require 'active_support/deprecation'
module Git
# An object used to manage deprecations
# A ActiveSupport::Deprecation object used to manage the deprecations scheduled
# to be removed in the next major release of the `git`` gem.
# @example Deprecate a method
# Git.deprecation.deprecate_methods(Git::Branch, stashes: 'use Git::Base#stash_list instead')
# @example Set the deprecation behavior
# # Log all deprecation warnings to $stderr (the default)
# Git.deprecation.behavior = :stderr
# # Raise an ActiveSupport::DeprecationException
# Git.deprecation.behavior = :raise
# # Do nothing
# Git.deprecation.behavior = :raise
# @see ActiveSupport::Deprecation
# @return [ActiveSupport::Deprecation]
def self.deprecation
@deprecation ||='2.0.0', 'git')
require 'git/author'
require 'git/base'
require 'git/branch'
require 'git/branches'
require 'git/command_line_result'
require 'git/config'
require 'git/diff'
require 'git/encoding_utils'
require 'git/escaped_path'
require 'git/failed_error'
require 'git/git_execute_error'
require 'git/index'
require 'git/lib'
require 'git/log'
require 'git/object'
require 'git/path'
require 'git/remote'
require 'git/repository'
require 'git/signaled_error'
require 'git/status'
require 'git/stash'
require 'git/stashes'
require 'git/url'
require 'git/version'
require 'git/working_directory'
require 'git/worktree'
require 'git/worktrees'
# The Git module provides the basic functions to open a git
# reference to work with. You can open a working directory,
# open a bare repository, initialize a new repo or clone an
# existing remote repository.
# @author Scott Chacon (
module Git
#g.config('', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
#g.config('', '') # sets value
#g.config('') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
#g.config # returns whole config hash
def config(name = nil, value = nil)
lib =
if(name && value)
# set value
lib.config_set(name, value)
elsif (name)
# return value
# return hash
def self.configure
yield Base.config
def self.config
return Base.config
def global_config(name = nil, value = nil)
self.class.global_config(name, value)
# Open a bare repository
# Opens a bare repository located in the `git_dir` directory.
# Since there is no working copy, you can not checkout or commit
# but you can do most read operations.
# @see
# What is a bare repository?
# @example Open a bare repository and retrieve the first commit SHA
# repository = Git.bare('ruby-git.git')
# puts repository.log[0].sha #=> "64c6fa011d3287bab9158049c85f3e85718854a0"
# @param [Pathname] git_dir The path to the bare repository directory
# containing an initialized Git repository. If a relative path is given, it
# is converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](
# @param [Hash] options The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @option options [Logger] :log A logger to use for Git operations. Git commands
# are logged at the `:info` level. Additional logging is done at the `:debug`
# level.
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the bare repository.
def self.bare(git_dir, options = {})
Base.bare(git_dir, options)
# Clone a repository into an empty or newly created directory
# @see git clone
# @see GIT URLs
# @param repository_url [URI, Pathname] The (possibly remote) repository url to clone
# from. See [GIT URLS](
# for more information.
# @param directory [Pathname, nil] The directory to clone into
# If `directory` is a relative directory it is relative to the `path` option if
# given. If `path` is not given, `directory` is relative to the current working
# directory.
# If `nil`, `directory` will be set to the basename of the last component of
# the path from the `repository_url`. For example, for the URL:
# ``, `directory` will be set to `repo`.
# If the last component of the path is `.git`, the next-to-last component of
# the path is used. For example, for the URL `/Users/me/foo/.git`, `directory`
# will be set to `foo`.
# @param [Hash] options The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @option options [Boolean] :bare Make a bare Git repository. See
# [what is a bare repository?](
# @option options [String] :branch The name of a branch or tag to checkout
# instead of the default branch.
# @option options [Integer] :depth Create a shallow clone with a history
# truncated to the specified number of commits.
# @option options [Logger] :log A logger to use for Git operations. Git
# commands are logged at the `:info` level. Additional logging is done
# at the `:debug` level.
# @option options [Boolean] :mirror Set up a mirror of the source repository.
# @option options [String] :origin Use the value instead `origin` to track
# the upstream repository.
# @option options [Pathname] :path The directory to clone into. May be used
# as an alternative to the `directory` parameter. If specified, the
# `path` option is used instead of the `directory` parameter.
# @option options [Boolean] :recursive After the clone is created, initialize
# all submodules within, using their default settings.
# @example Clone into the default directory `ruby-git`
# git = Git.clone('')
# @example Clone and then checkout the `development` branch
# git = Git.clone('', branch: 'development')
# @example Clone into a different directory `my-ruby-git`
# git = Git.clone('', 'my-ruby-git')
# # or:
# git = Git.clone('', path: 'my-ruby-git')
# @example Create a bare repository in the directory `ruby-git.git`
# git = Git.clone('', bare: true)
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the cloned local working copy or cloned repository.
def self.clone(repository_url, directory = nil, options = {})
clone_to_options = { |key, _value| %i[bare mirror].include?(key) }
directory ||= Git::URL.clone_to(repository_url, **clone_to_options)
Base.clone(repository_url, directory, options)
# Returns the name of the default branch of the given repository
# @example with a URI string
# Git.default_branch('') # => 'master'
# Git.default_branch('') # => 'main'
# @example with a URI object
# repository_uri = URI('')
# Git.default_branch(repository_uri) # => 'master'
# @example with a local repository
# Git.default_branch('.') # => 'master'
# @example with a local repository Pathname
# repository_path = Pathname('.')
# Git.default_branch(repository_path) # => 'master'
# @example with the logging option
# logger =, level: Logger::INFO)
# Git.default_branch('.', log: logger) # => 'master'
# I, [2022-04-13T16:01:33.221596 #18415] INFO -- : git '-c' 'core.quotePath=true' '-c' 'color.ui=false' ls-remote '--symref' '--' '.' 'HEAD' 2>&1
# @param repository [URI, Pathname, String] The (possibly remote) repository to get the default branch name for
# See [GIT URLS](
# for more information.
# @param [Hash] options The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @option options [Logger] :log A logger to use for Git operations. Git
# commands are logged at the `:info` level. Additional logging is done
# at the `:debug` level.
# @return [String] the name of the default branch
def self.default_branch(repository, options = {})
Base.repository_default_branch(repository, options)
# Export the current HEAD (or a branch, if options[:branch]
# is specified) into the +name+ directory, then remove all traces of git from the
# directory.
# See +clone+ for options. Does not obey the :remote option,
# since the .git info will be deleted anyway; always uses the default
# remote, 'origin.'
def self.export(repository, name, options = {})
repo = clone(repository, name, {:depth => 1}.merge(options))
repo.checkout("origin/#{options[:branch]}") if options[:branch]
Dir.chdir(repo.dir.to_s) { FileUtils.rm_r '.git' }
# Same as g.config, but forces it to be at the global level
#g.config('', 'Scott Chacon') # sets value
#g.config('', '') # sets value
#g.config('') # returns 'Scott Chacon'
#g.config # returns whole config hash
def self.global_config(name = nil, value = nil)
lib =, nil)
if(name && value)
# set value
lib.global_config_set(name, value)
elsif (name)
# return value
# return hash
# Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing Git repository
# @param [Pathname] directory If the `:bare` option is NOT given or is not
# `true`, the repository will be created in `"#{directory}/.git"`.
# Otherwise, the repository is created in `"#{directory}"`.
# All directories along the path to `directory` are created if they do not exist.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](
# @param [Hash] options The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @option options [Boolean] :bare Instead of creating a repository at
# `"#{directory}/.git"`, create a bare repository at `"#{directory}"`.
# See [what is a bare repository?](
# @option options [String] :initial_branch Use the specified name for the
# initial branch in the newly created repository.
# @option options [Pathname] :repository the path to put the newly initialized
# Git repository. The default for non-bare repository is `"#{directory}/.git"`.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](
# @option options [Logger] :log A logger to use for Git operations. Git
# commands are logged at the `:info` level. Additional logging is done
# at the `:debug` level.
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the newly initialized repository
# @example Initialize a repository in the current directory
# git = Git.init
# @example Initialize a repository in some other directory
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git'
# @example Initialize a bare repository
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git.git', bare: true
# @example Initialize a repository in a non-default location (outside of the working copy)
# git = Git.init '~/code/ruby-git', repository: '~/code/ruby-git.git'
# @see git init
def self.init(directory = '.', options = {})
Base.init(directory, options)
# returns a Hash containing information about the references
# of the target repository
# options
# :refs
# @param [String|NilClass] location the target repository location or nil for '.'
# @return [{String=>Hash}] the available references of the target repo.
def self.ls_remote(location = nil, options = {}), options)
# Open a an existing Git working directory
# will most likely be the most common way to create
# a git reference, referring to an existing working directory.
# If not provided in the options, the library will assume
# the repository and index are in the default places (`.git/`, `.git/index`).
# @example Open the Git working directory in the current directory
# git =
# @example Open a Git working directory in some other directory
# git ='~/Projects/ruby-git')
# @example Use a logger to see what is going on
# logger =
# git ='~/Projects/ruby-git', log: logger)
# @example Open a working copy whose repository is in a non-standard directory
# git ='~/Projects/ruby-git', repository: '~/Project/ruby-git.git')
# @param [Pathname] working_dir the path to the working directory to use
# for git commands.
# A relative path is referenced from the current working directory of the process
# and converted to an absolute path using
# [File.expand_path](
# @param [Hash] options The options for this command (see list of valid
# options below)
# @option options [Pathname] :repository used to specify a non-standard path to
# the repository directory. The default is `"#{working_dir}/.git"`.
# @option options [Pathname] :index used to specify a non-standard path to an
# index file. The default is `"#{working_dir}/.git/index"`
# @option options [Logger] :log A logger to use for Git operations. Git
# commands are logged at the `:info` level. Additional logging is done
# at the `:debug` level.
# @return [Git::Base] an object that can execute git commands in the context
# of the opened working copy
def, options = {}), options)