require "singleton" # turn off Cucumber's default usage of DatabaseCleaner Cucumber::Rails::Database.autorun_database_cleaner = false AfterConfiguration do |config| CucumberHook.instance.init_pseudo end class CucumberHook include Singleton attr_accessor :first_test_run def initialize @first_test_run = false end def init_pseudo unless first_test_run @first_test_run = true # before tests run... # We start suite in case a custom cleaner wants/needs to. if PseudoCleaner::Configuration.current_instance.clean_database_before_tests PseudoCleaner::MasterCleaner.reset_database else PseudoCleaner::MasterCleaner.start_suite end DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction end end def start_test(scenario, strategy) PseudoCleaner::MasterCleaner.start_example(scenario, strategy) end def end_test(scenario) PseudoCleaner::MasterCleaner.end_example(scenario) end def run_test(scenario, strategy, block) start_test(scenario, strategy) begin ensure end_test(scenario) end end end ## # Most testing systems do tests as: # * Around # * Before # * After # # Cucumber doesn't. It does it: # * Before # * Around # * After # # What is more, it is WAY worse than that. # # If your Feature has a Background block: # Feature my feature # # Background # Scenario # # Then the Before happens before the Background whereas the Around is only around the # Scenario part of the feature. # # I hope that this gets fixed, but until it does, we can't use Around for database cleaning. # # This was fixed in Cucumber 2.0. if Cucumber::VERSION.split[0].to_i >= 2 Around("~@truncation", "~@deletion") do |scenario, block| CucumberHook.instance.run_test(scenario, :pseudo_delete, block) end Around("@truncation") do |scenario, block| CucumberHook.instance.run_test(scenario, :truncation, block) end Around("@deletion", "~@truncation") do |scenario, block| CucumberHook.instance.run_test(scenario, :deletion, block) end Around("@none") do |scenario, block| CucumberHook.instance.run_test(scenario, :none, block) end else Before("~@truncation", "~@deletion") do |scenario| CucumberHook.instance.start_test(scenario, :pseudo_delete) end Before("@truncation") do |scenario| CucumberHook.instance.start_test(scenario, :truncation) end Before("@deletion", "~@truncation") do |scenario| CucumberHook.instance.start_test(scenario, :deletion) end Before("@none") do |scenario| CucumberHook.instance.start_test(scenario, :none) end After do |scenario| CucumberHook.instance.end_test(scenario) end end at_exit do # We end suite in case a custom cleaner wants/needs to. PseudoCleaner::MasterCleaner.end_suite end