module Railsthemes class ThemeInstaller include Railsthemes::Logging def install_from_archive filepath Railsthemes::Utils.with_tempdir do |tempdir| Utils.unarchive filepath, tempdir install_from_file_system tempdir end end def install_from_file_system original_source_filepath source_filepath = original_source_filepath.gsub(/\\/, '/') logger.warn 'Installing main theme...' "Source filepath: #{source_filepath}" theme_name = nil if theme_name = install_from_directory source_filepath post_copying_changes(theme_name) elsif Utils.archive?(source_filepath + '.tar.gz') install_from_archive(source_filepath + '.tar.gz') else Safe.log_and_abort 'Expected either a directory or archive.' end end def copy_theme_portions source_filepath, file_mappings file_mappings.each do |src_dir, dest_prefix| Dir["#{source_filepath}/#{src_dir}/**/*"].each do |src| dest = src.sub("#{source_filepath}", dest_prefix).sub(/^\//, '') if File.file?(src) && !override?(dest) && !system_file?(src) Utils.copy_ensuring_directory_exists(src, dest) end end end end def install_from_directory source_filepath copy_theme_portions source_filepath, [ ['controllers', 'app'], ['helpers', 'app'], ['layouts', 'app/views'], ['stylesheets', 'app/assets'], ['javascripts', 'app/assets'], ['doc', ''], ['images', 'app/assets'], ['mailers', 'app'], ['views', 'app'], ['fonts', 'app/assets'], ] logger.warn 'Done installing.' return Utils.read_file(File.join(source_filepath, 'theme_name')).chomp end def post_copying_changes theme_name remove_unwanted_public_files create_railsthemes_demo_routes add_needed_gems Utils.set_layout_in_application_controller theme_name add_to_asset_precompilation_list theme_name comment_out_formtastic_if_user_does_not_use_formtastic theme_name end def remove_unwanted_public_files ['index', '404', '422', '500'].each do |filename| Utils.remove_file "public/#{filename}.html" end end def basic_route_lines output = <<-EOS ### Begin RailsThemes basic generated routes ### # Routes to RailsThemes Theme Example markup: unless Rails.env.production? get 'railsthemes', controller: :railsthemes, action: :index match 'railsthemes/:action', controller: :railsthemes, via: [:get, :post] end # This is magical routing for errors (instead of using the static markup in # public/*.html) get '/403', to: 'railsthemes_errors#403_forbidden' get '/404', to: 'railsthemes_errors#404_not_found' get '/500', to: 'railsthemes_errors#500_internal_server_error' ### End RailsThemes basic generated routes ### EOS output.split("\n") end def create_railsthemes_demo_routes lines = Utils.lines('config/routes.rb') lines_to_insert = [] if lines.grep(/Begin RailsThemes basic generated routes/).count == 0 lines_to_insert += basic_route_lines end if lines.grep(/^\s*root /).count == 0 lines_to_insert << ' root :to => "railsthemes#index"' end logger.warn 'Creating basic RailsThemes routes...' Utils.insert_into_routes_file! lines_to_insert logger.warn 'Done creating basic RailsThemes routes.' end # General assumption is `bundler check` is always clean prior to installation (via ensurer), # so if the gemspecs are in the Gemfile.lock, then the gem is in the Gemfile def add_needed_gems installed_gems = ['sass', 'jquery-rails', 'jquery-ui-rails'].each do |gemname| Utils.add_gem_to_gemfile gemname unless installed_gems.include?(gemname) end unless installed_gems.include?('compass-rails') Utils.add_gem_to_gemfile('compass-rails', :group => 'assets') end unless installed_gems.include?('zurb-foundation') Utils.add_gem_to_gemfile('zurb-foundation', :version => '~> 4.0', :group => 'assets') end end def add_to_asset_precompilation_list theme_name config_lines = Utils.lines('config/environments/production.rb') count = config_lines.grep(/^\s*config.assets.precompile\s*\+=\s*%w\(\s*railsthemes_#{theme_name}\.js\s+railsthemes_#{theme_name}\.css\s*\)$/).count if count == 0 # precompile line we want not found, add it added = false # only want to add the new line once Utils.safe_write('config/environments/production.rb') do |f| config_lines.each do |line| f.puts line if !added && (line =~ /Precompile additional assets/ || line =~ /config\.assets\.precompile/) f.puts " config.assets.precompile += %w( railsthemes_#{theme_name}.js railsthemes_#{theme_name}.css )" added = true end end end end end def comment_out_formtastic_if_user_does_not_use_formtastic theme_name return if ( & ['formtastic']).count > 0 filename = "app/assets/stylesheets/railsthemes_#{theme_name}.css" Utils.safe_read_and_write(filename) do |lines, f| lines.each do |line| if line =~ /\*= require formtastic/ f.puts ' * require formtastic' else f.puts line end end end end private def override? dest dest =~ /overrides/ && File.exists?(dest) end def system_file? src File.basename(src)[0,1] == '.' # remove any pesky hidden files that crept into the archive end end end