require "spec_helper" describe WorkerRoulette do include EventedSpec::EMSpec let(:sender) {'katie_80'} let(:work_orders) {["hello", "foreman"]} let(:default_headers) {Hash['headers' => {'sender' => sender}]} let(:hello_work_order) {Hash['payload' => "hello"]} let(:foreman_work_order) {Hash['payload' => "foreman"]} let(:work_orders_with_headers) {default_headers.merge({'payload' => work_orders})} let(:jsonized_work_orders_with_headers) {[Oj.dump(work_orders_with_headers)]} let(:redis) {} em_before do WorkerRoulette.start(evented: true) end context Foreman do let(:subject) {WorkerRoulette.a_foreman(sender)} it "should enqueue work" do called = false foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('foreman') foreman.enqueue_work_order('some old fashion work') do |redis_response, stuff| called = true redis_response.should == 'foreman added' end done(0.1) {called.should == true} end it "should enqueue_work_order two work_orders in the sender's slot in the job board" do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.last) do redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == {|m| Oj.dump(default_headers.merge({'payload' => m})) } done end end end it "should enqueue_work_order an array of work_orders without headers in the sender's slot in the job board" do subject.enqueue_work_order_without_headers(work_orders) do redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == [Oj.dump(work_orders)] done end end it "should enqueue_work_order an array of work_orders with default headers in the sender's slot in the job board" do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == jsonized_work_orders_with_headers done end end it "should enqueue_work_order an array of work_orders with additional headers in the sender's slot in the job board" do extra_headers = {'foo' => 'bars'} subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders, extra_headers) do work_orders_with_headers['headers'].merge!(extra_headers) redis.lrange(sender, 0, -1).should == [Oj.dump(work_orders_with_headers)] done end end it "should post the sender's id to the job board with an order number" do first_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('first_foreman') first_foreman.enqueue_work_order('foo') do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.last) do redis.zrange(subject.job_board_key, 0, -1, with_scores: true).should == [["first_foreman", 1.0], ["katie_80", 2.0]] done end end end end it "should generate a monotically increasing score for senders not on the job board, but not for senders already there" do first_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('first_foreman') redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == nil first_foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == "1" first_foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.last) do redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == "1" subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders.first) do redis.get(subject.counter_key).should == "2" done end end end end it "should publish a notification that a new job is ready" do result = nil subscriber = WorkerRoulette.new_redis_pubsub subscriber.subscribe(WorkerRoulette::JOB_NOTIFICATIONS) do |message| subscriber.unsubscribe(WorkerRoulette::JOB_NOTIFICATIONS) message.should == WorkerRoulette::JOB_NOTIFICATIONS done end.callback { subject.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) } end end context Lua do before do Lua.clear_cache! redis.script(:flush) end it "should load and call a lua script" do lua_script = 'return"SET", KEYS[1], ARGV[1])', ['foo'], ['daddy']) do |result| Lua.cache.keys.first.should == lua_script Lua.cache.values.first.should == Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(lua_script) result.should == "OK" done end end it "should send a sha instead of a script once the script has been cached" do lua_script = 'return KEYS' Lua.should_receive(:eval).and_call_original do |result| Lua.should_not_receive(:eval) do |result| result.should == [] done end end end it "should raise an error to the caller if the script fails in redis" do lua_script = 'this is junk' # # rspec cannot test this bc of the callbacks, but if you have doubts, # uncomment the line above and watch it fail done end end context Tradesman do let(:foreman) {WorkerRoulette.a_foreman(sender)} let(:subject) {WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman} it "should be working on behalf of a sender" do foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do subject.work_orders! do |r| subject.sender.should == sender done end end end it "should drain one set of work_orders from the sender's slot in the job board" do foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do subject.work_orders! do |r| r.should == [work_orders_with_headers] subject.work_orders! do |r| r.should == [] subject.work_orders! {|r| r.should == []; done} #does not throw an error if queue is alreay empty end end end end it "should take the oldest sender off the job board (FIFO)" do foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do oldest_sender = sender.to_s most_recent_sender = 'most_recent_sender' most_recent_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman(most_recent_sender) most_recent_foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders) do redis.zrange(subject.job_board_key, 0, -1).should == [oldest_sender, most_recent_sender] subject.work_orders! { redis.zrange(subject.job_board_key, 0, -1).should == [most_recent_sender]; done } end end end it "should get the work_orders from the next queue when a new job is ready" do subject.should_receive(:work_orders!).and_call_original publish = proc {foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders)} subject.wait_for_work_orders(publish) do |redis_work_orders, message, channel| subject.sender.should == "katie_80" redis_work_orders.should == [work_orders_with_headers] done end end it "should publish and subscribe on custom channels" do good_subscribed = false bad_subscribed = false tradesman = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman('good_channel') evil_tradesman = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman('bad_channel') good_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('foreman', 'good_channel') bad_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('foreman', 'bad_channel') good_publish = proc {good_foreman.enqueue_work_order('some old fashion work')} bad_publish = proc {bad_foreman.enqueue_work_order('evil biddings you should not carry out')} tradesman.should_receive(:work_orders!).and_call_original evil_tradesman.should_receive(:work_orders!).and_call_original #They are double subscribing; is it possible that it is the connection pool? tradesman.wait_for_work_orders(good_publish) do |good_work| good_work.to_s.should match("old fashion") good_work.to_s.should_not match("evil") end evil_tradesman.wait_for_work_orders(bad_publish) do |bad_work| bad_work.to_s.should_not match("old fashion") bad_work.to_s.should match("evil") end done(0.2) end it "should unsubscribe from the job board" do publish = proc {foreman.enqueue_work_order(work_orders)} subject.wait_for_work_orders(publish) do |redis_work_orders, message, channel| subject.unsubscribe {done} end EM::Hiredis::PubsubClient.any_instance.should_receive(:close_connection).and_call_original end it "should periodically (random time between 20 and 25 seconds?) poll the job board for new work, in case it missed a notification" do EM::PeriodicTimer.should_receive(:new) {|time| time.should be_within(2.5).of(22.5)} publish = proc {foreman.enqueue_work_order('foo')} subject.wait_for_work_orders(publish) {done} end xit "should cancel the old timer when the on_message callback is called" do publish = proc {foreman.enqueue_work_order('foo')} subject.wait_for_work_orders(publish) do subject.send(:timer).should_receive(:cancel).and_call_original done end end it "should pull off work orders for more than one sender" do tradesman = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman('good_channel') good_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('good_foreman', 'good_channel') lazy_foreman = WorkerRoulette.a_foreman('lazy_foreman', 'good_channel') got_good = false got_lazy = false good_foreman.enqueue_work_order('do good work') do tradesman.work_orders! do |r| got_good = true r.first['payload'].should == ('do good work') end end lazy_foreman.enqueue_work_order('just get it done') do tradesman.work_orders! do |r| got_lazy = true r.first['payload'].should == ('just get it done') end end done(0.2) {(got_good && got_lazy).should == true} end end context "Potential Ack Success/Failure for Processing Queues" do xit "should not delete the messages from the queue until they have been processed succcesfully" xit "should checkout a readlock for a queue and put it back when its done processing; lock should expire after 5 minutes?" xit "should retry doing work on a queue 3 times if it is locked (ex backoff)" end context "Failure" do it "should not put the sender_id and work_orders back if processing fails bc new work_orders may have been processed while that process failed" do; done; end end context "Concurrent Access" do it "should not leak connections" it "should be fork() proof" do @subject = WorkerRoulette.a_tradesman @subject.work_orders! do fork do @subject.work_orders! end end done(1) end end end