# # ActiveFacts Generators. # Generate json output from a vocabulary, for loading into APRIMO # # Copyright (c) 2009 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'json' require 'digest/sha1' require 'activefacts/registry' module ActiveFacts module Generators module Diagrams # Generate json output from a vocabulary, for loading into APRIMO. # Invoke as # afgen --diagrams/json .cql=diagrams class JSON private def initialize(vocabulary) @vocabulary = vocabulary @vocabulary = @vocabulary.Vocabulary.values[0] if ActiveFacts::API::Constellation === @vocabulary end def puts(*a) @out.puts *a end public def generate(out = $>) @out = out uuids = {} puts "{ model: '#{@vocabulary.name}',\n" + "diagrams: [\n#{ @vocabulary.all_diagram.sort_by{|o| o.name.gsub(/ /,'')}.map do |d| j = {:uuid => (uuids[d] ||= uuid_from_id(d)), :name => d.name} " #{j.to_json}" end*",\n" }\n ]," object_types = @vocabulary.all_object_type.sort_by{|o| o.name.gsub(/ /,'')} puts " object_types: [\n#{ object_types.sort_by{|o|o.identifying_role_values.inspect}.map do |o| uuids[o] ||= uuid_from_id(o) ref_mode = nil if o.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::EntityType) and p = o.preferred_identifier and (rrs = p.role_sequence.all_role_ref).size == 1 and (r = rrs.single.role).fact_type != o.fact_type and r.object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) and !r.fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) ref_mode = "#{r.object_type.name}" ref_mode.sub!(%r{#{o.name} *}, '.') end j = { :uuid => uuids[o], :name => o.name, :shapes => o.all_object_type_shape.sort_by{|s| [s.location.x, s.location.y]}.map do |shape| x = { :diagram => uuids[shape.orm_diagram], :is_expanded => shape.is_expanded, :uuid => uuid_from_id(shape), :x => shape.location.x, :y => shape.location.y } x[:is_expanded] = true if ref_mode && shape.is_expanded # Don't show the reference mode x end } j[:ref_mode] = ref_mode if ref_mode j[:independent] = true if o.is_independent if o.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::EntityType) # Entity Type may be objectified, and may have supertypes: if o.fact_type uuid = (uuids[o.fact_type] ||= uuid_from_id(o.fact_type)) j[:objectifies] = uuid j[:implicit] = true if o.concept.implication_rule end if o.all_type_inheritance_as_subtype.size > 0 j[:supertypes] = o. all_type_inheritance_as_subtype. sort_by{|ti| ti.provides_identification ? 0 : 1}. map{|ti| [ uuids[ti.supertype] ||= uuid_from_id(ti.supertype), uuids[ti.supertype_role] = uuid_from_id(ti.supertype_role) ] } end else # ValueType usually has a supertype: if (o.supertype) j[:supertype] = (uuids[o.supertype] ||= uuid_from_id(o.supertype)) end end # REVISIT: Place a ValueConstraint and shape " #{j.to_json}" end*",\n" }\n ]," fact_types = @vocabulary.constellation. FactType.values. reject{|ft| ActiveFacts::Metamodel::LinkFactType === ft || ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance === ft } puts " fact_types: [\n#{ fact_types.sort_by{|f| f.identifying_role_values.inspect}.map do |f| uuids[f] ||= uuid_from_id(f) j = {:uuid => uuids[f]} if f.entity_type j[:objectified_as] = uuids[f.entity_type] end # Emit roles roles = f.all_role.sort_by{|r| r.ordinal } j[:roles] = roles.map do |role| uuid = (uuids[role] ||= uuid_from_id(role)) # REVISIT: Internal Mandatory Constraints # REVISIT: Place a ValueConstraint and shape # REVISIT: Place a RoleName shape {:uuid => uuid, :player => uuids[role.object_type]} # N.B. The object_type shape to which this role is attached is not in the meta-model # Attach to the closest instance on this diagram (if any) end # Emit readings. Each is a [role_order, text] pair j[:readings] = f.all_reading.map do |r| role_refs = r.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order [ role_order(uuids, role_refs.map{|rr| rr.role}, roles), r.text.gsub(/\{([0-9])\}/) do |insert| role_ref = role_refs[$1.to_i] la = role_ref.leading_adjective la = nil if la == '' ta = role_ref.trailing_adjective ta = nil if ta == '' (la ? la+'-' : '') + (la && la.index(' ') ? ' ' : '') + insert + (ta && ta.index(' ') ? ' ' : '') + (ta ? '-'+ta : '') end ] end.sort_by{|(ro,text)| ro }.map do |(ro,text)| [ ro, text ] end # Emit shapes j[:shapes] = f.all_fact_type_shape.sort_by{|s| [s.location.x, s.location.y]}.map do |shape| sj = { :diagram => uuids[shape.orm_diagram], :uuid => uuid_from_id(shape), :x => shape.location.x, :y => shape.location.y } # Add the role_order, if specified if shape.all_role_display.size > 0 if shape.all_role_display.size != roles.size raise "Invalid RoleDisplay for #{f.default_reading} in #{shape.orm_diagram.name} diagram" end ro = role_order( uuids, shape.all_role_display.sort_by{|rd| rd.ordinal }.map{|rd| rd.role }, roles ) sj[:role_order] = ro if ro end # REVISIT: Place the ReadingShape # Emit the location of the name, if objectified if n = shape.objectified_fact_type_name_shape sj[:name_shape] = {:x => n.location.x, :y => n.location.y} end sj end # Emit Internal Presence Constraints f.internal_presence_constraints.to_a.sort_by{|ipc, z| [ipc.is_preferred_identifier ? 0 : 1, ipc.is_mandatory ? 0 : 1, ipc.min_frequency || 0, ipc.max_frequency || 1_000] }.each do |ipc| uuid = (uuids[ipc] ||= uuid_from_id(ipc)) constraint = { :uuid => uuid, :min => ipc.min_frequency, :max => ipc.max_frequency, :is_preferred => ipc.is_preferred_identifier, :mandatory => ipc.is_mandatory } # Get the role (or excluded role, for a UC) roles = ipc.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map{|r| r.role} if roles.size > 1 || (!ipc.is_mandatory && ipc.max_frequency == 1) # This can be only a uniqueness constraint. Record the missing role, if any role = (f.all_role.to_a - roles)[0] constraint[:uniqueExcept] = uuids[role] else # An internal mandatory or frequency constraint applies to only one role. # If it's also unique (max == 1), that applies on the counterpart role. # You can also have a mandatory frequency constraint, but that applies on this role. constraint[:role] = uuids[roles[0]] end (j[:constraints] ||= []) << constraint end # Add ring constraints f.all_role_in_order. map{|r| r.all_ring_constraint.to_a+r.all_ring_constraint_as_other_role.to_a }. flatten.uniq.each do |ring| (j[:constraints] ||= []) << { :uuid => (uuids[ring] ||= uuid_from_id(ring)), :shapes => ring.all_constraint_shape.sort_by{|s| [s.location.x, s.location.y]}.map do |shape| { :diagram => uuids[shape.orm_diagram], :uuid => uuid_from_id(shape), :x => shape.location.x, :y => shape.location.y } end, :ringKind => ring.ring_type, :roles => [uuids[ring.role], uuids[ring.other_role]] # REVISIT: Deontic, enforcement } end # REVISIT: RotationSetting " #{j.to_json}" end*",\n" }\n ]," constraints = @vocabulary.constellation. Constraint.values puts " constraints: [\n#{ constraints.sort_by{|c|c.identifying_role_values.inspect}.select{|c| !uuids[c]}.map do |c| uuid = uuids[c] ||= uuid_from_id(c) j = { :uuid => uuid, :type => c.class.basename, :shapes => c.all_constraint_shape.sort_by{|s| [s.location.x, s.location.y]}.map do |shape| { :diagram => uuids[shape.orm_diagram], :uuid => uuid_from_id(shape), :x => shape.location.x, :y => shape.location.y } end } if (c.enforcement) # REVISIT: Deontic constraint end if (c.concept.all_context_note_as_relevant_concept.size > 0) # REVISIT: Context Notes end case c when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::PresenceConstraint j[:min_frequency] = c.min_frequency j[:max_frequency] = c.max_frequency j[:is_mandatory] = c.is_mandatory j[:is_preferred_identifier] = c.is_preferred_identifier rss = [c.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map(&:role)] # Ignore internal presence constraints on TypeInheritance fact types next nil if !c.role_sequence.all_role_ref. detect{|rr| !rr.role.fact_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::TypeInheritance) } when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::RingConstraint next nil # These are emitted with the corresponding fact type when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SetComparisonConstraint rss = c. all_set_comparison_roles.sort_by{|scr| scr.ordinal}. map{|scr| scr.role_sequence.all_role_ref_in_order.map(&:role) } if (ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SetExclusionConstraint === c) j[:is_mandatory] = c.is_mandatory end when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::SubsetConstraint rss = [c.subset_role_sequence, c.superset_role_sequence]. map{|rs| rs.all_role_ref_in_order.map(&:role) } when ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueConstraint next nil # REVISIT: Should have been handled elsewhere if (c.role) # Should have been handled as role.role_value_constraint elsif (c.value_type) # Should have been handled as object_type.value_constraint end j[:allowed_ranges] = c.all_allowed_range.map{|ar| [ ar.value_range.minimum_bound, ar.value_range.maximum_bound ]. map{|b| [b.value.literal, b.value.unit.name, b.is_inclusive] } } else raise "REVISIT: Constraint type not yet dumped to JSON" end # rss contains the constrained role sequences; map to uuids j[:role_sequences] = rss.map{|rs| rs.map do |role| uuids[role] end } " #{j.to_json}" end.compact*",\n" }\n ]" puts "}" end def role_order(uuids, roles, order) if (roles.size > 9) roles.map{|r| uuids[r] } else roles.map{|r| order.index(r).to_s }*'' end end def uuid_from_id o irvs = o.identifying_role_values.inspect d = Digest::SHA1.digest irvs # $stderr.puts "#{o.class.basename}: #{irvs}" d[0,4].unpack("H8")[0]+'-'+ d[4,2].unpack("H4")[0]+'-'+ d[6,2].unpack("H4")[0]+'-'+ d[8,2].unpack("H4")[0]+'-'+ d[10,6].unpack("H6")[0] end end end end end ActiveFacts::Registry.generator('diagrams/json', ActiveFacts::Generators::Diagrams::JSON)