## case study
It is a guide to replicate single mysql table to solr.
## configuration
@type mysql_replicator_solr
# Set Solr connection.
host localhost
port 8983
# Set Solr core name and unique id (primary_key) from tag.
# On this case, solr url will be http://localhost:8983/solr/${core_name}
tag_format (?[^\.]+)\.(?[^\.]+)\.(?[^\.]+)$
# Set frequency of sending bulk request to Solr.
flush_interval 5s
# Set maximum retry interval (required fluentd >= 0.10.41)
max_retry_wait 1800
# Queued chunks are flushed at shutdown process.
# It's sample for td-agent. If you use Yamabiko, replace path from 'td-agent' to 'yamabiko'.
flush_at_shutdown yes
buffer_type file
buffer_path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/mysql_replicator_elasticsearch
When you use default core (won't specify), change the value of `tag_format` like below.
On this case, the solr url will be set `http://localhost:8983/solr`
@type mysql_replicator_solr
# Set Solr connection.
host localhost
port 8983
# Set Solr core name and unique id (primary_key) from tag.
# On this case, solr url will be http://localhost:8983/solr/
tag_format (?[^\.]+)\.(?[^\.]+)$
# Set frequency of sending bulk request to Solr.
flush_interval 5s
# Set maximum retry interval (required fluentd >= 0.10.41)
max_retry_wait 1800
# Queued chunks are flushed at shutdown process.
# It's sample for td-agent. If you use Yamabiko, replace path from 'td-agent' to 'yamabiko'.
flush_at_shutdown yes
buffer_type file
buffer_path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/mysql_replicator_solr