= simple-layout In your Gemfile: roup :development do gem "simple-layout" # Last officially released gem nd From console: $rails g layout simple # To generate simple layout $rails destroy layout simple # To remove files related to simple layout In your controller: class PostsContorller < ApplicationController layout 'simple' ... end To detailize your layout, modifiy app/views/layout/simple.html.erb That's it. Hope it's simple!! == Contributing to simple-layout For those who wants to create your layout and share with others, please make your .css to match to the layout below: You need to make the following files and directories 1. styles.css 2. /images directory with files used by styles.css 3. index.html to show an example 3. .html.erb, which will be copied to app/views/layouts If you can, send me a pull request. You can also send it to me, so that your layout can be shared. +-- #header -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-- #logo --+ | | | | | | +-----------+ | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-- #navigatgion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +- #sidebar -+ +--- #contents -----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | +-- #notice ----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-- #footer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Example #header img { border: 1px sold black } == Copyright Copyright (c) 2012 Allen Kim. See LICENSE.txt for further details.