter.new("*args", type: "T.untyped"), Parameter.new("&block", type: "T.nilable(T.proc.void)"), ], builtin_query_method: true, ) # These are technically "query methods" but they aren't chainable so instead of # adding conditionals to `add_relation_query_method` to handle this we'll just # handle them here. relation_module_rbi = root.create_module(self.model_query_methods_returning_relation_module_name) create_in_batches_method(relation_module_rbi, inner_type: self.model_relation_class_name) assoc_relation_module_rbi = root.create_module(self.model_query_methods_returning_assoc_relation_module_name) create_in_batches_method(assoc_relation_module_rbi, inner_type: self.model_assoc_relation_class_name) end private sig { params(root: Parlour::RbiGenerator::Namespace, inner_type: String).void } def create_in_batches_method(root, inner_type:) root.create_method( "in_batches", parameters: [ Parameter.new("of:", type: "T.nilable(Integer)", default: "1000"), Parameter.new("start:", type: "T.nilable(Integer)", default: "nil"), Parameter.new("finish:", type: "T.nilable(Integer)", default: "nil"), Parameter.new("load:", type: "T.nilable(T::Boolean)", default: "false"), Parameter.new("error_on_ignore:", type: "T.nilable(T::Boolean)", default: "nil"), Parameter.new("&block", type: "T.nilable(T.proc.params(e: #{inner_type}).void)"), ], return_type: "ActiveRecord::Batches::BatchEnumerator", ) end end