# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx::AUI

  # These are the possible gradient dock art settings for {Wx::AUI::AuiDefaultDockArt}.
  # @wxrb_require USE_AUI
  class AuiPaneDockArtGradients < Wx::Enum
    # No gradient on the captions, in other words a solid colour.
    AUI_GRADIENT_NONE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtGradients.new(0)
    # Vertical gradient on the captions, in other words a gradual change in colours from top to bottom.
    AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtGradients.new(1)
    # Horizontal gradient on the captions, in other words a gradual change in colours from left to right.
    AUI_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtGradients.new(2)
  end # AuiPaneDockArtGradients
  # These are the possible pane button / {Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook} button / {Wx::AUI::AuiToolBar} button states.
  # @wxrb_require USE_AUI
  class AuiPaneButtonState < Wx::Enum
    # Normal button state.
    AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState.new(0)
    # Hovered button state.
    AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState.new(2)
    # Pressed button state.
    AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState.new(4)
    # Disabled button state.
    AUI_BUTTON_STATE_DISABLED = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState.new(8)
    # Hidden button state.
    AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HIDDEN = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState.new(16)
    # Checked button state.
    AUI_BUTTON_STATE_CHECKED = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState.new(32)
  end # AuiPaneButtonState
  # These are the possible pane button / {Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook} button / {Wx::AUI::AuiToolBar} button identifiers.
  # @wxrb_require USE_AUI
  class AuiButtonId < Wx::Enum
    # Shows a close button on the pane.
    AUI_BUTTON_CLOSE = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(101)
    # Shows a maximize/restore button on the pane.
    AUI_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE_RESTORE = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(102)
    # Shows a minimize button on the pane.
    AUI_BUTTON_MINIMIZE = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(103)
    # Shows a pin button on the pane.
    AUI_BUTTON_PIN = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(104)
    # Shows an option button on the pane (not implemented)
    AUI_BUTTON_OPTIONS = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(105)
    # Shows a window list button on the pane (for {Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook})
    AUI_BUTTON_WINDOWLIST = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(106)
    # Shows a left button on the pane (for {Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook})
    AUI_BUTTON_LEFT = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(107)
    # Shows a right button on the pane (for {Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook})
    AUI_BUTTON_RIGHT = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(108)
    # Shows an up button on the pane (not implemented)
    AUI_BUTTON_UP = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(109)
    # Shows a down button on the pane (not implemented)
    AUI_BUTTON_DOWN = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(110)
    # Shows one of three possible custom buttons on the pane (not implemented)
    AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM1 = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(201)
    # Shows one of three possible custom buttons on the pane (not implemented)
    AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM2 = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(202)
    # Shows one of three possible custom buttons on the pane (not implemented)
    AUI_BUTTON_CUSTOM3 = Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId.new(203)
  end # AuiButtonId
  # These are the possible pane dock art settings for {Wx::AUI::AuiDefaultDockArt}.
  # Category:  Window Docking (wxAUI)
  # @wxrb_require USE_AUI
  class AuiPaneDockArtSetting < Wx::Enum
    # Customizes the sash size.
    AUI_DOCKART_SASH_SIZE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(0)
    # Customizes the caption size.
    AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_SIZE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(1)
    # Customizes the gripper size.
    AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_SIZE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(2)
    # Customizes the pane border size.
    AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(3)
    # Customizes the pane button size.
    AUI_DOCKART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(4)
    # Customizes the background colour, which corresponds to the client area.
    AUI_DOCKART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(5)
    # Customizes the sash colour.
    AUI_DOCKART_SASH_COLOUR = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(6)
    # Customizes the active caption colour.
    AUI_DOCKART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(7)
    # Customizes the active caption gradient colour.
    # Customizes the inactive caption colour.
    # Customizes the inactive gradient caption colour.
    # Customizes the active caption text colour.
    # Customizes the inactive caption text colour.
    # Customizes the border colour.
    AUI_DOCKART_BORDER_COLOUR = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(13)
    # Customizes the gripper colour.
    AUI_DOCKART_GRIPPER_COLOUR = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(14)
    # Customizes the caption font.
    AUI_DOCKART_CAPTION_FONT = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(15)
    # Customizes the gradient type (no gradient, vertical or horizontal)
    AUI_DOCKART_GRADIENT_TYPE = Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting.new(16)
  end # AuiPaneDockArtSetting
  # {Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt} is part of the {Wx::AUI} class framework.
  # See also wxAUI Overview.
  # {Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt} is the art provider: provides all drawing functionality to the {Wx::AUI} dock manager. This allows the dock manager to have a pluggable look-and-feel.
  # By default, a {Wx::AUI::AuiManager} uses an instance of this class called {Wx::AUI::AuiDefaultDockArt} which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms' look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new dock art class. Call {Wx::AUI::AuiManager#set_art_provider} to force {Wx::AUI} to use your new dock art provider.
  # Category:  Window Docking (wxAUI)
  # @see Wx::AUI::AuiManager
  # @see  Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo 
  # @wxrb_require USE_AUI
  class AuiDockArt < ::Object
    # Constructor.
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt]
    def initialize; end
    # Create a copy of this {Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt} instance.
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt]
    def clone; end
    # Draws a background.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param orientation [Integer] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_background(dc, window, orientation, rect) end
    # Draws a border.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_border(dc, window, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a caption.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param text [String] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_caption(dc, window, text, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a gripper.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_gripper(dc, window, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a button in the pane's title bar.
    # button can be one of the values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId}</b>. button_state can be one of the values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState}</b>.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param button [Integer] 
    # @param button_state [Integer] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_pane_button(dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a sash between two windows.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param orientation [Integer] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_sash(dc, window, orientation, rect) end
    # Get the colour of a certain setting.
    # id can be one of the colour values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::Colour]
    def get_colour(id) end
    alias_method :colour, :get_colour
    # Get a font setting.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::Font]
    def get_font(id) end
    alias_method :font, :get_font
    # Get the value of a certain setting.
    # id can be one of the size values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_metric(id) end
    alias_method :metric, :get_metric
    # Set a certain setting with the value colour.
    # id can be one of the colour values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param colour [Wx::Colour,String,Symbol] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_colour(id, colour) end
    # Set a font setting.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param font [Wx::Font,Wx::FontInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_font(id, font) end
    # Set a certain setting with the value new_val.
    # id can be one of the size values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param new_val [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_metric(id, new_val) end
  end # AuiDockArt
  # This is the default art provider for {Wx::AUI::AuiManager}.
  # Dock art can be customized by creating a class derived from this one, or replacing this class entirely.
  # @wxrb_require USE_AUI
  class AuiDefaultDockArt < AuiDockArt
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiDefaultDockArt]
    def initialize; end
    # Create a copy of this {Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt} instance.
    # @return [Wx::AUI::AuiDockArt]
    def clone; end
    # Get the value of a certain setting.
    # id can be one of the size values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Integer]
    def get_metric(id) end
    alias_method :metric, :get_metric
    # Set a certain setting with the value new_val.
    # id can be one of the size values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param new_val [Integer] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_metric(id, new_val) end
    # Get the colour of a certain setting.
    # id can be one of the colour values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::Colour]
    def get_colour(id) end
    alias_method :colour, :get_colour
    # Set a certain setting with the value colour.
    # id can be one of the colour values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneDockArtSetting}</b>.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param colour [Wx::Colour,String,Symbol] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_colour(id, colour) end
    # Set a font setting.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param font [Wx::Font,Wx::FontInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def set_font(id, font) end
    # Get a font setting.
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @return [Wx::Font]
    def get_font(id) end
    alias_method :font, :get_font
    # Draws a sash between two windows.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param orientation [Integer] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_sash(dc, window, orientation, rect) end
    # Draws a background.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param orientation [Integer] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_background(dc, window, orientation, rect) end
    # Draws a caption.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param text [String] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_caption(dc, window, text, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a gripper.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_gripper(dc, window, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a border.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_border(dc, window, rect, pane) end
    # Draws a button in the pane's title bar.
    # button can be one of the values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiButtonId}</b>. button_state can be one of the values of <b>{Wx::AUI::AuiPaneButtonState}</b>.
    # @param dc [Wx::DC] 
    # @param window [Wx::Window] 
    # @param button [Integer] 
    # @param button_state [Integer] 
    # @param rect [Wx::Rect] 
    # @param pane [Wx::AUI::AuiPaneInfo] 
    # @return [void]
    def draw_pane_button(dc, window, button, button_state, rect, pane) end
  end # AuiDefaultDockArt
