require 'spec_helper' describe RSpec::Core::Example, :parent_metadata => 'sample' do let(:example_group) do RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe('group description') end let(:example_instance) do example_group.example('example description') end it_behaves_like "metadata hash builder" do def metadata_hash(*args) example = example_group.example('example description', *args) example.metadata end end describe "#exception" do it "supplies the first exception raised, if any" do example = example_group.example { raise "first" } example_group.after { raise "second" } example.exception.message.should eq("first") end it "returns nil if there is no exception" do example = example_group.example('example') { } example.exception.should be_nil end it "returns false for pending_fixed? if not pending fixed" do example = example_group.example { fail } example.exception.should_not be_pending_fixed end it "returns true for pending_fixed? if pending fixed" do example = example_group.example do pending("fixed") {} end example.exception.should be_pending_fixed end end describe "when there is an explicit description" do context "when RSpec.configuration.format_docstrings is set to a block" do it "formats the description using the block" do RSpec.configuration.format_docstrings { |s| s.strip } example = example_group.example(' an example with whitespace ') {} example.description.should eql('an example with whitespace') end end end describe "when there is no explicit description" do def expect_with(*frameworks) RSpec.configuration.stub(:expecting_with_rspec?).and_return(frameworks.include?(:rspec)) if frameworks.include?(:stdlib) example_group.class_eval do def assert(val) raise "Expected #{val} to be true" unless val end end end end context "when RSpec.configuration.format_docstrings is set to a block" do it "formats the description using the block" do RSpec.configuration.format_docstrings { |s| s.upcase } example_group.example { 5.should eq(5) } pattern = /EXAMPLE AT #{relative_path(__FILE__).upcase}:#{__LINE__ - 2}/ example_group.examples.first.description.should match(pattern) end end context "when `expect_with :rspec` is configured" do before(:each) { expect_with :rspec } it "uses the matcher-generated description" do example_group.example { 5.should eq(5) } example_group.examples.first.description.should eq("should eq 5") end it "uses the file and line number if there is no matcher-generated description" do example = example_group.example {} example.description.should match(/example at #{relative_path(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 2}/) end it "uses the file and line number if there is an error before the matcher" do example = example_group.example { 5.should eq(5) } example_group.before { raise } example.description.should match(/example at #{relative_path(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 3}/) end end context "when `expect_with :rspec, :stdlib` is configured" do before(:each) { expect_with :rspec, :stdlib } it "uses the matcher-generated description" do example_group.example { 5.should eq(5) } example_group.examples.first.description.should eq("should eq 5") end it "uses the file and line number if there is no matcher-generated description" do example = example_group.example {} example.description.should match(/example at #{relative_path(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 2}/) end it "uses the file and line number if there is an error before the matcher" do example = example_group.example { 5.should eq(5) } example_group.before { raise } example.description.should match(/example at #{relative_path(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 3}/) end end context "when `expect_with :stdlib` is configured" do before(:each) { expect_with :stdlib } it "does not attempt to get the generated description from RSpec::Matchers" do RSpec::Matchers.should_not_receive(:generated_description) example_group.example { assert 5 == 5 } end it "uses the file and line number" do example = example_group.example { assert 5 == 5 } example.description.should match(/example at #{relative_path(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__ - 2}/) end end end describe '#described_class' do it "returns the class (if any) of the outermost example group" do described_class.should eq(RSpec::Core::Example) end end describe "accessing metadata within a running example" do it "has a reference to itself when running" do example.description.should eq("has a reference to itself when running") end it "can access the example group's top level metadata as if it were its own" do example.example_group.metadata.should include(:parent_metadata => 'sample') example.metadata.should include(:parent_metadata => 'sample') end end describe "accessing options within a running example" do it "can look up option values by key", :demo => :data do example.metadata[:demo].should eq(:data) end end describe "#run" do it "sets its reference to the example group instance to nil" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do example('example') { 1.should eq(1) } end group.examples.first.instance_variable_get("@example_group_instance").should be_nil end it "runs after(:each) when the example passes" do after_run = false group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do after(:each) { after_run = true } example('example') { 1.should eq(1) } end after_run.should be_true, "expected after(:each) to be run" end it "runs after(:each) when the example fails" do after_run = false group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do after(:each) { after_run = true } example('example') { 1.should eq(2) } end after_run.should be_true, "expected after(:each) to be run" end it "runs after(:each) when the example raises an Exception" do after_run = false group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do after(:each) { after_run = true } example('example') { raise "this error" } end after_run.should be_true, "expected after(:each) to be run" end context "with an after(:each) that raises" do it "runs subsequent after(:each)'s" do after_run = false group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do after(:each) { after_run = true } after(:each) { raise "FOO" } example('example') { 1.should eq(1) } end after_run.should be_true, "expected after(:each) to be run" end it "stores the exception" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe group.after(:each) { raise "FOO" } example = group.example('example') { 1.should eq(1) } example.metadata[:execution_result][:exception].message.should eq("FOO") end end it "wraps before/after(:each) inside around" do results = [] group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do around(:each) do |e| results << "around (before)" results << "around (after)" end before(:each) { results << "before" } after(:each) { results << "after" } example { results << "example" } end results.should eq([ "around (before)", "before", "example", "after", "around (after)" ]) end context "clearing ivars" do it "sets ivars to nil to prep them for GC" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do before(:all) { @before_all = :before_all } before(:each) { @before_each = :before_each } after(:each) { @after_each = :after_each } after(:all) { @after_all = :after_all } end group.example("does something") do @before_all.should eq(:before_all) @before_each.should eq(:before_each) end be_true do |example| %w[@before_all @before_each @after_each @after_all].each do |ivar| example.instance_variable_get(ivar).should be_nil end end end it "does not impact the before_all_ivars which are copied to each example" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do before(:all) { @before_all = "abc" } example("first") { @before_all.should_not be_nil } example("second") { @before_all.should_not be_nil } end be_true end end context 'when the example raises an error' do def run_and_capture_reported_message(group) reported_msg = nil # We can't use should_receive(:message).with(/.../) here, # because if that fails, it would fail within our example-under-test, # and since there's already two errors, it would just be reported again. RSpec.configuration.reporter.stub(:message) { |msg| reported_msg = msg } reported_msg end it "prints any around hook errors rather than silencing them" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do around(:each) { |e|; raise "around" } example("e") { raise "example" } end message = run_and_capture_reported_message(group) message.should =~ /An error occurred in an around.* hook/i end it "prints any after hook errors rather than silencing them" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do after(:each) { raise "after" } example("e") { raise "example" } end message = run_and_capture_reported_message(group) message.should =~ /An error occurred in an after.* hook/i end it 'does not print mock expectation errors' do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do example do foo = mock foo.should_receive(:bar) raise "boom" end end message = run_and_capture_reported_message(group) message.should be_nil end end end describe "#pending" do context "in the example" do it "sets the example to pending" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do example { pending } end group.examples.first.should be_pending end it "allows post-example processing in around hooks (see" do blah = nil group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do around do |example| blah = :success end example { pending } end blah.should be(:success) end end context "in before(:each)" do it "sets each example to pending" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do before(:each) { pending } example {} example {} end group.examples.first.should be_pending group.examples.last.should be_pending end end context "in before(:all)" do it "sets each example to pending" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do before(:all) { pending } example {} example {} end group.examples.first.should be_pending group.examples.last.should be_pending end end context "in around(:each)" do it "sets the example to pending" do group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do around(:each) { pending } example {} end group.examples.first.should be_pending end end end describe "timing" do it "uses RSpec::Core::Time as to not be affected by changes to time in examples" do reporter = double(:reporter).as_null_object group = RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe example = group.example example.__send__ :start, reporter Time.stub(:now => Time.utc(2012, 10, 1)) example.__send__ :finish, reporter expect(example.metadata[:execution_result][:run_time]).to be < 0.2 end end end