# JquerySortableTree This gem is totally based on [the_sortable_tree](https://github.com/the-teacher/the_sortable_tree) gem. [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/jquery_sortable_tree) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/maximalink/jquery_sortable_tree) > tested with rails 4.1.0rc2 + haml 4 Nested Set + Drag&Drop GUI. Very fast! Best render helper! **2000 nodes/sec**. Ready for rails 4 ([RubyGems](http://rubygems.org/gems/jquery_sortable_tree)) ### Dummy Application * [spec/dummy_app](spec/dummy_app) * [spec/dummy_app/README.md](dummy_app/README.md) ## Sortable tree. Drag&Drop GUI  ## Render tree  ## Render Nested Options  ## Render Indented Options  ## Render Optgroup  ## Expandable tree  ## Keywords Awesome nested set, Nested set, Ruby, Rails, Nested set view helper, Sortable nested set, Drag&Drop GUI for nested set, View helper for nested set, render tree ## Install **Gemfile** (Rails 3, Rails 4) ```ruby gem 'awesome_nested_set' # or any similar gem (gem 'nested_set') gem 'jquery_sortable_tree', '~> 3.0.0' ``` Console ```ruby bundle ``` ## Using #### JQuery and JavaScripts **app/assets/javascripts/application.js** Sortable GUI require JQuery libs ```ruby //= require jquery //= require jquery-ui //= require jquery_ujs ``` Add next JS only for Sortable GUI ```ruby //= require sortable_tree/initializer ``` or Extendable GUI: ```ruby //= require expandable_tree/initializer ``` #### Stylesheets **app/assets/stylesheets/application.css** ```ruby *= require tree *= require sortable_tree *= require expandable_tree *= require nested_options ``` ### Extend your Routes for Sortable GUI ```ruby resources :pages do collection do get :manage # required for Sortable GUI server side actions post :rebuild end end ``` **manage** - just page, where you want render Sortable tree. ### Extend your Model ```ruby class Page < ActiveRecord::Base include JquerySortableTree::Scopes # any code here end ``` ### Extend your controller and find your tree ```ruby class PagesController < ApplicationController include JquerySortableTreeController::Rebuild def manage @pages = Page.nested_set.select('id, title, content, parent_id').all end # any code here end ``` ## Basic Render Method ```ruby build_server_tree(tree, options) ``` ## Render Tree **app/views/pages/manage.html.haml** ```haml %ol.tree= just_tree @pages ``` **just_tree** is just alias of **build_server_tree(tree, type: :tree)** ## Render Sortable Tree ```haml %ol.sortable_tree{ data: { max_levels: 5, rebuild_url: rebuild_pages_url } } = sortable_tree @pages ``` **sortable_tree** is just alias of **build_server_tree(tree, type: :sortable)** ## Render Nested Options Tree ```haml = select_tag :page_id, nested_options(@pages, :selected => Page.last), class: :nested_options ``` **nested_options** is just alias of **build_server_tree(tree, type: :nested_options)** This uses CSS styling, for indenting with spaces, use **indented_options** instead. ## Render Indented Options Tree ```haml = select_tag :page_id, indented_options(@pages, :selected => Page.last) ``` **indented_options** is just alias of **build_server_tree(tree, type: :indented_options)** ## Render Optgroup Tree ```haml = select_tag :page_id, optgroup(@pages, :selected => Page.last) ``` **optgroup** is just alias of **build_server_tree(tree, type: :indented_options)** The only difference between **indented_options** and **optgroup** is the selectable of parent nodes. Indented options allows to select parent nodes, but optgroup does not. ## build_server_tree options **Client side:** Required params for sortable GUI! Must be defined at root element of tree. 1. **max_levels** - maximum depth of nesting 2. **rebuild_url** - URL to rebuild method on server side ```ruby %ol.sortable_tree{ data: { max_levels: 3, rebuild_url: rebuild_pages_url } } ``` **Server side:** define ```ruby build_server_tree(pages, {:option_1 => :value_1, :option_2 => :value_2}) ``` use ```ruby options[:NAME] ``` Options list: 1. **id** - id field of node 2. **title** - title field of node 3. **type** - type of tree [tree|sortable|nested_options|indented_options] 4. **namespace** - for example: **:admin**. **[]** - by default 5. **render_module** - your own Render Tree Helper 6. **spacing** - number of spaces per level (indented_options only) **Rendering runtime params (see code of render helpers):** You can use next options, when rendering run: 1. **level** - level number 2. **root** - root flag [true|false] 3. **klass** - class name 4. **has_children** - has children flag [true|false] 5. **children** - array of children ## Simple\_form input Using indented options with [simple\_form](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form) is easy: ```ruby = simple_form_for @website do |form| = form.association :front_page, as: :indented_collection_select ``` Additional options can be supplied to the input: 1. **spacing** - number of spaces to use for each level (default 3) 2. **depth\_method** - method name to get level from object (default `:depth`) Please note that when you're using awesome\_nested\_set, you need to have the optional `depth` column in your table. ## Customization Try to run next view generators: Render helpers for HTML tree generation ```ruby bundle exec rails g jquery_sortable_tree:views tree bundle exec rails g jquery_sortable_tree:views sortable bundle exec rails g jquery_sortable_tree:views nested_options bundle exec rails g jquery_sortable_tree:views indented_options ``` Base Render helper of gem ```ruby bundle exec rails g jquery_sortable_tree:views helper ``` Assets of gem ```ruby bundle exec rails g jquery_sortable_tree:views assets ``` ## I want to know more 1. [How to change HTML code of tree?](https://github.com/maximalink/jquery_sortable_tree/blob/master/docs/How_to_change_HTML_code_of_tree.md) 2. [How to create new tree HTML Builder helper?](https://github.com/maximalink/jquery_sortable_tree/blob/master/docs/How_to_create_new_tree_Render_Helper.md) 3. [I need to render reversed tree](https://github.com/maximalink/jquery_sortable_tree/blob/master/docs/I_need_to_render_reversed_tree.md) 4. [Gem can't correctly define a Name of your Model](https://github.com/maximalink/jquery_sortable_tree/blob/master/docs/How_to_correctly_define_a_Name_of_your_Model.md) 5. [ChangeLog](https://github.com/maximalink/jquery_sortable_tree/blob/master/docs/ChangeLog.md) ## Is it fast? Yes, it is! BANCHMARK: tree params: 16.000 nodes, 3 levels - Views: 7999.6ms | ActiveRecord: 79.2ms - WebInspector full time ~ 9.64s total: ~ **2000 nodes/sec** ## Looking for maintainers Do you want to be open source contributor? There are some ideas: Try to create view helpers for: 1. Mongoid NestedSet 2. acts_as_ordered_tree 5. Expand tree via AJAX 4. Comments Tree gem 3. gem Ancestry (???) ## I want to try! I need tests! 1. Sorry, but I have not tests for this gem. Gem is so simple. It's easy to test only with test app. 2. You can write some tests, if you need. I will be happy certainly. 3. No! I know RSpec. I can write tests. But I have not reasons to write tests here. ## Аcknowledgment 1. [mjsarfatti/nestedSortable](https://github.com/mjsarfatti/nestedSortable) 2. [iconza](http://iconza.com) ## The MIT License (MIT) Copyright 2009-2013 Ilya N. Zykin (the-teacher), Mikhail Dieterle (Mik-die), Matthew Clark Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION W