module Spec module Matchers class Include #:nodoc: def initialize(*expecteds) @expecteds = expecteds end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual @expecteds.each do |expected| if actual.is_a?(Hash) if expected.is_a?(Hash) expected.each_pair do |k,v| return false unless actual[k] == v end else return false unless actual.has_key?(expected) end else return false unless actual.include?(expected) end end true end def failure_message_for_should _message end def failure_message_for_should_not _message("not ") end def description "include #{_pretty_print(@expecteds)}" end private def _message(maybe_not="") "expected #{@actual.inspect} #{maybe_not}to include #{_pretty_print(@expecteds)}" end def _pretty_print(array) result = "" array.each_with_index do |item, index| if index < (array.length - 2) result << "#{item.inspect}, " elsif index < (array.length - 1) result << "#{item.inspect} and " else result << "#{item.inspect}" end end result end end # :call-seq: # should include(expected) # should_not include(expected) # # Passes if actual includes expected. This works for # collections and Strings. You can also pass in multiple args # and it will only pass if all args are found in collection. # # == Examples # # [1,2,3].should include(3) # [1,2,3].should include(2,3) #would pass # [1,2,3].should include(2,3,4) #would fail # [1,2,3].should_not include(4) # "spread".should include("read") # "spread".should_not include("red") def include(*expected)*expected) end end end