%# Form UI behavior code and details; Code: app/assets/javascripts/sufia/relationships CSS: table.relationships-ajax-enabled : Used by sufia JS app as selector to wire up the UI functionality tr.new-row : The basic template row for cloning when user clicks "Add" .btn-remove-row : Button to remove its parent TR from the table .btn-add-row : Button to clone its parent TR and inject a new row into the table input.new-form-control : Input field for client client side validation and additional features .message.has-warning : Used to display UI errors related to input values and server errors HTML Properties: table: data-query-url : URL base to append newly added work ID to for querying details (title, href) %> <% if f.object.class.multiple? key %>
Parent Work | Actions |
<%= link_to "#{parent.title.first}", polymorphic_path([main_app, :curation_concerns, curation_concern.model_name.singular], id: parent.id) %> |
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_polymorphic_path([main_app, :curation_concerns, curation_concern.model_name.singular], id: parent.id), target: "_blank", class: 'btn btn-default' %>