one: Country
other: Countries
one: Delivery service
other: Delivery services
one: Delivery service price
other: Delivery service prices
one: Order
other: Orders
one: Order item
other: Order items
one: Payment
other: Payments
one: Product
other: Products
one: Product attribute
other: Product attributes
one: Product category
other: Product categories
one: Setting
other: Settings
one: Stock Level Adjustment
other: Stock Level Adjustments
one: Tax Rate
other: Tax Rates
one: User
other: Users
billing_address1: Billing address1
billing_address3: Billing address3
billing_address4: Billing address4
billing_country: Billing country
billing_postcode: Billing postcode
delivery_address1: Delivery address1
delivery_address3: Delivery address3
delivery_address4: Delivery address4
delivery_country: Delivery country
delivery_name: Delivery name
delivery_service_id: Delivery service
delivery_postcode: Delivery postcode
email_address: E-Mail address
first_name: First name
last_name: Last name
phone_number: Phone number
status: Status
token: Token
name: Name
name: Name
courier: Courier
code: Code
cost_price: Cost price
max_weight: Max weight
min_weight: Min weight
price: Price
ordered_item: Ordered Item
quantity: Quantity
amount: Amount
method: Method
reference: Reference
cost_price: Cost price
description: Description
name: Name
permalink: Permalink
price: Price
short_description: Short description
sku: SKU
weight: Weight
key: Key
name: Name
permalink: Permalink
key: Key
value: Value
value_type: Value type
adjustment: Adjustment
description: Description
must_be_greater_or_equal_zero: must be greater or less than zero
address_type: Address type
name: Name
rate: Rate
email_address: E-Mail address
first_name: First name
last_name: Last name
password: Password
password_confirmation: Password confirmation
body: ! 'There were problems with the following fields:'
one: 1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved
many: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved'
other: ! '%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved'
wrong_format: "can only contain letters, numbers, - and _"
must_be_specified: must be specified
not_suitable: is not suitable for this order
must_be_specified: Must be specified
wrong_format: "can only contain letters, numbers, - and _"
can_belong_to_root: can only belong to a root product
too_high_quantity: is too high for the quantity in stock
refund_failed: "Refunds must be less than the payment (%{refundable_amount})"
next_label: "Next →"
page_gap: "…"
previous_label: "← Previous"
zero: "No %{model} found"
one: "Displaying 1 %{model}"
other: "Displaying all %{count} %{model}"
zero: "No %{model} found"
one_html: "Displaying 1 %{model}"
other_html: "Displaying all %{count} %{model}"
multi_page: "Displaying %{model} %{from} - %{to} of %{count} in total"
multi_page_html: "Displaying %{model} %{from} - %{to} of %{count} in total"
kg: kg
display_entries: Display Entries
delete: Delete
delete_confirm: Are you sure you wish to remove this attachment?
no_attachment: No attachment
# common
cancel: Cancel
close: Close
delete: Delete
edit: Edit
import: Import
remove: Remove
removed_it: "%{it} has been removed successfully"
save_settings: Save Settings
separate_delivery_address: Separate delivery address
service_available: Service will be available for use
service_default: Service will be used by default (if possible)
settings_title: Settings
settings_not_in_demo: You cannot make changes to settings in demo mode. Sorry about that.
set_prices: Set Prices
shoppe_back: Back to Shoppe
sku: SKU
status: Status
stock: Stock
stock_current: Current stock level is
stock_control: Stock Control
stock_control_enable: Enable stock control for this product?
stock_levels: Stock levels
stock_levels_for: Stock levels %{item}
stock_none: No stock
system_settings: System settings
tax_rate: Tax rate
tax_rate_apply_to: Apply to orders where the %{to} matches one of the countries below
tax_rate_delete_confirm: Are you sure you wish to remove this tax_rate?
tax_rate_details: Rate Details
tax_rate_new: New tax rate
tax_rate_note: Do NOT edit tax rates that are already in use.
Care should be taken when editing tax rates, as this may affect existing orders.
while creating a new tax rate, you must delete it and create a new one. When you delete a tax rate
it is not removed from the system, only deactivated, so existing orders stay unaffected.
tax_rates: Tax Rates
tax_rates_back: Back to tax rates
tax_none: No tax
telephone: Telephone
total: Total
total_weight: Total weight
tracking_url: Tracking URL
unknown: Unknown
updated_it: "%{it} has been updated successfully"
users: Users
users_back: Back to users
user_delete_confirm: Are you sure you wish to remove this user?
user_details: User Details
user: User
user_edit: Edit user
user_new: New User
user_not_in_demo: You cannot make changes to users in demo mode. Sorry about that.
user_not_yourself: You cannot remove yourself
variants: Variants
variants_back: Back to variants
variants_of: Variants of %{product}
variant_delete_confirm: Are you sure you wish to remove this variant?
variant_of: Variant of %{product}
variant_new: New variant
variant_save: Save Variant
value: Value
website_properties: Website Properties
weight: Weight
weight_allowance: Weight Allowance
submit: Submit
remove_notice: Attachment removed successfully
back: Back to countries
continent: Continent
countries: Countries
country_details: Country details
create_notice: Country has been created successfully
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this country?
destroy_notice: Country has been removed successfully
eu?: EU?
eu_member: EU Member?
is_eu_member: Country is an EU member?
iso_alpha_2: ISO 3166-1-alpha-2
iso_alpha_3: ISO 3166-1-alpha-3
name: Name
new_country: New country
tld: TLD
update_notice: Country has been updated successfully
all_countries: All Countries
back: Back to prices
back_to_delivery_services: Back to delivery services
code: Code
cost: Cost
cost_price: Cost price
countries: Countries
create_notice: Price has been created successfully
delivery_services: Delivery Services
destroy_notice: Price has been removed successfully
identification_weight: Identification & Weight
max_weight: Max weight
min_weight: Min weight
new_price: New price
no_tax: No tax
price: Price
pricing: Pricing
pricing_for: "Delivery Pricing for %{delivery_name}"
tax_rate: Tax rate
update_notice: Price has been updated successfully
weight_allowance: Weight Allowance
countries: This delivery rate will only be available to orders where the country selected is listed here.
active?: Active?
active: Active
active_info: Service will be available for use
back: Back to delivery services
code: Code
courier: Courier
courier_name: Courier name
create_notice: Delivery Service has been created successfully
default?: Default?
default: Default
default_info: Service will be used by default (if possible)
delivery_services: Delivery Services
destroy_notice: Delivery Service has been removed successfully
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this delivery service?
details: Details
name: Name
new: New delivery service
no_services: No delivery services to display.
prices: Prices
set_prices: Set Prices
tracking_url: Tracking URL
tracking_url_help_html: Use {{consignment_number}}
to insert the consignment number.
update_notice: Delivery Service has been updated successfully
example_file: Example Format
file_upload: File for Import
required_formats: Must be csv, xls or xlsx.
no_file: No file chosen for import
unknown_format: "Unknown file format: %{filename}"
accept: Accept
accept_notice: Order has been accepted successfully
add_payment: Add payment
add_item: Add an item
address: Address
amount: Amount
back_to_order: Back to order
back_to_orders: Back to orders
billing_address: Billing Address
billing_delivery_address: Billing/Delivery Address
build_time: Build time
company: Company
consignment_number: Consignment Number
cost: Cost
country: Country
create_order: Create order
create_notice: Order has been created successfully
customer: Customer
delivery_address: Delivery address
delivery_name: Delivery name
edit_order: Edit order
email_address: E-Mail address
first_name: First name
from_payment: from payment
id: ID
in_progress_warning: This order is still being built by the customer in your store. At present you can only view the items which are within the order.
invoice_number: Invoice number
insufficient_stock_order: "Insufficient stock to order %{out_of_stock_items}. Quantities have been updated to max total stock available."
item: Item
last_name: Last name
mark_as_shipped: Mark as shipped
method: Method
missing_delivery_service: No suitable delivery service available, order cannot be created without an associated delivery service.
name: Name
new_order: New order
no_delivery_required: No delivery required for this order.
no_orders: No orders to display.
no_payments: There are no payments recorded for this order...
notes: Notes
number: Number
order: Order
order_accepted: Order Accepted
order_balance: Order Balance
order_items: Order items
order_no_html: "OrderĀ #%{order_number}"
order_number: Order number
order_received: Order Received
order_rejected: Order Rejected
order_shipped: Order Shipped
ordered_products: Ordered products
orders: Orders
payment: Payment
payment_remove_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this payment?
payments: Payments
phone_number: Phone number
post_code: Post code
price: Price
product: Product
products: Products
qty: Qty
quantity: Quantity
received_between: Received between
reference: Reference
refund: Refund
refunded?: Refunded?
reject: Reject
reject_notice: Order has been rejected successfully
save_order: Save order
search: Search
search_orders: Search orders
select_country: Select a country
customer: Customer
select_customer: Select a customer or leave blank
separate_delivery_address: Separate delivery address
ship_notice: Order has been shipped successfully
sku: SKU
sla_warning: Any changes to quantities will update the appropriate stock levels for the associated product.
status: Status
stock: Stock
sub_total: Sub-Total
tax: Tax
telephone: Telephone
total: Total
type: Type
unit_price: Unit price
update_notice: Order has been saved successfully
use_separate_delivery_address?: Use a separate delivery address?
weight: Weight
by_user: "by %{user}"
consignment_no_html: "Consignment #%{consignment_number}"
from_ip: "from %{ip}"
on_date: "on %{on}"
tracking_url: Tracking URL
despatch_note: Despatch note
footer: Thank you for your order!
order_number: Order number
order_placed: Order placed
packed?: Packed?
product: Product
quantity: Quantity
sku: SKU
telephone: Telephone
total_weight: Total weight
weight: Weight
accepted: Accepted
building: Building
confirming: Confirming
received: Received
rejected: Rejected
shipped: Shipped
attachments: Attachments
back_to_categories: Back to categories list
category_details: Category Details
choose_product_category: Choose a product category
create_notice: Category has been created successfully
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this category?
description: Description
destroy_notice: Category has been removed successfully
destroy_alert: Category could not be removed
image: Image
name: Name
new_category: New category
no_categories: No categories to display.
permalink: Permalink
permalink_includes_ancestors: Prefix links in store with ancestor categories
product_categories: Product categories
update_notice: Category has been updated successfully
blank_option: None
category_nesting: Nesting
category_parent: Parent
current_category: Current
no_children: No Children
hierarchy: Hierarchy
add_attribute: Add attribute
attachments: Attachments
attributes: Attributes
back_to_products: Back to product list
cost_price: Cost price
create_notice: Product has been created successfully
datasheet: Datasheet
default_image: Default Image
description: Description
destroy_notice: Product has been removed successfully
edit: Edit
enable_stock_control?: Enable stock control for this product?
featured?: Featured?
featured_info: If checked, this product will appear on your homepage
import_products: Import products
in_the_box: "What's in the box?"
name: Name
new_product: New product
no_products: No products to display.
no_stock: No stock
no_tax: No tax
on_sale?: On sale?
on_sale_info: If checked, this product will be displayed within the public store
permalink: Permalink
price: Price
price_variants: Price/Variants
pricing: Pricing
product_category: Product category
product_information: Product Information
products: Products
public?: Public?
remove: Remove
searchable?: Searchable?
short_description: Short description
sku: SKU
stock: Stock
stock_control: Stock Control
stock_levels: Stock levels
tax_rate: Tax rate
value: Value
variants: Variants
update_notice: Product has been updated successfully
website_properties: Website Properties
weight: Weight
help: Products and Categories are matched by name. If no product is found, a new one will be created with all the attributes on the line. If a product is found, only the quantity will be updated and all other fields will be ignored. If no category is found, one with that name will be created . One product per line. You can leave permalink field empty if you don't want to add one and to be generated automatically.
success: Products imported successfully
name: Plush Teddy Bear
sku: BEAR001
permalink: plush-teddy-bear
description: Fantastically plush. Very cuddly. Great for all ages.
short_description: Buy this for your kids.
weight: 1.2
price: 84.95
category_name: Teddy Bears
qty: 20
name: Standard Teddy Bear
sku: BEAR002
permalink: ""
description: Made out of PVC. A little cuddly. Spill resistant.
short_description: Buy this for those with two left thumbs.
weight: 0.6
price: 24.95
category_name: Teddy Bears
qty: 100
name: Stick Teddy Bear
sku: BEAR003
permalink: stick-teddy-bear
description: Made out of sticks. Not really cuddly. All natural. Fire hazard.
short_description: Buy this for that distant aunt who collects bears.
weight: 0.521
price: 1.95
category_name: Teddy Bears
qty: 50
intro_html: "To issue a refund for this payment, just enter the amount you wish to refund below and click 'Refund'. The maximum you can refund is %{amount}."
issue_refund: Issue Refund
refund: Refund
admin_login: Admin Login
create_alert: The email address and/or password you have entered is invalid. Please check and try again.
back_to_login: Back to login
email: E-Mail Address
login: Login
password: Password
reset: Reset
reset_password: Reset your password
reset_password?: Reset your password?
reset_alert: No user was found matching the e-mail address
reset_notice: "An e-mail has been sent to %{email_address} with a new password"
back_to_shoppe: Back to Shoppe
error: Error
error_occurred: An error has occurred
add: Add
adjustment: Adjustment
back_to_product: Back to product list
create_notice: Adjustment has been added successfully
current_stock_level_html: "Current stock level is %{item_stock}"
date: Date
description: Description
edit_product: Edit product
invalid_item_type: "Invalid item_type (must be one of %{suitable_objects})"
stock_levels_for: "Stock Levels for %{item_name}"
stock_levels_title: "Stock Levels - %{item_name}"
address_type_option: "Apply to orders where the %{address} address matches one of the countries below"
all_countries: All countries
back_to_tax_rates: Back to tax rates
billing: billing
country_restriction: Country Restriction
create_notice: Tax rate has been created successfully
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this tax rate?
delivery: delivery
destroy_notice: Tax rate has been removed successfully
name: Name
new_tax_rate: New tax rate
rate: Rate
rate_details: Rate Details
tax_rates: Tax Rates
update_notice: Tax rate has been updated successfully
back_to_users: Back to users
create_notice: User has been created successfully
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this user?
demo_mode_error: You cannot make changes to users in demo mode. Sorry about that.
destroy_notice: User has been removed successfully
email: E-Mail Address
first_name: First name
last_name: Last name
login: Login
name: Name
new_user: New user
password: Password
password_confirmation: ...and again
self_remove_error: You cannot remove yourself
update_notice: User has been updated successfully
user_details: User Details
users: Users
back_to_variants: Back to variants
cost_price: Cost price
create_notice: Variant has been added successfully
default_variant?: Default variant?
default_variant_info: If checked, this variant will be the default
delete_confirmation: Are you sure you wish to remove this variant?
destroy_notice: Variant has been removed successfully
edit_product: Edit product
edit_variant: New variant
enable_stock_control?: Enable stock control for this product?
image: Image
name: Name
no_products: No products to display.
no_stock: No stock
no_tax: No tax
new_variant: New variant
on_sale?: On sale?
on_sale_info: If checked, this product will be displayed within the public store
permalink: Permalink
price: Price
pricing: Pricing
product_information: Product Information
save_variant: Save Variant
sku: SKU
stock: Stock
stock_control: Stock Control
tax_rate: Tax rate
update_notice: Variant has been updated successfully
variants: Variants
variants_of: "Variants of %{product}"
website_properties: Website Properties
weight: Weight
create_notice: Payment has been added successfully
destroy_notice: Payment has been removed successfully
refund_notice: Refund has been processed successfully.
localisations: Localisations
back: Back
back_to_localisations: Back
localisations_of: Localisations of %{name}
product_information: Product Information
locales: Locales
choose_locale: Please choose a locale
save_localisation: Save Localisation
new_localisation: New Localisation
edit_localisation: Edit Localisation
localisation_created: Localisation created successfully
localisation_updated: Localisation updated successfully
localisation_destroyed: Localisation destroyed successfully
language: Language
no_localisations: No localisations to display.
delete_confirmation: Are you sure?
customers: Customers
orders: Orders
products: Products
product_categories: Product Categories
delivery_services: Delivery Services
tax_rates: Tax Rates
users: Users
countries: Countries
settings: Settings
settings: Settings
system_settings: System Settings
demo_mode_error: You cannot make changes to settings in demo mode. Sorry about that.
update_notice: Settings have been updated successfully.
# Force certain settings to certain type
demo_mode: boolean
# Labels for fields go here
email_address: Store E-Mail Address
store_name: Store Name
currency_unit: Currency Unit
tax_name: Tax Name
demo_mode: Demo Mode
# Options for boolean settings
affirmative: Enabled
negative: Disabled
# Help text for individual fields
currency_unit: The symbol to be displayed before all numbers which relate to money. Only applies to the admin interface and must be implemented separately in your base application.
demo_mode: If enabled, your Shoppe admin interface will allow any users to login and will not permit changes to your users. This should be used with caution and never enabled for a production store.
email_address: The e-mail address to use when sending outbound messages. Must just be an e-mail address.
store_name: This is the name of your store which will be used through the Shoppe admin interface as well as in the default outbound e-mail messages.
tax_name: The name for "Tax" which will be displayed in your admin interface. Commonly replaced with VAT in European countries.
save_settings: Save Settings
page_title: Settings
currency_unit: $
demo_mode: false
email_address: sales@example.com
store_name: Widgets Inc.
tax_name: Tax
goto: Goto
logged_in_as: "Logged in as %{user_name}"
logout: Logout