# fluent-plugin-record-reformer [](http://travis-ci.org/sonots/fluent-plugin-record-reformer) Fluentd pluging to add or replace fields of a event record ## Installation Use RubyGems: gem install fluent-plugin-record-reformer ## Configuration Example: <match foo.**> type record_reformer remove_keys remove_me renew_record false enable_ruby false output_tag reformed.${tag} <record> hostname ${hostname} input_tag ${tag} message ${message}, ${tag_parts[-1]} </record> </match> Assume following input is coming (indented): ```js foo.bar { "remove_me":"bar", "foo":"bar", "message":"Hello world!" } ``` then output becomes as below (indented): ```js reformed.foo.bar { "foo":"bar", "hostname":"YOUR_HOSTNAME", "input_tag":"foo.bar", "message":"Hello world!, bar", } ``` ## Configuration (Classic Style) Example: <match foo.**> type record_reformer remove_keys remove_me renew_record false enable_ruby false output_tag reformed.${tag} hostname ${hostname} input_tag ${tag} message ${message}, ${tag_parts[-1]} </match> This results in same, but please note that following option parameters are reserved, so can not be used as a record key. ## Parameters - output_tag The output tag name - remove_keys Specify record keys to be removed by a string separated by , (comma) like remove_keys message,foo - renew_record *bool* Set to `true` if you do not want to extend (or merge) the input record fields. Default is `false`. - enable_ruby *bool* Enable to use ruby codes in placeholders. See `Placeholders` section. Default is `true` (just for lower version compatibility). ## Placeholders The keys of input json are available as placeholders. In the above example, * ${foo} * ${message} * ${remove_me} shall be available. In addition, following placeholders are reserved: * ${hostname} hostname * ${tag} input tag * ${time} time of the event * ${tags[N]} input tag splitted by '.' (obsolete. use tag\_parts) * ${tag\_parts[N]} input tag splitted by '.' indexed with N such as `${tag_parts[0]}`, `${tag_parts[-1]}`. It is also possible to write a ruby code in placeholders if you set `enable_ruby true` option, so you may write some codes as * ${time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')} * ${tag\_parts.last} but, please note that enabling ruby codes is not encouraged by security reasons and also in terms of the performance. ## Relatives Following plugins look similar: * [fluent-plugin-record-modifier](https://github.com/repeatedly/fluent-plugin-record-modifier) * [fluent-plugin-format](https://github.com/mach/fluent-plugin-format) * [fluent-plugin-add](https://github.com/yu-yamada/fluent-plugin-add) ## ChangeLog See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for details. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new [Pull Request](../../pull/new/master) ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Naotoshi SEO. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.