# grizzled-rails-logger *Grizzled Rails Logger* is a Ruby gem that provides an add-on for the stock Rails 3 logger. The `Grizzled::Rails::Logger` module augments the Rails 3 `ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger` class, providing some additional capabilities, including: * Configurable colorized logging (colorized by severity). * Simple timestamp configuration. * The ability to include the PID in each message. * The ability to flatten the log output, removing spurious newlines, so that each message occupies only one line. * An `exception` message that dumps an exception backtrace to the log # Installation for Rails 3 Add the following to your `Gemfile`, and run `bundle install`: gem 'grizzled-rails-logger' If you want the development version of the gem, use: gem 'grizzled-rails-logger', :git => 'git://github.com/bmc/grizzled-rails-logger.git' # Configuration Becaue *Grizzled Rails Logger* merely adds to the standard Rails logger, you can continue to all the usual capabilities of the Rails logger (such as, for instance, tagged logged). To configure *Grizzled Rails Logger*, add a section like the following to your `config/application.rb` file or your individual environment file: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| # Configuration data goes here end The default configuration is equivalent to the following: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| cfg.flatten = true cfg.format = '%[T] (%S) %P %M' cfg.timeformat = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' cfg.colorize = true cfg.colors = { :debug => Term::ANSIColor.cyan, :warn => Term::ANSIColor.yellow + Term::ANSIColor.bold, :fatal => Term::ANSIColor.red + Term::ANSIColor.bold, :error => Term::ANSIColor.red } end Each configuration option is described in more detail, below. ## Colorization By default, *Grizzled Rails Logger* colorizes logging output, using ANSI terminal escape sequences (as defined by the [term-ansicolor][] gem). You can disable colorization by setting the `colorize` option to `false`: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| cfg.colorize = false end You can also change the colors associated with each severity. Suppose, for instance, that you want INFO messages (which normally aren't colorized) to be white, and you wanted DEBUG messages (which are normally cyan) to be bold blue. You'd simply reconfigure those values, as shown below: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| cfg.colors[:debug] = Term::ANSIColor.bold + Term::ANSIColor.blue cfg.colors[:info] = Term::ANSIColor.white end `Term::ANSIColor` is automatically included for you. **WARNING:** *Grizzled Rails Logger* does not verify that the values you store in the color settings are legal ANSI sequences. The following is perfectly legal, though probably not what you want: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| cfg.colors[:debug] = "red" end With that setting, a debug message that normally looks like this: [2012/04/12 14:43:22] (DEBUG) 9816 My debug message will, instead, look like this: red[2012/04/12 14:43:22] (DEBUG) 9816 My debug message ## Exception logging *Grizzled Rails Logger* adds an `exception()` method, providing an easy way to dump a rescued exception and its backtrace: begin # Some dangerous operation rescue Exception => ex logger.exception("Error while doing dangerous thing", ex) end The method takes three parameters, one of which is optional: * `message` - a message to be displayed along with the exception. Can be nil, but must be supplied. * `exception` - the exception to be dumped. * `progname` - program name. Optional; defaults to nil. The exception is dumped at severity level ERROR. Regardless of the setting of `flatten` (see below), the exception's backtrace is always displayed on multiple lines. ## Flattening The default Rails logger includes lots of newlines in its log messages. For example: [2012/04/12 14:59:48] (INFO) 10102 [659d08c8cbcf3ddf543ca3710cee2771] Started GET "/about" for at 2012-04-12 14:59:48 -0400 *Grizzled Rails Logger* automatically flattens log messages to a single line: [2012/04/12 14:59:48] (INFO) 10102 [659d08c8cbcf3ddf543ca3710cee2771] Started GET "/about" for at 2012-04-12 14:59:48 -0400 If you prefer *not* to flatten log messages, disable the `flatten` setting: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| cfg.flatten = false end **NOTE:** Exception backtraces are *never* flattened. ## Formatting Two settings control formatting. ### Message format The `format` setting controls overall message formatting. Four escape sequences control how the message is assembled: * `%T` - Any "%T" sequences in the format are replaced by the current time. The format of the time is controlled by `timeformat` (see below). * `%P` - Any "%P" sequences are replaced with the process ID of the Rails instance that's emitting the message. * `%S` - Any "%S" sequences are replaced with an upper case string representation of the message's severity (e.g., "ERROR", "WARN"). * `%M` - Any "%M" sequences are replaced by the message, including any tags inserted via tagged logging. Any other characters, including blanks, are emitted verbatim. It's legal (but probably silly) to include a sequence multiple times. If you don't want a specific value to be logged, simply omit its escape sequence from the format. The default format is: `[%T] (%S) %P %M`. For example, to change the log format to omit the PID, use: Grizzled::Rails::Logger.configure do |cfg| cfg.format = '[%T] (%S) %M' end ### Time format The `timeformat` setting controls how the current time (see "%T", above) is formatted. `timeformat` is a [strftime][] format string. The default time format is: `%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S` # Alternatives Alternatives to this gem include: * Paul Dowman's [better_logging][] gem * [itslog][] [better_logging]: https://github.com/pauldowman/better_logging [itslog]: https://github.com/johnnytommy/itslog [term-ansicolor]: https://github.com/flori/term-ansicolor [strftime]: http://strftime.net/