module Antlr4::Runtime class Array2DHashSet INITIAL_CAPACITY = 32 # must be power of 2 INITIAL_BUCKET_CAPACITY = 4 LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75 attr_reader :buckets def initialize(comparator = nil, initial_capacity = INITIAL_CAPACITY, initial_bucket_capacity = INITIAL_BUCKET_CAPACITY) comparator.nil? ? @comparator = ObjectEqualityComparator.instance : @comparator = comparator @n_elements = 0 @initial_bucket_capacity = initial_bucket_capacity @threshold = (initial_bucket_capacity * LOAD_FACTOR).floor # when to expand @current_prime = 1 # jump by 4 primes each expand or whatever @buckets = create_buckets(initial_capacity) end def get_or_add(o) expand if @n_elements > @threshold get_or_add_impl(o) end def get_or_add_impl(o) b = get_bucket(o) bucket = @buckets[b] if bucket.nil? bucket = create_bucket(@initial_bucket_capacity) bucket[0] = o @buckets[b] = bucket @n_elements += 1 return o end # LOOK FOR IT IN BUCKET i = 0 while i < bucket.length existing = bucket[i] if existing.nil? # empty slot not there, add. bucket[i] = o @n_elements += 1 return o end if, o).zero? return existing # found existing, quit end i += 1 end # FULL BUCKET, add to end @buckets[b] = bucket bucket << o # add to end @n_elements += 1 o end def get(o) return o if o.nil? b = get_bucket(o) bucket = @buckets[b] if bucket.nil? return nil # no bucket end i = 0 while i < bucket.length e = bucket[i] if e.nil? i += 1 next end return e if, o).zero? i += 1 end nil end def get_bucket(o) h = @comparator.hash(o) h & (@buckets.length - 1) # assumes len is power of 2 end def hash objs = [] i = 0 while i < @buckets.length bucket = @buckets[i] if bucket.nil? i += 1 next end j = 0 while j < bucket.length o = bucket[j] if o.nil? j += 1 next end objs << o j += 1 end i += 1 end @_hash = MurmurHash.hash_objs(objs) end def ==(o) return true if o.equal?(self) return false unless o.is_a? Array2DHashSet return false if o.size != size contains_all(o) end def add(t) existing = get_or_add(t) existing == t end def size @n_elements end def empty? @n_elements == 0 end def contains(o) contains_fast(o) end def contains_fast(obj) return false if obj.nil? !get(obj).nil? end def iterator a = to_a a.sort! {|a, b|, b)} unless @comparator.nil?, self) end def to_a a = [] i = 0 j = 0 while j < @buckets.length bucket = @buckets[j] if bucket.nil? j += 1 next end k = 0 while k < bucket.length o = bucket[k] if o.nil? k += 1 next end a << o i += 1 k += 1 end j += 1 end a end def remove(o) remove_fast(o) end def remove_fast(obj) return false if obj.nil? b = get_bucket(obj) bucket = @buckets[b] if bucket.nil? # no bucket return false end i = 0 while i < bucket.length e = bucket[i] if e.nil? i += 1 next end if, obj).zero? # found it bucket[i] = nil @n_elements -= 1 return true end i += 1 end false end def contains_all(s) if s.is_a? Array2DHashSet i = 0 while i < s.buckets.length bucket = s.buckets[i] if bucket.nil? i += 1 next end j = 0 while j < bucket.length o = bucket[j] if o.nil? j += 1 next end return false unless contains_fast(o) j += 1 end i += 1 end else i = 0 while i < s.length o = s[i] return false unless contains_fast(o) i += 1 end end true end def add_all(c) changed = false i = 0 while i < c.length o = c[i] existing = get_or_add(o) changed = true if existing != o i += 1 end changed end def retain_all(c) newsize = 0 k = 0 while k < @buckets.length bucket = @buckets[k] if bucket.nil? k += 1 next end i = 0 j = 0 while i < bucket.length if bucket[i].nil? i += 1 next end if c.include?(bucket[i]) # keep bucket[j] = bucket[i] if i != j j += 1 newsize += 1 end i += 1 end newsize += j while j < i bucket[j] = nil j += 1 end k += 1 end changed = newsize != @n_elements @n_elements = newsize changed end def remove_all(c) changed = false i = 0 while i < c.length o = c[i] changed |= remove_fast(o) i += 1 end changed end def clear @buckets = create_buckets(INITIAL_CAPACITY) @n_elements = 0 @threshold = (INITIAL_CAPACITY * LOAD_FACTOR).floor end def to_s return '{}' if size == 0 buf = '' buf << '{' first = true items = to_a items.sort! {|a, b|, b)} unless @comparator.nil? i = 0 while i < items.length item = items[i] if item.nil? i += 1 next end if first first = false else buf << ', ' end buf << item.to_s i += 1 end buf << '}' buf end def to_table_string buf = '' i = 0 while i < @buckets.length bucket = @buckets[i] if bucket.nil? buf << "null\n" else buf << '[' first = true j = 0 while j < bucket.length o = bucket[j] if first first = false else buf << ' ' end buf << if o.nil? '_' else o.to_s end j += 1 end buf << "]\n" end i += 1 end buf end def create_buckets(capacity) end def create_bucket(capacity) end class SetIterator def initialize(data, parent) @data = data @parent = parent @next_index = 0 @removed = true end def has_next @next_index < @data.length end def next raise StandardError unless has_next @removed = false result = @data[@next_index] @next_index += 1 result end def remove raise IllegalStateException if @removed parent.remove(@data[@next_index - 1]) @removed = true end end def expand old = @buckets @current_prime += 4 new_capacity = @buckets.length * 2 new_table = create_buckets(new_capacity) new_bucket_lengths =, 0) @buckets = new_table @threshold = (new_capacity * LOAD_FACTOR).floor old_size = size j = 0 while j < old.length bucket = old[j] if bucket.nil? j += 1 next end k = 0 while k < bucket.length o = bucket[k] break if o.nil? b = get_bucket(o) bucket_length = new_bucket_lengths[b] if bucket_length == 0 new_bucket = create_bucket(@initial_bucket_capacity) new_table[b] = new_bucket else new_bucket = new_table[b] if bucket_length == new_bucket.length tmp = * 2) i = 0 while i < new_bucket.length tmp[i] = new_bucket[i] i += 1 end new_bucket = tmp new_table[b] = new_bucket end end new_bucket[bucket_length] = o new_bucket_lengths[b] += 1 k += 1 end j += 1 end raise StandardError, '@nElements != oldSize' if @n_elements != old_size end end end