require 'sprout' require 'sprout/flex4sdk/version' #Comment out the above and uncomment the next line in order to use the flex3sdk #require 'sprout/flex3sdk/version' # Load gems from a server other than rubyforge: set_sources '' sprout 'as3' ############################################ # Configure ProjectModel to be used by # script/generate for appropriate bundles. project_model :model do |m| m.project_name = '<%= project_name %>' m.language = 'mxml' m.compiler_gem_name = 'sprout-flex4sdk-tool' #Comment out the above and uncomment the next line in order to use the flex3sdk #m.compiler_gem_name = 'sprout-flex3sdk-tool' #if you want to use a specific version, uncomment and edit the following line #m.compiler_gem_version = '>=4.0.0' m.input = 'src/<%= project_name %>.mxml' m.test_input = 'src/FlexUnitApplication.mxml' #m.default_size = '970 550' #m.default_background_color = '#ffffff' m.debug = true m.bin_dir = 'bin' m.output = "#{m.bin_dir}/<%= project_name.downcase %>.swf" m.debug_output = "#{m.bin_dir}-debug/<%= project_name.downcase %>.swf" m.air_input = m.output m.air_output_dir = "package/<%= project_name %>.air" m.asset_dir = 'src/assets' m.source_path = [] m.source_path << 'src' m.source_path << m.asset_dir m.library_path = "lib" m.air_config_file = File.join(Sprout::Sprout.gem_file_cache('sprout-flex4sdk-tool', Sprout::Flex4SDK::VERSION::STRING), 'archive','frameworks','air-config.xml') #Comment out the above and uncomment the next line in order to use the flex3sdk # m.air_config_file = File.join(Sprout::Sprout.gem_file_cache('sprout-flex3sdk-tool', Sprout::Flex4SDK::VERSION::STRING), 'archive','frameworks','air-config.xml') end model = Sprout::ProjectModel.instance ### Basic tasks ### desc 'Compile the optimized deployment' mxmlc :compile do |t| t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name t.warnings = true t.source_path = model.source_path t.input = model.input t.optimize = true t.debug = false t.output = model.output t.load_config = model.air_config_file #t.default_size = '800 600' #t.default_background_color = "#FFFFFF" #added lib directory as a library path #so that swc files can be dropped in lib #and automatically picked up t.library_path << model.library_path end desc 'Compile the app for debugging' mxmlc :compile_debug do |t| t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name t.warnings = true t.source_path = model.source_path t.input = model.input t.optimize = true t.debug = true t.output = model.debug_output t.verbose_stacktraces = true t.load_config = model.air_config_file #t.default_size = '800 600' #t.default_background_color = "#FFFFFF" #added lib directory as a library path #so that swc files can be dropped in lib #and automatically picked up t.library_path << model.library_path end ############################################ # Configure :debug # desc 'Rake task to debug in air runtime' adl :debug => [:compile_debug] do |t| t.root_directory = "." t.application_descriptor = "src/<%= project_name %>-Debug-app.xml" t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name # Uncomment this in order to use some features # see # t.pubid = "" end # set :debug as the :default task task :default => :debug ############################################ # Configure :run # desc 'Rake task to run in air runtime' adl :run => [:compile] do |t| t.root_directory = "." t.application_descriptor = "src/<%= project_name %>-app.xml" t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name # Uncomment this in order to use some features # see # t.pubid = "" end ############################################ # Configure :certificate # asdoc :doc => [:compile] do |t| t.source_path = model.source_path t.library_path << model.library_path t.doc_classes = '<%= project_name %>' t.main_title = '<%= project_name %>' t.footer = '' t.load_config = model.air_config_file t.output = 'doc' t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name end ############################################ # Configure :certificate # # have a look at the url in order to learn more about the possible options adt_cert :certificate do |t| = "Common name" t.keytype = "1024-RSA" t.keystore = "cert/cert.p12" t.keypass = "secret" t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name end ############################################ # Configure :package # desc 'Rake task package an .air file' adt :package => [:compile, :certificate ] do |t| t.storetype = "PKCS12" #change keystore and storepass if you use your own key t.keystore = "cert/cert.p12" t.storepass = "secret" t.output = model.air_output_dir t.application_descriptor = "src/<%= project_name %>-app.xml" t.files = [ model.output, model.asset_dir ] t.gem_name = model.compiler_gem_name end