Feature: Pretty formatter - Printing messages When you want to print to Cucumber's output, just call `puts` from a step definition. Cucumber will grab the output and print it via the formatter that you're using. Your message will be printed out after the step has run. Background: Given the standard step definitions And a file named "features/step_definitions/puts_steps.rb" with: """ Given /^I use puts with text "(.*)"$/ do |ann| puts(ann) end Given /^I use multiple putss$/ do puts("Multiple") puts("Announce","Me") end Given /^I use message (.+) in line (.+) (?:with result (.+))$/ do |ann, line, result| puts("Last message") if line == "3" puts("Line: #{line}: #{ann}") fail if result =~ /fail/i end Given /^I use puts and step fails$/ do puts("Announce with fail") fail end Given /^I puts the world$/ do puts(self) end """ And a file named "features/f.feature" with: """ Feature: Scenario: Given I use puts with text "Ann" And this step passes Scenario: Given I use multiple putss And this step passes Scenario Outline: Given I use message in line Examples: | line | ann | | 1 | anno1 | | 2 | anno2 | | 3 | anno3 | Scenario: Given I use puts and step fails And this step passes Scenario Outline: Given I use message in line with result Examples: | line | ann | result | | 1 | anno1 | fail | | 2 | anno2 | pass | """ And a file named "features/puts_world.feature" with: """ Feature: puts_world Scenario: puts_world Given I puts the world """ # Don't know why, but we need to spawn this for JRuby otherwise it gives wierd errors @spawn Scenario: Delayed messages feature When I run `cucumber --quiet --format pretty features/f.feature` Then the stderr should not contain anything And the output should contain: """ Feature: Scenario: Given I use puts with text "Ann" Ann And this step passes Scenario: Given I use multiple putss Multiple Announce Me And this step passes Scenario Outline: Given I use message in line Examples: | line | ann | | 1 | anno1 | | 2 | anno2 | | 3 | anno3 | Scenario: Given I use puts and step fails Announce with fail (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/puts_steps.rb:18:in `/^I use puts and step fails$/' features/f.feature:21:in `Given I use puts and step fails' And this step passes Scenario Outline: Given I use message in line with result Examples: | line | ann | result | | 1 | anno1 | fail | Line: 1: anno1 (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/puts_steps.rb:13:in `/^I use message (.+) in line (.+) (?:with result (.+))$/' features/f.feature:29:in `Given I use message anno1 in line 1 with result fail' features/f.feature:25:in `Given I use message in line with result ' | 2 | anno2 | pass | Line: 2: anno2 """ Scenario: Non-delayed messages feature (progress formatter) When I run `cucumber --format progress features/f.feature` Then the output should contain: """ Ann .. Multiple Announce Me ..-UUUUUU Announce with fail F-- Line: 1: anno1 FFF Line: 2: anno2 ... """