/* * chess - a fast library to play chess in Ruby * * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Enrico Pilotto * This code is under LICENSE LGPLv3 */ #include "board.h" void init_board (Board *board) { memcpy (board->placement, "RNBQKBNRPPPPPPPP\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0pppppppprnbqkbnr", 64); board->active_color = WHITE; board->castling = 0x1111; board->en_passant = -1; board->halfmove_clock = 0; board->fullmove_number = 1; // initialize bitboards board->pawns[WHITE] = 0x000000000000ff00; board->pawns[BLACK] = 0x00ff000000000000; board->rooks[WHITE] = 0x0000000000000081; board->rooks[BLACK] = 0x8100000000000000; board->knights[WHITE] = 0x0000000000000042; board->knights[BLACK] = 0x4200000000000000; board->bishops[WHITE] = 0x0000000000000024; board->bishops[BLACK] = 0x2400000000000000; board->queens[WHITE] = 0x0000000000000008; board->queens[BLACK] = 0x0800000000000000; board->king[WHITE] = 0x0000000000000010; board->king[BLACK] = 0x1000000000000000; set_occupied (board); } void set_occupied (Board *board) { board->pieces[WHITE] = board->pawns[WHITE] | board->rooks[WHITE] | board->knights[WHITE] | board->bishops[WHITE] | board->queens[WHITE] | board->king[WHITE]; board->pieces[BLACK] = board->pawns[BLACK] | board->rooks[BLACK] | board->knights[BLACK] | board->bishops[BLACK] | board->queens[BLACK] | board->king[BLACK]; board->occupied = board->pieces[WHITE] | board->pieces[BLACK]; } char* print_board (Board *board) { char *s = (char *) malloc (251); int si = 0; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) // rank => top to bottom { sprintf (&s[si], "\e[37m%d\e[0m ", i + 1); si += 11; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) // file => left to right { char piece = board->placement[8 * i + j]; sprintf (&s[si], "%c ", piece == 0 ? '.' : piece); si += 2; } sprintf (&s[si], "\n"); si++; } sprintf (&s[si], "\e[37m a b c d e f g h\e[0m"); return s; } int get_color (Board *board, int square) { int piece = board->placement[square]; if (piece) if (piece < 97) return WHITE; else return BLACK; else return -1; } bboard* get_piece_bitboard (Board *board, char piece) { // TODO: we can avoid this swith using an array of boards, the index is the piece type switch (piece) { case 'P': return &board->pawns[WHITE]; case 'p': return &board->pawns[BLACK]; case 'R': return &board->rooks[WHITE]; case 'r': return &board->rooks[BLACK]; case 'N': return &board->knights[WHITE]; case 'n': return &board->knights[BLACK]; case 'B': return &board->bishops[WHITE]; case 'b': return &board->bishops[BLACK]; case 'Q': return &board->queens[WHITE]; case 'q': return &board->queens[BLACK]; case 'K': return &board->king[WHITE]; case 'k': return &board->king[BLACK]; default: return 0; } } bboard* get_bitboard (Board *board, int square) { return get_piece_bitboard (board, board->placement[square]); } bboard xray (Board *board, int from, bool only_attack) { switch (board->placement[from]) { case 'P': if (only_attack) return xray_attack_white_pawn (from); return xray_white_pawn (board->occupied, from); case 'p': if (only_attack) return xray_attack_black_pawn (from); return xray_black_pawn (board->occupied, from); case 'R': return xray_rook (board->occupied, from); case 'r': return xray_rook (board->occupied, from); case 'N': return xray_knight (from); case 'n': return xray_knight (from); case 'B': return xray_bishop (board->occupied, from); case 'b': return xray_bishop (board->occupied, from); case 'Q': return xray_queen (board->occupied, from); case 'q': return xray_queen (board->occupied, from); case 'K': return xray_king (from); case 'k': return xray_king (from); default: return 0; } } // All xray of color pieces bboard all_xray (Board *board, int color, bool only_attack) { bboard x = EMPTY_BOARD; // xray for all pieces for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int piece_color = get_color (board, i); // Calculate xray for pieces of color [c] if (piece_color == color) x |= xray (board, i, only_attack); } return x; } // All xray of color pieces with friends square removed bboard all_xray_friend (Board *board, int color, bool only_attack) { return all_xray (board, color, only_attack) & ~board->pieces[color]; } void remove_piece (Board *board, int square, Board *new_board) { memcpy (new_board, board, sizeof (Board)); if (board->placement[square]) { *(get_bitboard (new_board, square)) = EMPTY_BOARD; new_board->placement[square] = 0; set_occupied (new_board); } } // return the squares of pieces as piece that can capture in to int same_pieces_that_can_capture_a_square (Board *board, int color, int square, int *pieces, char piece_filter) { int index = 0; char p; Board new_board; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) if (get_color (board, i) == color) { p = board->placement[i]; if ((!piece_filter || p == piece_filter) && (xray (board, i, FALSE) & (1ULL << square))) if (try_move (board, i, square, 'Q', &new_board, 0, 0)) { pieces[index] = i; index++; } } return index; } bool capture (Board *board, int color, int square) { return all_xray_friend (board, color, FALSE) & (1ULL << square) ? TRUE : FALSE; } // If there is a piece that can capture the to square without put its king in check return true bool pieces_can_safe_capture (Board *board, int color, int square) { int pieces[16]; return same_pieces_that_can_capture_a_square (board, color, square, pieces, 0) > 0; } bool king_in_check (Board *board, int color) { return all_xray_friend (board, !color, TRUE) & board->king[color] ? TRUE : FALSE; } // Assumes that king is in check bool king_in_checkmate (Board *board, int color) { int king_square = square2 (board->king[color]); bboard king = xray_king (king_square) & ~board->pieces[color]; Board board_without_king; remove_piece (board, king_square, &board_without_king); // King cant be auto-shielded xray bboard attackers = all_xray (&board_without_king, !color, TRUE); // If king can move return false if (king & ~attackers) return FALSE; int pieces[16]; int n = same_pieces_that_can_capture_a_square (board, !color, king_square, pieces, 0); if (n == 0) return FALSE; // If king has more than 1 attacker return true if (n > 1) return TRUE; int attacker = pieces[0]; // Test if there is a piece that can capture the attacker without put its king in check return false if (pieces_can_safe_capture (board, color, attacker)) return FALSE; // Test if there is an en passant capture if (have_en_passant2 (board, attacker)) return FALSE; // Test if attack can be shielded bboard slide = EMPTY_BOARD; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { slide = sliding_attacks (1ULL << attacker, FULL_BOARD, i); if (slide & 1ULL << king_square) break; } bboard attack = xray (board, attacker, TRUE) & slide; bboard defend = all_xray_friend (board, color, FALSE); bboard shield = attack & defend; if (shield) { int s[64]; int n; squares (shield, s, &n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (pieces_can_safe_capture (board, color, s[i])) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } bool stalemate (Board *board, int color) { int s[64]; int n; Board new_board; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) if (get_color (board, i) == color) { bboard b = xray (board, i, FALSE) & ~board->pieces[color]; // if piece in i can move try move it if (b) { squares (b, s, &n); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (try_move (board, i, s[j], 'Q', &new_board, 0, 0)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } bool insufficient_material (Board *board) { if (board->queens[WHITE] || board->queens[BLACK] || board->rooks[WHITE] || board->rooks[BLACK] || board->pawns[WHITE] || board->pawns[BLACK]) return FALSE; // King vs king if (!board->bishops[WHITE] && !board->bishops[BLACK] && !board->knights[WHITE] && !board->knights[BLACK]) return TRUE; // King knight vs king if (!board->bishops[WHITE] && !board->bishops[BLACK]) { if ((has_only_one_one(board->knights[WHITE]) && !board->knights[BLACK]) || (has_only_one_one(board->knights[BLACK]) && !board->knights[WHITE])) return TRUE; } // King bishops vs king bishops if (!board->knights[WHITE] && !board->knights[BLACK]) { if ((only_white_squares(board->bishops[WHITE]) && only_white_squares(board->bishops[BLACK])) || (only_black_squares(board->bishops[WHITE]) && only_black_squares(board->bishops[BLACK]))) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool fifty_move_rule (Board *board) { return board->halfmove_clock >= 50; } bool pseudo_legal_move (Board *board, int from, int to) { // Piece in from square is the right color if (get_color (board, from) != board->active_color) return FALSE; // The move is a castling if (castling_type (board, from, to)) return TRUE; // The move is en passant if (have_en_passant (board, from, to)) return TRUE; // The move is legal? bboard x = xray (board, from, FALSE) & ~board->pieces[board->active_color]; return x & (1ULL << to) ? TRUE : FALSE; } void get_coord (Board *board, char piece, const char *disambiguating, const char *to_coord, char promote_in, int *from, int *to) { int count = 0; char file, rank; bboard x; *to = coord_to_square (to_coord); if (!piece) piece = 'P'; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int c = get_color (board, i); if (c == board->active_color && piece == toupper (board->placement[i])) { x = xray (board, i, FALSE) & ~board->pieces[c]; if (x & 1ULL << *to || have_en_passant (board, i, *to)) { file = square_to_file (i); rank = square_to_rank (i); if (!strcmp (disambiguating, "") || disambiguating[0] == file || disambiguating[0] == rank || (disambiguating[0] == file && disambiguating[1] == rank)) { Board new_board; if (try_move (board, i, *to, promote_in, &new_board, 0, 0)) { *from = i; count++; } } } } } if (count != 1) *from = *to = 0; // For compatibility: if pawn capture a file disambiguating is required else if (piece == 'P' && !strcmp (disambiguating, "")) if (square_to_file (*from) != square_to_file (*to)) *from = *to = 0; } // This function do not consider castling, this is handled separately. bool try_move (Board *board, int from, int to, char promote_in, Board *new_board, char **move_done, char *capture) { memcpy (new_board, board, sizeof (Board)); *(get_bitboard (new_board, from)) ^= 1ULL << from; *(get_bitboard (new_board, from)) ^= 1ULL << to; if (capture) *capture = new_board->placement[to]; int ep = have_en_passant (new_board, from, to); if (new_board->placement[to]) *(get_bitboard (new_board, to)) ^= 1ULL << to; // En passant check else if (ep) { if (capture) *capture = new_board->placement[ep]; *(get_bitboard (new_board, ep)) ^= 1ULL << ep; new_board->placement[ep] = 0; } // Change placement new_board->placement[to] = new_board->placement[from]; new_board->placement[from] = 0; // Promotion check if (require_a_promotion (new_board)) { if (!promote (new_board, to, promote_in)) return FALSE; } else promote_in = 0; // Set occupied pieces in new board set_occupied (new_board); // If king is in check can't move! if (king_in_check (new_board, get_color (board, from))) return FALSE; // Get short algebraic chess notation of the move if (move_done && capture) *move_done = get_notation (board, from, to, *capture, ep, promote_in, 0, 0); return TRUE; } char* get_notation (Board *board, int from, int to, int capture, int ep, char promotion, int check, int checkmate) { // Get short algebraic chess notation int i = 0; char *notation = (char *) malloc (9); char piece = toupper (board->placement[from]); if (piece != 'P') { notation[i] = piece; i++; } else if (capture || ep) { notation[i] = square_to_file (from); i++; } // Disambiguating if (piece != 'P') { int pieces[9]; int n = same_pieces_that_can_capture_a_square (board, board->active_color, to, pieces, board->placement[from]); if (n > 1) { char from_file = square_to_file (from); char from_rank = square_to_rank (from); char disc_file, disc_rank; int disc_file_added = 0; int disc_rank_added = 0; int j = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { disc_file = square_to_file (pieces[j]); disc_rank = square_to_rank (pieces[j]); if (from_file != disc_file || from_rank != disc_rank) { if (from_file != disc_file && !disc_file_added) { notation[i] = from_file; i++; disc_file_added = 1; } if (from_file == disc_file && from_rank != disc_rank && !disc_rank_added) { notation[i] = from_rank; i++; disc_rank_added = 1; } } } } } if (capture || ep) { notation[i] = 'x'; i++; } notation[i] = square_to_file (to); notation[i+1] = square_to_rank (to); i += 2; if (ep) { notation[i] = 'e'; notation[i+1] = 'p'; i += 2; } if (promotion) { notation[i] = '='; notation[i+1] = promotion; i += 2; } if (checkmate) { notation[i] = '#'; i++; } else if (check) { notation[i] = '+'; i++; } notation[i] = '\0'; return notation; } char* to_fen (Board *board) { // 1. Placement char placement[65]; int cur = 0; char p, pp = '-'; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { p = board->placement[j+i*8]; if (p == '\0' && p == pp) { placement[cur-1] += 1; } else if (p == '\0') { placement[cur] = '1'; cur++; } else { placement[cur] = p; cur++; } pp = p; } if (p == '\0') pp = '-'; if (i > 0) { placement[cur] = '/'; cur++; } } placement[cur] = '\0'; // 2. Active color char active_color; if (board->active_color) active_color = 'b'; else active_color = 'w'; // 3. Castling availability char *castling = castling_to_s (board->castling); // 4. En passant target square char *ep; if (board->en_passant >= 0) ep = square_to_coord (board->en_passant); else { ep = (char *) malloc (2); strcpy (ep, "-"); } // 5. Halfmove clock // > board->halfmove_clock // 6. Fullmove number // > board->fullmove_number // join all in fen string char *fen = (char *) malloc (80); sprintf (fen, "%s %c %s %s %d %d", placement, active_color, castling, ep, board->halfmove_clock, board->fullmove_number); free (castling); free (ep); return fen; }