require 'thumbo/proxy' require 'thumbo/exceptions/file_not_found' module Thumbo def self.included model model.extend(Thumbo::ClassMethod) end def self.calculate_dimension limit, width, height long, short = width >= height ? [width, height] : [height, width] if long <= limit # stay on [width, height] elsif width == height # square [limit, limit] else # detect which is longer # assume width is longer new_width, new_height = limit, short * (limit.to_f / long) # swap if height is longer new_width, new_height = new_height, new_width if long == height [new_width, new_height] end end module ClassMethod def thumbo_storage @thumbo_storage ||= begin require 'thumbo/storages/filesystem' end end def thumbo_common {} end def thumbo_square {} end def thumbo_labels {} end end def thumbos @thumbos ||= init_thumbos end def thumbo_filename thumbo "#{object_id}_#{thumbo.title}.#{thumbo.fileext}" end def thumbo_uri thumbo paths = thumbo.paths paths[rand(paths.size)] end def thumbo_mime_type thumbos[:original].mime_type end def create_thumbos after_scale = lambda{}, &block after_scale = block if block_given? # scale thumbnails self.class.thumbo_common.merge(self.class.thumbo_square).each_key{ |title| after_scale[ thumbos[title].create ] } # the last one don't scale at all, but call hook too after_scale[ thumbos[:original] ] self end private def init_thumbos # just to make sure original is setup. {:original => true}.merge( self.class.thumbo_common.merge( self.class.thumbo_square.merge( self.class.thumbo_labels ) ) ).inject({}){ |result, title_value| title = title_value.first result[title] =, title) result } end end # of Thumbs