# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the devdns gem. Copyright (C) 2012 and above Shogun <shogun_panda@me.com>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # A small DNS server to enable local .dev domain resolution. module DevDNSd # The main DevDNSd application. class Application < RExec::Daemon::Base # Class for ANY DNS request. ANY_REQUEST = Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::ANY # List of classes handled in case of DNS request with resource class ANY. ANY_CLASSES = [Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::ANY, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::CNAME, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::HINFO, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MINFO, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::NS, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::PTR, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SOA, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::TXT] # The {Configuration Configuration} of this application. attr_reader :config # The arguments passed via command-line. attr_reader :args # The {Logger Logger} for this application. attr_accessor :logger # Creates a new application. # # @param globals [Hash] Global options. # @param locals [Hash] Local command options. # @param args [Array] Extra arguments. def initialize(globals = {}, locals = {}, args = []) @args = { :global => globals, :local => locals, :args => args } # Setup logger DevDNSd::Logger.start_time = Time.now @logger = DevDNSd::Logger.create(DevDNSd::Logger.get_real_file(@args[:global][:log_file]) || DevDNSd::Logger.default_file, Logger::INFO) # Open configuration begin @config = DevDNSd::Configuration.new(@args[:global][:config], self, { :foreground => @args[:local][:foreground], :log_file => @args[:global][:log_file], :log_level => @args[:global][:log_level], :tld => @args[:global][:tld], :port => @args[:global][:port] }) @logger = nil @logger = self.get_logger rescue DevDNSd::Errors::InvalidConfiguration, DevDNSd::Errors::InvalidRule => e @logger.fatal(e.message) raise SystemExit end self end # Check if we are running on MacOS X. # System services are only available on that platform. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if the current platform is MacOS X, `false` otherwise. def is_osx? Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /^darwin/ end # Gets the current logger of the application. # # @return [Logger] The current logger of the application. def get_logger @logger ||= DevDNSd::Logger.create(@config.foreground ? DevDNSd::Logger.default_file : @config.log_file, @config.log_level, @log_formatter) end # Gets the path for the resolver file. # # @param tld [String] The TLD to manage. # @return [String] The path for the resolver file. def resolver_path(tld = nil) tld ||= @config.tld "/etc/resolver/#{tld}" end # Gets the path for the launch agent file. # # @param name [String] The base name for the agent. # @return [String] The path for the launch agent file. def launch_agent_path(name = "it.cowtech.devdnsd") ENV["HOME"] + "/Library/LaunchAgents/#{name}.plist" end # Executes a shell command. # # @param command [String] The command to execute. # @return [Boolean] `true` if command succeeded, `false` otherwise. def execute_command(command) system(command) end # Updates DNS cache. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if command succeeded, `false` otherwise. def dns_update @logger.info("Flushing DNS cache and resolvers ...") self.execute_command("dscacheutil -flushcache") end # Starts the DNS server. # # @return [Object] The result of stop callbacks. def perform_server RubyDNS::run_server(:listen => [[:udp, @config.address, @config.port.to_integer]]) do self.logger = Application.instance.logger match(/.+/, Application::ANY_REQUEST) do |match_data, transaction| transaction.append_question! Application.instance.config.rules.each do |rule| begin # Get the subset of handled class that is valid for the rule resource_classes = Application::ANY_CLASSES & rule.resource_class.ensure_array if resource_classes.present? then resource_classes.each do |resource_class| # Now for every class matches = rule.match_host(match_data[0]) Application.instance.process_rule(rule, resource_class, rule.is_regexp? ? matches : nil, transaction) if matches end end rescue Exception => e raise e end end end # Default DNS handler otherwise do |transaction| transaction.failure!(:NXDomain) end # Attach event handlers self.on(:start) do Application.instance.on_start end self.on(:stop) do Application.instance.on_stop end end end # Processes a DNS rule. # # @param rule [Rule] The rule to process. # @param type [Class] The type of request. # @param match_data [MatchData|nil] If the rule pattern was a Regexp, then this holds the match data, otherwise `nil` is passed. # @param transaction [Transaction] The current DNS transaction (http://rubydoc.info/gems/rubydns/RubyDNS/Transaction). # @return A reply for the request if matched, otherwise `false` or `nil`. def process_rule(rule, type, match_data, transaction) is_regex = rule.match.is_a?(Regexp) type = DevDNSd::Rule.resource_class_to_symbol(type) Application.instance.logger.debug("Found match on #{rule.match} with type #{type}.") if !rule.block.nil? then reply = rule.block.call(match_data, type, transaction) else reply = rule.reply end if is_regex && reply && match_data[0] then reply = match_data[0].gsub(rule.match, reply.gsub("$", "\\")) end Application.instance.logger.debug(reply ? "Reply is #{reply} with type #{type}." : "No reply found.") if reply then options = rule.options final_reply = [] case type when :MX preference = options.delete(:preference) preference = 10 if !preference.is_integer? final_reply << preference end if [:A, :AAAA].include?(type) then final_reply << reply else final_reply << Resolv::DNS::Name.create(reply) end final_reply << options.merge({:resource_class => DevDNSd::Rule.symbol_to_resource_class(type)}) transaction.respond!(*final_reply) elsif reply == false then false else reply end end # Starts the server in background. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succedeed, `false` otherwise. def action_start logger = self.get_logger logger.info("Starting DevDNSd ...") if @config.foreground then self.perform_server else RExec::Daemon::Controller.start(self.class) end true end # Stops the server in background. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succedeed, `false` otherwise. def action_stop RExec::Daemon::Controller.stop(self.class) true end # Installs the server into the system. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succedeed, `false` otherwise. def action_install logger = get_logger if !self.is_osx? then logger.fatal("Install DevDNSd as a local resolver is only available on MacOSX.") return false end resolver_file = self.resolver_path launch_agent = self.launch_agent_path # Installs the resolver begin logger.info("Installing the resolver in #{resolver_file} ...") open(resolver_file, "w") {|f| f.write("nameserver\n") f.write("port #{@config.port}") f.flush } rescue => e logger.error("Cannot create the resolver file.") return false end begin logger.info("Creating the launch agent in #{launch_agent} ...") args = $ARGV ? $ARGV[0, $ARGV.length - 1] : ["A"] plist = {"KeepAlive" => true, "Label" => "it.cowtech.devdnsd", "Program" => (Pathname.new(Dir.pwd) + $0).to_s, "ProgramArguments" => args, "RunAtLoad" => true} File.open(launch_agent, "w") {|f| f.write(plist.to_json) f.flush } self.execute_command("plutil -convert binary1 \"#{launch_agent}\"") rescue => e logger.error("Cannot create the launch agent.") return false end begin logger.info("Loading the launch agent ...") self.execute_command("launchctl load -w \"#{launch_agent}\" > /dev/null 2>&1") rescue => e logger.error("Cannot load the launch agent.") return false end self.dns_update true end # Uninstalls the server from the system. # # @return [Boolean] `true` if action succedeed, `false` otherwise. def action_uninstall logger = self.get_logger if !self.is_osx? then logger.fatal("Install DevDNSd as a local resolver is only available on MacOSX.") return false end resolver_file = self.resolver_path launch_agent = self.launch_agent_path # Remove the resolver begin logger.info("Deleting the resolver #{resolver_file} ...") File.delete(resolver_file) rescue => e logger.warn("Cannot delete the resolver file.") return false end # Unload the launch agent. begin self.execute_command("launchctl unload -w \"#{launch_agent}\" > /dev/null 2>&1") rescue => e logger.warn("Cannot unload the launch agent.") end # Delete the launch agent. begin logger.info("Deleting the launch agent #{launch_agent} ...") File.delete(launch_agent) rescue => e logger.warn("Cannot delete the launch agent.") return false end self.dns_update true end # This method is called when the server starts. By default is a no-op. # # @return [NilClass] `nil`. def on_start end # This method is called when the server stop. # # @return [NilClass] `nil`. def on_stop end # Returns a unique (singleton) instance of the application. # @param globals [Hash] Global options. # @param locals [Hash] Local command options. # @param args [Array] Extra arguments. # @return [Application] The unique (singleton) instance of the application. def self.instance(globals = {}, locals = {}, args = [], force = false) @@instance = nil if force @@instance ||= Application.new(globals, locals, args) end # Runs the application in foreground. # # @see #perform_server def self.run self.instance.perform_server end # Stops the application. def self.quit EventMachine.stop end end end