class ApiRunner require 'yaml' require 'expectation_matcher' require 'http_client' require 'api_configuration' require 'testcase' CONFIG_FILE = "config/api_runner.yml" SPEC_PATH = "test/api_runner/" EXCLUDES_FILE = "test/api_runner/excludes.yml" # initializes the object, loads environment, build base_uri def initialize(env) @spec = [] @results = [] @excludes = [] @configuration =, env) load_excludes(env) load_url_spec @http_client =,, @configuration.port, @configuration.namespace) @expectation = end # checks servers availability and invokes test cases def run if server_is_available? run_tests @results.each_with_index do |result, index| result.honk_in(@configuration.verbosity, index) end unless @results.empty? else puts("Server #{} seems to be unavailable!") end end protected # runs all testcases that are provided by the testclass an fills errors if there are any def run_tests puts "Running exactly #{@spec.size} tests." @spec.each do |test_case| response = send_request_for(test_case) @expectation.test_types.each do |test_type| result = @expectation.check(test_type, response, test_case) if not result.succeeded putc "F" @results << result break else if test_type == @expectation.test_types.last @results << result putc "." end end end end end # sends http request and fetches response using the given http client def send_request_for(testcase) @http_client.send_request(testcase.request['method'], testcase.request['path'], testcase.request['headers'], testcase.request['body'], testcase.request['parameters']) end # builds target uri from base uri generated of host port and namespace as well as the ressource path def target_uri "#{@configuration.protocol}://#{}" end # returns true if server is available def server_is_available? return true !@http_client.send_request(:get, "#{@configuration.protocol}://#{}:#{@configuration.port}", nil, {:timeout => 5}).nil? end # loads spec cases from yaml files def load_url_spec path = self.class.spec_path specs = [] do |dir_entry| specs.push *YAML.load_file(path+dir_entry) if not ( dir_entry or dir_entry.match(/^\./) or dir_entry.match(/excludes/)) end @spec = objectize(priorize(partition(specs))) end # converts the given array of raw testcases to an array of testcase objects def objectize(raw_specs) specs = [] raw_specs.each do |spec| specs << end specs end # returns only spec whose priority level is less or equals configures priority level # if no priority level is configured for the api runner, 0 is assumed # if no priority level ist configured for a story, 0 is assumed def priorize(specs) relevant_specs = [] specs.each do |spec| relevant_specs << spec if spec['priority'].nil? or spec['priority'].to_i <= @configuration.priority.to_i end relevant_specs end # partitions the spec if keywords like 'focus', 'until' or 'from exist' # and returns the relevant subset of specs that have to be tested then def partition(specs) relevant_specs = [] specs.each do |spec| if spec['focus'] relevant_specs << spec break elsif spec['until'] relevant_specs = specs[0..specs.index(spec)] break elsif spec['from'] relevant_specs = specs[specs.index(spec)..specs.size+1] break end end relevant_specs = specs if relevant_specs.empty? relevant_specs end # loads and parses items that need to be excluded from the checks in certain environments def load_excludes(env) excludes_file = self.class.excludes_file @excludes = YAML.load_file(excludes_file).detect{ |a| a.first == env.to_s }[1]["excludes"] rescue nil end # returns config files path and can be stubbed this way def self.config_file CONFIG_FILE end # returns path to spec files that can be stubbed for tests def self.spec_path SPEC_PATH end # returns excludes file path that can be stubbed def self.excludes_file EXCLUDES_FILE end end