Feature: Command-line options: Use behave --lang-list As a user I want to determine which languages are supported by behave So that I can use the language code in feature files or command lines @problematic @not.with_os=win32 Scenario: Use behave --lang-list When I run "behave --lang-list" Then it should pass with: """ Languages available: ar: العربية / Arabic bg: български / Bulgarian ca: català / Catalan cs: Česky / Czech cy-GB: Cymraeg / Welsh da: dansk / Danish de: Deutsch / German en: English / English """ And the command output should contain: """ sv: Svenska / Swedish tr: Türkçe / Turkish uk: Українська / Ukrainian uz: Узбекча / Uzbek vi: Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese zh-CN: 简体中文 / Chinese simplified zh-TW: 繁體中文 / Chinese traditional """ But the command output should not contain "Traceback"