namespace :shoulda do # From # desc "Converts a YAML file (FILE=./path/to/yaml) into a Shoulda skeleton" task :from_yaml do require 'yaml' def yaml_to_context(hash, indent = 0) indent1 = ' ' * indent indent2 = ' ' * (indent + 1) hash.each_pair do |context, shoulds| puts indent1 + "context \"#{context}\" do" puts shoulds.each do |should| yaml_to_context( should, indent + 1 ) and next if should.is_a?( Hash ) puts indent2 + "should_eventually \"" + should.gsub(/^should +/,'') + "\" do" puts indent2 + "end" puts end puts indent1 + "end" end end puts("Please pass in a FILE argument.") and exit unless ENV['FILE'] yaml_to_context( YAML.load_file( ENV['FILE'] ) ) end end