require 'json' require 'tins/xt/ask_and_send' require 'tins/thread_local' class ComplexConfig::Settings < BasicObject include ::Kernel include ::Tins::AskAndSend class << self def [](*a) from_hash(*a) end def from_hash(object) case when object.respond_to?(:to_hash) result = new object.to_hash.each do |key, value| result[key] = from_hash(value) end result when object.respond_to?(:to_ary) { |a| from_hash(a) } else object end end def build(name, hash) name.nil? or self.name_prefix = name.to_sym from_hash(hash) ensure self.name_prefix = nil end extend Tins::ThreadLocal thread_local :name_prefix end attr_accessor :name_prefix def initialize(hash = nil) self.name_prefix = self.class.name_prefix @table = {} if hash hash.each_pair do |k, v| k = k.to_sym @table[k] = v end end end def initialize_copy(orig) super @table = @table.dup self end def attribute_set?(name) @table.key?(name.to_sym) end def attribute_names @table.keys end def attribute_values @table.values end def attributes_update(other) unless other.is_a? self.class other = self.class.from_hash(other) end @table.update(other.table) end def attributes_update_if_nil(other) unless other.is_a? self.class other = self.class.from_hash(other) end @table.update(other.table) do |key, oldval, newval| @table.key?(key) ? oldval : newval end end def replace_attributes(hash) @table = self.class.from_hash(hash).table self end #def write_config(encrypt: false, store_key: false) # ::ComplexConfig::Provider.write_config( # name_prefix, self, encrypt: encrypt, store_key: store_key # ) # self #end def to_h table_enumerator.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| h[k] = if ::Array === v { |x| (x.ask_and_send(:to_h) rescue x) || x } elsif v.respond_to?(:to_h) v.ask_and_send(:to_h) rescue v else v end end end def ==(other) other.respond_to?(:to_h) && to_h == other.to_h end def to_yaml to_h.to_yaml end def to_json to_h.to_json end def size each.count end def empty? size == 0 end def to_s(pair_sep: ' = ', path_sep: ?.) empty? and return pathes(path_sep: path_sep).inject('') do |result, (path, value)| result + "#{path}#{pair_sep}#{value.inspect}\n" end end def pathes(hash = table, path_sep: ?., prefix: name_prefix.to_s, result: {}) hash.each do |key, value| path = prefix.empty? ? key.to_s : "#{prefix}#{path_sep}#{key}" case value when ::ComplexConfig::Settings pathes( value, path_sep: path_sep, prefix: path, result: result ) when ::Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| sub_path = path + "[#{i}]" if ::ComplexConfig::Settings === v pathes( v, path_sep: path_sep, prefix: sub_path, result: result ) else result[sub_path] = v end end else result[path] = value end end result end alias inspect to_s def pretty_print(q) q.text inspect end def freeze @table.freeze super end def deep_freeze table_enumerator.each do |_, v| v.ask_and_send(:deep_freeze) || (v.freeze rescue v) end freeze end def attribute_get(name) if !attribute_set?(name) and value = ::ComplexConfig::Provider.apply_plugins(self, name) then value else @table[name.to_sym] end end alias [] attribute_get def attribute_get!(name) if attribute_set?(name) attribute_get(name) else raise ::ComplexConfig::AttributeMissing, "no attribute named #{name.inspect}" end end def []=(name, value) @table[name.to_sym] = value end def each(&block) table_enumerator.each(&block) end protected attr_reader :table private def table_enumerator @table.enum_for(:each) end def respond_to_missing?(id, include_private = false) id =~ /\?\z/ || attribute_set?(id) end def skip throw :skip end def method_missing(id, *a, &b) case when id =~ /\?\z/ begin public_send $`.to_sym, *a, &b rescue ::ComplexConfig::AttributeMissing nil end when id =~ /=\z/ @table[$`.to_sym] = a.first when value = ::ComplexConfig::Provider.apply_plugins(self, id) value else if attribute_set?(id) @table[id] else raise ::ComplexConfig::AttributeMissing, "no attribute named #{id.inspect}" end end end end