John had always been a bit of a lone wolf. He was never too concerned with maintaining social relationships, preferring to work on his personal projects and goals instead. This trait never bothered him, and he never felt the need to apologize for it. However, as he dove deeper into his work, his lack of socialization became more pronounced, and it began to affect those around him. His colleagues could sense his disinterest and lack of engagement in the office, and it led to conflicts and tension between them. John didn't seem to care about their projects or their personal lives, and this rubbed them the wrong way. Plus, he was also prone to being dismissive, which made the situation worse. But John continued to focus on his work, and it paid off. He discovered a breakthrough that would revolutionize the field he was working in. This accomplishment garnered him massive recognition and rewards, and he found himself the lead in his industry. Despite this, though, John remained unchanged. Even with all the benefits of his success, he still didn't feel the need to improve his social situation. He was content to go off and continue working by himself, happy to have his breakthrough breakthroughs and further drive his industry. This didn't stop some of his colleagues from being resentful or rude, but John didn't care. He was happy on his own, and he felt no remorse for his lack of social skills. For John, accomplishment was more important than anything else.