## 2.0.0 (Jun 7, 2017) * Switched API endpoint to Campaigner. * Locked Hashie <= 2.1.2 ## 1.3.4 (Jun 7, 2017) * Hashie >= 3.0.0 ## 1.3.3 (Aug 29, 2012) * Added Order and OrderItem resources (bgetting) ## 1.3.2 (May 16, 2012) * Fixed url for database resource (bgetting) ## 1.3.1 (Apr. 5, 2012) * Fix bug where exceptions could be raised with empty error messages. ## 1.3.0 (Feb. 9th, 2012) * Ruby 1.9 compatibility ## 1.2.1 (Jan. 19th, 2012) * Relay emails were losing spaces between words because EmailDirect strips out newlines. ## 1.2.0 (Dec. 21st, 2011) * Add EmailDirect.disable to disable talking to the EmailDirect server (requires fakeweb gem). ## 1.1.0 (Dec. 20th, 2011) * Add EmailDirect::Subscriber#update_custom_field and EmailDirect::Subscriber#update_custom_fields as a way to quickly update one or more custom fields. * Custom Fields can now be passed as a regular ruby hash to any of the Subscriber methods and it will be converted to the correct JSON format. * Authentication is done using a header instead of basic auth so FakeWeb is easier to use. ## 1.0.0 (Dec. 12th, 2011) * Initial release