if false p % foo p(% foo ) p((4\ +5)) p((4\ +5)) p((4+\ +5)) p((4+\ 5)) end =begin things that seem like they should work, but cause syntax errors (p / 1/) class F34534334 class A class B class C end end end def A::B::C::d() :abcd end def A::B::d() :abd end #this used to work as well... i think def nil.d=; end #this works def (;).d=; end def ().d=; end p def (p h="foobar";).default= v; p @v=v;v end p def (p h="foobar";h).default= v; p @v=v;v end p~4{} p:f{} p ~4{} p :f{} p ~4 {} p :f {} p ~ 4{} def g a=:g; [a] end g g g #this works g *g #this works g *g g #this doesn't g+g 5 #this doesn't [nil,p 5] "foo"+[1].join' ' "foo"+join' ' if x=p :a,:b then end {:nil?=> 1} 1+[1,2,3][1..-1].index 3 _=@cu.fixup_match_result 'md' #works _=md=@cu.fixup_match_result 'md' #don't work 3+"".slice 1 ""+p "" #given: def foo; end foo.===/#/ #syntax error foo.=== /#/ #no error foo===/#/ #no error #these work: (not true) p(!true) #etc (true if false) #etc (true and false) #etc (undef foo) (alias bar foo) (BEGIN{p :yyy}) #these don't: p(not true) p(true if false) #etc p(true and false) #etc p(undef foo) p(alias bar foo) p(BEGIN{p :yyy}) p 1{2} p 1 {2} p(false ? Q :p8 ) p(false ? Q:p8 ) end if false equal?(p) or Position===p && equal? p.data #syntax error unless add parens, but why? end raise LexerError, "expected >=#{tok.offset}, got #{endpos}, "\ "token #{tok}:#{tok.class}" #there's a space after the backslash =end