module NodeFinders using BlankMethod # # Finds text node by text locator # # @text - locator ( see locator docs in #Artifact ) # @within: - within block to limit search to # # returns Capybara node # def find_node(locator, within: nil) within ||= Capybara.current_session locator, index = Locator::Index.execute(locator) locator, xpath = Locator::Equal.execute(locator) if index xpath = "(#{xpath})[#{index}]" end _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, wait: 0, visible: false], locator, within: within, message: "find_node") do raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, "Unable to find node by locator #{locator}", caller end end # # Does lookup based on provided in config maps # def detect_node(el_alias, locator = nil, within: nil) return find_node(locator, within: within) if el_alias.blank? within ||= Capybara.current_session locator, index = Locator::Index.execute(locator) if index.nil? el_alias, index = Locator::Index.execute(el_alias.to_s) end el_alias = el_alias.to_s if xpath = Pickles.config.xpath_node_map[el_alias] xpath = xpath.respond_to?(:call) ? : xpath search_params = [:xpath, xpath, wait: 0, visible: false] elsif css = Pickles.config.css_node_map[el_alias] || el_alias css = css.respond_to?(:call) ? : css search_params = [:css, css, text: locator, wait: 0, visible: false] end if index within.all(*search_params)[index - 1] else _rescued_find(search_params, locator || el_alias, within: within, message: "Detecting by #{xpath || css}") do raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, "Unable to detect node by locator #{css || xpath} #{locator}", caller end end end # # try to guess which of the above 2 methods should be used # def guess_node(within_string, within: nil) is_find_node_case = within_string[0] == "\"" && within_string[-1] == "\"" match = Helpers::Regex::WITHIN.match(within_string) is_detect_node_case = !match.nil? if is_detect_node_case captures = match.captures el_alias = captures[0] locator = captures[1] detect_node(el_alias, locator, within: within) elsif is_find_node_case within_string[0] = '' within_string[-1] = '' find_node(within_string, within: within) else fail "Incorrect within def" end end # # Similar to find_node, but looking for fillable fields for this cases: # 1. label or span(as label) with input hint for input || textarea || @contenteditable # 2. capybara lookup by label || plcaeholder || id || name || etc # 3. @contenteditable with @placeholder = @locator # # @input_locator - string to identify input field by # # returns: Capybara node # def find_input(input_locator, within: nil, options: {}) within ||= Capybara.current_session locator, index = Locator::Index.execute(input_locator) locator, wait = Locator::Wait.execute(locator) locator, label_xpath = Locator::Equal.execute(locator) options[:visible] = false options[:wait] = wait if wait if index index_xpath = "[#{index}]" end xpath = ".//*[@contenteditable and (@placeholder='#{locator}' or name='#{locator}')]#{index_xpath}" # case 3 _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "@contenteditable with placeholder = #{locator}") do inputtable_field_xpath = "*[self::input or self::textarea or @contenteditable]" xpath = "(#{label_xpath}/ancestor::*[.//#{inputtable_field_xpath}][position()=1]//#{inputtable_field_xpath})#{index_xpath}" _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "find_node(#{locator}) => look for closest fillable field, index by input") do inputtable_field_xpath = "*[self::input or self::textarea or @contenteditable]" xpath = "(#{label_xpath})#{index_xpath}/ancestor::*[.//#{inputtable_field_xpath}][position()=1]//#{inputtable_field_xpath}" # case 1 _rescued_find([:xpath, xpath, options], locator, within: within, message: "find_node(#{locator}) => look for closest fillable field, index by label") do # case 2 _rescued_find([:fillable_field, locator, options], locator, within: within, message: 'Capybara#fillable_input') do # all cases failed => raise raise Capybara::ElementNotFound, "Unable to find fillable field by locator #{locator}", caller end end end end end def _rescued_find(params, locator, within:, message:) within.find(*params) rescue Capybara::Ambiguous => err # Capybara::Ambiguous < Capybara::ElementNotFound == true raise, within, params, message), nil, caller rescue Capybara::ElementNotFound yield end end