from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta tl = create_timeline("Mine") print( tl ) # => {"name":"Mine", "color":"#ae2d1b", "scope":"DEFAULT", "updated_at":1698763720728596964} tls = list_timelines() print(tls) print(type(tls)) check_expression(f"{len(tls)} == 1") print( tls[0] ) # => {"name":"Mine", "color":"#ae2d1b", "scope":"DEFAULT", "updated_at":1698763720728596964} delete_timeline("Mine") check_expression(f"{len(list_timelines())} == 0") create_timeline("Mine") set_timeline_color("Mine", "#4287f5") print( get_timeline("Mine") ) # => {"name":"Mine", "color":"#4287f5", "scope":"DEFAULT", "updated_at":1698763720728596964} now = start = datetime(now.year, now.month,, now.hour + 1, 30, 00, 00, timezone.utc) stop = start + timedelta(hours=1) # Stop plus 1hr act = create_timeline_activity("Mine", kind="reserve", start=start, stop=stop) print(act) # => # { "name"=>"Mine", "updated_at"=>1698763721927799173, "fulfillment"=>false, "duration"=>3600, # "start"=>1698764400, "stop"=>1698768000, "kind"=>"reserve", # "events"=>[{"time"=>1698763721, "event"=>"created"}], "data"=>{"username"=>""} } # Get activities in the past ... should be none tlas = get_timeline_activities("Mine", start=start - timedelta(hours=2), stop=now) print(tlas) print(type(tlas)) check_expression(f"{len(tlas)} == 0") # Get all activities tlas = get_timeline_activities("Mine") check_expression(f"{len(tlas)} == 1") # Create and delete a new activity start = start + timedelta(hours=2) stop = start + timedelta(minutes=30) act = create_timeline_activity("Mine", kind="reserve", start=start, stop=stop) tlas = get_timeline_activities("Mine") check_expression(f"{len(tlas)} == 2") delete_timeline_activity("Mine", act["start"]) tlas = get_timeline_activities("Mine") check_expression(f"{len(tlas)} == 1") # delete fails since the timeline has activities delete_timeline( "Mine" ) #: RuntimeError : Failed to delete timeline due to timeline contains activities, must force remove # Force delete since the timeline has activities delete_timeline("Mine", force=True) tls = list_timelines() check_expression(f"{len(tls)} == 0")