require 'helper' describe Githu3::Team do def team stub_get "/teams/1", "teams/1" "1" end before do @client ="myvalidtoken") end it "should get its name right" do == "Owners" end describe "Getting the team's members..." do it "should get its members" do stub_get "/teams/1/members", "teams/members" team.members.length.should == 1 team.members.first.login.should == "octocat" end it 'should tell me if a user IS a member of the team' do stub_request(:get, "#{Githu3::Client::BaseUrl}/teams/1/members/octocat").to_return(:status => 204) team.member?('octocat').should be_true end it 'should tell me if a user IS NOT a member of the team' do stub_request(:get, "#{Githu3::Client::BaseUrl}/teams/1/members/billevans").to_return(:status => 404) team.member?('billevans').should be_false end end describe "Getting the team's repos..." do it "should list the team's repos" do stub_get "/teams/1/repos", "teams/repos" team.repos.length.should == 1 end end end